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fuck nolan

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I hope we finally see a movie about brave Muslim soldiers during WW2

>French and Russians are angry about Dunkirk film
>Dunkirk Feminist Review: Women Absent — Why?
>Why the lack of Indian and African faces in Dunkirk matters
>The French are pissed about their minor role in 'Dunkirk'
>Dunkirk: the film that has rightwing writers itching for a culture war
>Big Issue: "No women or 'people of colour'"
>Women's Mag: Women Won't Like 'Dunkirk.' Only Men Care About War

so the name literally means "MOORED"?

and people wonder why gamergate was a thing

Fucking bizarre isn't it?

and fuck white ppl

Moviegate when?

Fuck nolan and fuck white people

My Grandad fought at Monte Cassino...

Go track down your cousins mate.

I gotta agree that pissing on the french soldier was kinda an a-hole move by Nolan. I don't understand why he wrote his death.

Gamergate was about the absolute pathetic state of game "journalism". But all you guys got baited into the identity wars, baited hard.

>not enough nazis

how is this a fucking complaint

>99.99% white event

But what about the blacks?

>Only men care about war

Yes, because they're the only ones forced to fight in it.

There were blacks in the film serving in the French Army.

But that's beside the point, the film is about British people struggling to get home while the world around them burns. 99.9% of Britain was white during the war.

>"oy you wazzock close yor ruddy blackout curtains, bunker's over here lads, i'll get the tea on"

the brave men actually went to war.

and in the end it prepared everyone for the election. It played a role

I don't see what the problem is.

Make a film with a totally black and Indian cast and crew and we'll see if it is as good as Dunkirk

memes aside, is Dunkirk anything I haven't already seen in a dramatic WW2 film?

Fuck these fags, this is the only opinion that matters
>no moment in the history of cinema will ever capture this type of raw human emotion

Robert Fisk? More like Robert Fist yourself

Why does he talk like an englishman if he's canadian?

no. It's cool to see in imax, but if you're watching it any other way it's nothing special

I raise you this

Did Nolan bust in the wrong Jew's cheerios or something?

Nah, he just pandered to the worst demographic.


>But all you guys got baited into the identity wars
Oh shut up. It's about damn time that white people start to advocate for their own self-interests.

that's not what happened at all. in the end it ground to a halt because a bunch of fags on twatter started tonepolicing people on their own side instead of focusing on the journos.

>n-no don't be TOO MEAN to these sjws, it'll make us look b-bad.
and in the end it brokedown into infighting between these groups until there was nothing but cringy boring fags like sargon and mundane matt and everybody else gradually left/stop bothering.

Gamergate is interesting because it drew the battlelines of the split in the disenfranchised youth - the first generation to grow up in a fully formed mass-media world.

The SJW/Red Pill movements were already apparent of course, but GG really threw it into the public eye, and made both mass membership movements (although the Red Pill vanguard sort of morphed into the alt-right). If you want to really stretch things, you could argue that Brexit and Trump have their roots in the ideological differences Gamergate exposed

Ohhhh... you mean to real people.

The problem for them is he didn't pander at all. He showed Dunkirk how it really was to the best of his ability. Fortunately most people don't care about identity politics just hard left feminists and people looking for clicks

It clearly shows lots of women working on the ships helping evacuate soldiers (which is historically accurate), and as far as I could tell they all died when the ships sank.

>making any film about European history that doesn't feature it's ORIGINAL natives
>black muslims


>Dunkirk: the film that has rightwing writers itching for a culture war

Scratching my head here because the only complaints I've heard have been entirely from trashy, leftist rags

I'm so fucking tired of this shit, lads. I wish a war broke off in Continental Europe and the US to wipe out these weak pussies once and for all, I'm so tired of these coward cunts.

They're all collectively out of their gourd and BARELY deserve the lead that should be shot in the back of their heads as a favour to civilised mankind.

>make a film about losing
>French people are upset they weren't in it


>Ethnic minority British citizens
>Before British Nationality Act of 1948

nice fucking try, dumbarse


nobody gives a shit about video games you manchild

A coupe of years ago I laughed at retarded afrocentrism but these people now genuinely believe that niggers had an impact on every single event in the history of the world and it kills me inside.

can we repeal that act pls

People who say Eternal September and AOL let all the retards on to the Internet were wrong. Those newfags were fucking rocket scientists compared to this.

The iPhone and mobile Internet has opened the floodgates to a new generation of unbelievable fucking morons, actual screeching howler monkeys

we did
Days of Glory

No, white people, silly!

White men, even! That's a big no-no.

>it's a lefties whinge about something new for a week episode

>Days of Glory
>During WWII, four North African men enlist in the French army to liberate that country from Nazi oppression, and to fight French discrimination

ALL libshits are literally subhuman and need to be holocausted. not blacks, not jews. it's sjw pc libshit commie fucks who erode and destroy societies, nations and countries from within.