"No....I came back to stop you"

What a shitty line for Batmans big comeback in TDKR

Can Sup Forums come up with something better?

>If I pull that off, would you die?

>It would be extremely painful

Only a master of evil, Bane

"No... I came back to kick your ass and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of bubblegum.

"No, I came back to add you to its foundation."

Shoulda been
>You came to die with your city

>no I came back to save it

Nolan is a hack

"No... I came back for you."

"all I'm here for is you"

"This city doesn't have my permission to die"

This would've been great
This is so simple and straightforward, I have no idea why they couldn't have just gone iwth this instead.

No, I came back to stop Drumpf

I came back...
For you

"you had me at "so""

Saying nothing would have been fine. Or "I came back to save it".

The weirdest part about the scene isn't even the line, it's the delivery.

It's a flat, wide shot where you see their legs and arms hanging at his side, in the daylight. It's really strange. Really sticks out in the movie.

Fucking underrated

>You came to die with your city
>no I came back for you

>No... CIA was a good friend


This could work if it was played seriously.

>So you came back to die with your city?
>. . . *leap punch*

Did anyone else chuckle? Why wouldn't Nolan just have Gotham give him that name?

>you're a big guy

"Bane, it's time to stop your evil and foolish ways, It's time for a mask off."

*They begin to fight as Mask Off™ by Future starts playing"

What would Iron Man have said instead?

they're not my city

>"I never left"

There should have been no words. Only violence.

>So you came back to die with your city?

would have been perfect cause he actually "dies"

No, I came back.... FOR YOU!

Anyone disappointed that Batman didn't beat Bane to death and was killed by le gurl power?

you merely adopted this city, I was born in it, molded by it

"Die in a ditch you nigger darth vader wannabe"

'What'd you say? I didnt hear you."

Catwoman did nothing of worth the entire other than looking dumb and the stupid shit you just mentioned.

this is unironically pretty great

"How about a dance off bro?"


>killed by le gurl power?
He actually got killed by the power of high explosive 30mm shells (that batman gave her)

>Bane.. easy on the darkness

"Ever Dance With The Devil In The Pale Moon Light?"

>So you came back to die with your city?

>No. (starts fighting)

There. Keeps the bluntness without sounding retarded.

Jesus Christ. This.