Guys, help me out here

Guys, help me out here...

Walter can self-repair his wounds, which is an upgrade as he is a newer model, a feature David lacks.

So, uhm, wouldn't finding him stapling his wounds, be a pretty clear indication that something was amiss?

ridley scott is a hack.
more news at 11

also the crew was filled with retards.
it was a bad movie

But this is beyond normal hackery, something is established (both verbally and visually), and then forgotten scant minutes afterwards.

I guess what follows is "duh".

scott is old and senile
that is just butthurt that cameron managed to improve over his movie by making aliens better and cemented ripley as a great character.

also david's xenomorphs where weaker and dumber then died quicker then the protomorphs in the movie.
hell even the 'dumb bugs' of aliens are smarter and lasted longer.

>a feature David lacks.
Says who?

>Walter can self-repair his wounds, which is an upgrade as he is a newer model, a feature David lacks.

When was this said in the movie?

David and Walter.

David is taken by surprise by Walter surviving the throat wound, he had no idea that was a thing Walter could do. Walter then retorts that he is an updated model.

And well, the fact that in pic related David is mending his wounds with a staple gun.

>be a super advanced, self aware android
>incapable of closing open wounds with a stapler

Yeah, that's not the same thing at all. That's more like when the Terminator rerouted power to reactivate itself in T2.

And considering David survived getting his head ripped off it's not even that impressive.

Doesnt necessarily mean that his skin exterior will heal like Wolverine.

These are space explorers that cant even be bothered to wear helmets

Hired by a company whose geologists get lost in a cave system they themselves mapped

The new Alien-verse is populated with idiots

All that's true, but OP is complaining about something that didn't happen.

He's an updated model that can reactivate himself after David disables him. Being able to heal is never mentioned once.

But he's right. It's shown that Walter's skin exterior can heal itself.

yet another faggot looking for a plot hole where there isn't one

move right along guys


That's literally what happened, Walter's wound wasn't there. They even have a close up to his neck during the fight, and the wound was closed.

Actually, that's another plothole in itself. David got his hed ripped off and he continued functioning, so it doesn't make sense that a neck stab would shut down Walter like that.

The wound didn't close, it just stopped bleeding.

Ffs, when Walter has nearly defeated David, David's voicebox is damaged and his voice sounds synthesized 20 mins later its a perfect copy of Walter? Fuck this film

no it's not a fucking plothole.

christ alive you nitpicky cunts are insufferable.

he might have some sort of healing power. it might have limitations. whatever david did to walter to shut him down was precisely targeted, whereas ripping off david's head was not.

a plothole is a SIGNIFICANT NARRATIVE DEFECT. a movie does not suck because of some trivial detail you thought was underexplained. that is not a plot hole. that is nerd scrutiny.

The chick didn't know this. She was only told by David that Walter was "expired" without clarifying anything, so there was hardly any reason for straight up assuming that Walter must have regenerated wounds when anything could have happened really.

The bigger plot hole is that the ship automatically identifies foreign bodies.

It was able to identify the xenomorph as an alien, but for some reason David's older model that has been missing for years on a planet, and which has undoutably been contaminated and changed was still let aboard the ship.

Its just Ridley being an idiot. Covenant is bad.

When it fucking showed you it happening right on screen retard.

Fucking morons on this board who debate for half a thread about something they've got no fucking clue about

I would assume that Weyland Yutani would inform the crew their android's capabilities. At least there would be a damned hand manual around somewhere

Tenesse turned muthur off because of ion storm damage. Fucking weak ass plot device right there.

Just like they inform Ripley in Alien that one of the crew members is a robot right?

oh wait

And a way to turn them off surely?

Wait, they don't know what their robot can do? Because a self-repair function kinda sounds like something they should be aware of.

The difference here is they already know Walter is an android

It's not like on the Nostromo where Ash is incognito around a bunch of dumb space truckers

Give me a time stamp then, faggot.

The fuck does that have to do with anything. Ash was planted on purpose, of course they won't tell.

Internet culture has turned narrative analysis into a shallow shit slinging show. People legitimately judge a narrative on plot contrivances they saw on Cinemasins. Unfortunately, your post is lost on them

Not him, but like the other guy said, during the Walter Vs. David fight, Walter clearly doesn't have his neck wound anymore.

it's been shown time and time again that the crew members are kept in the dark about things

in prometheus the crew didn't even know what they signed up for

there's no reason to think that the crew know all about the androids

Why should they be aware of anything the androids can do?

The androids are perfectly autonomous and more intelligent than humans, it's not some dumb machine that you need to repair every once in a while

The neck wound was tiny, how are we supposed to see it in a dark room with lots of movement?

That was actually what happened with his neck though. The hole healed itself which means he does have tissue regeneration like wolverine.

Then why didn't his arm heal?

The little chestburster alien was adorable.

That is an absurd and weak leap in logic and you know it

At the end of the day, Alien Covenant is still a weak movie rife with dumb plot contrivances

>That is an absurd and weak leap in logic and you know it

we can argue about it

the absurdity here is to assert that crew members should know about the self healing

>two movies to explain where the xenomorphs came from


He's using prometheus as a baseline, as if it wasn't total dogshit, implying he hasn't seen any other movies.

it's called an example to support a point, retard

What the hell did David do to Walther with that neck thing? It was so fast and shaky that it made no sense.


Probably hit some vulnerable spot.