
What went wrong?

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it was never good.

these mothafuckin dubs

they rehashed the same plot over and over again.

they killed off doakes and then didn't end the show right fucking there

The first season was pretty okay though. Not the biggest fan but it was watchable. Dropped it right around S3, so I really wouldn't know if it got better from there

Show continued past the logical closure point of season 4, and instead of the show being about a man's selfish desires ruining his connections to the people in his life it turned into basically capeshit about the dark defender

also entirely female writing staff

people saw it as for its true colors, poor man's death note

Got really stupid when Debra though she was in love with Dexter. What idiot thought that up?

kek. i'd forgotten about that

why is dexter so fucking ugly holy shit

>also entirely female writing staff
this mostly. Dexter started as a charming autist who killed for sport and ended as a boring serial killer struggling with muh feelings
it's actually disturbing to compare the intro to the show in the later seasons - one is a great play on dark humor, and the other is barely a step above a shitty soap

It got really stupid long before that.

Apparently some really terrible showrunner took over a few seasons in and made the whole thing go to complete shit. Then for whatever reason they let the same person do Iron Fist.

I wanna read the books sometime, I hear they incorporate supernatural stuff.

>"could it be... am I really the monster this painting portrays me as..."
>"yes dexter, you turned into the very thing you wished to avoid"


Ooh, you almost posted a good burn but then you fucked up your English which made you look very uncool.

DN was always a poor man's Crime and Punishment, anyway.

Seemed like they just had a premise but no actual idea for a plot, especially in the latter seasons. Whole thing was a mess desu

Women writers

the premise wore thin.

but honestly, if he had stayed as an autist it would have gotten procedural as shit. there just isn't the depth there to make it work like Hannibal.

The guy who kept the show running left after s4

>ended as a boring serial killer struggling with muh feelings
As it should be. The problem was they dragged it for too long. You can't have a series that's only about a retarded guy killing serial killers, that shit's gonna get boring fast.

It went past season 4 also doakes died.



Too many fucking seasons.

>What went wrong?
Killed doakes too early. It was like killing Hank Schrader too early. You just don't do that.

First two season was good. 3 was meh. 4 is overrated. Went downhill from 5.

He stopped serial killing

Obviously it went on too long and got really hammy and shit, but he's a fucking serial killer, who stopped serial killing and just started following 1 bloke around for 10 episodes in some contrived situation

like most tv shows, it just went on for too long.
The fact that the original showrunner left should have been a massive red flag.
Most shows that go through a showrunner swap usually end up being worse for it, because the og showrunner leaving tends to mean that the staff has basically ran out of stories worth telling.
The last show that I felt was perfect in terms of lenght was The Leftovers, and I'm sure if it was more popular it'd have been milked, but 28 episodes felt just right - it left me wanting some more, but that's fine, because I'd much rather be feeling that over feeling so tired with the show that I give up before it ends (which I did with Dexter, I quit midway of S6, it was just so formulaic and tired at that point)

Writer's strike after season 4, new writers were put in place. The show should have ended after season 4

Breaking Bad had a perfect length too.

See how many serial killings he goes on in the first series, just because he's a SERIAL KILLER and HAS to kill compared to later on?

Bump for Dexter?

Why is she so pure, Sup Forums?

>season 1
>super autist who tries to act like human and treats rita like a pet because doesn't understand romance

>season 8
>wow that chick tried to kill my sister I guess I am not a sociopath anymore time for some romance

>married three times
>hides the first one from her third 'husband'
>dates junkies


Felt the same

fuck you she's just a troubled girl

Which is Dexter's best kill?

It could have always been worse. The fucking books involve Dexter being caught and then going on reality TV where people watch him kill people.

Do they fuck

I am currently working with a great artist on a webcomic parody of Dexter, instead of Dexter being a man he's a woman and instead of being a serial killer she's a pedophile having serial sex with boys.

Very soon (right after season 1) the writers started focusing on narrative structure more and more and disregarding the artistic baggage. The result is basically what big brother or walking dead is, it's a bunch of stuff that happens like characters developing and pacing and drama, etc. But it fails to stock with you after you turn it off beyond the addiction to the narrative.