What's this nigga's superpower?

What's this nigga's superpower?

Triggering Sup Forums

he can take bbc in his mouth

rich nigga

Looking fly

>super advanced nigger race
>still spearchuckking
Don't they realise the obvious fact that the joos are mocking them?

His pimp hand.

>1 (one) african tribe does the mouth plate thing
>Millions of blacks have been stereotyped because of them

The fact that they embrace this should tell you something.

gets me every time

That has to be one big fucking tribe, because everytime I turn on the telly on wildlife there are dozens of plate niggers.

It's ridiculous to me how these primitive habits are celebrated just because black people do it. Seriously why the fuck would a rational person remove their lower front teeth and stretch their lip with a giant fucking plate. It's fucking retarded let's be real here

I cant wait to hear him talk

Progressiveness. 100 years ago these people were literally in the circus because of these things. We had the right idea all those years ago no reason to change them.

For the same reason Americans cut the benis of their children : cultural values

Aiv fere fo fe jobf ifenfiew

>mfw lobotomy was actually a thing people willingly did to themselves and their children

he has a strong pimp game

thats what they want you to believe m8. Im not even black and I can tell that the media makes it seem as if they all live in huts and have CD's in their mouths

Who is triggered? It's laughable if anything

can that mouth plate be removed? Or is he stuck wearing that color of clothing to match with it his entire life?

To power to be black if whites just minded their own fucking business.

Numerous tribes in different regions (From Chad down to Mozambique) of Africa do it.
Its exclusively worn by women though.


is this the least diverse marvel movie to date?

Being a kangz.