YFW *that* scene


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the scene obviously won't be in it

how many times do we have to go over this
hollywood doesn't have the balls to adapt that scene. its a stupid scene anyways you faggot pedophile

tfw 2 intelegent 4 it

im ready for it

IT is gonna be that movie used to push pedophillia acceptance on the people further

>why won't you watch the movie about kids having sex? all your friends love it!

Which one is the girl?

The scene where Patrick masturbates Henry? You sick fuck

Why the fuck is this nigga's eyes looking in the wrong directions

Gonna be litty not a dry seat in the theater


Why did they give him buck teeth?

What was the point of *that* scene anyway?

A little girl letting all her friends fuck her sounds like some little kid''s fap fantasy not the work of a critically aclaimed author.
Fetishist shit like this is why I could never take King seriously as a writer


it wasn't in fukunaga and chase's script (the one that was already too uncommercial for warner bros) and it won't be in the final movie. fukunaga and chase didn't even have animal cruelty in their version.

this is way more the normiecore version of It than fans of the book realize.

They were boys, then became men.

in order to escape they had to stop being children

It was to strengthen their bond together so that they could find their way out.

>September 8th

Fucc I thought it was out already

Im a big Stephen King, but he was coked out of his mind when he wrote this.
I get what he tried to convey with that scene, but he must have been pretty naive to not to realize it would cause some unconfortable reactions on his readers.
Then again it was the 80's, when child porn and incest were considered taboo, something that people liked to pretend simply didnt exist

I haven't read the book in decades, but the scene that made me squeamish was the scene refers to.

I guess I'll be going to see this one alone

Only movie I've been any bit hype to see in ages.

>Im a big Stephen King
for me

Only reason I'd see It


That scene was confirmed to not be in this movie, y'know. The director also said IT's final form isn't going to be a spider.

>The director also said IT's final form isn't going to be a spider.



I know the spider thing is stupid, but it's also be faithful to the book, so I'm not sure what to make of this.

It's a horror. It's supposed to make you squemish.

>That scene was confirmed to not be in this movie, y'know.

Retard its from the scene where they swim

The comment is shopped

The children aren't going to fuck. jesus christ Sup Forums i know you're pedophiles and all, but be realistic.

where's the black kid?

What's "that" scene everyone is referring to?




Start reading. You'll know it when you see it, my man.

Ah, child orgy

i don't browse Sup Forums because i like to read

You ask the same question every week. It's time to stop concern trolling.

That's the day they all jump in the lake off that cliff. It's in the trailer.


Spider is just another avatar. The only form that needs to be in the movie are the deadlights and loser's fears.

>child porn and incest taboo

I see reddit revisionists are here again. There was an epidemic of child rape and murder back then you fucking nigger. George H.W. Bush was an evil fuck. Raygun too.

she was too busy banging that the black boy while the white bois watched! ahaha!

How old is the actress playing Beverly in this one? she just older compared to the boys.

me on the right. fuck lactose intolerance.

ya fuck Drumpft

They're saving the spider for the sequel when they become adults

it was some of the weirdest shit, and at the time caught me off guard. but rereading it years later it sort of fits into the whole blood ritual occult shit that is going on. it is also a moment where she is in control of her own sexuality, which has not been the case before and will not be the case after this in her abusive relationship as an adult

Have fun rotting in prison.

Actually made me kek in a public restroom

I'm fuckn ded lmao

>sex makes you a real man
That's the stupidest thing EVER

pol literally turns people into deranged lunatics

>George H.W. Bush
Who is Ronald Reagan you fuking shitass

>tfw Bev's abusive father was right the whole time and she actually was a little tart

I think it makes sense that Bev used her sexuallity as a way to reconect themselves as a group, but my point is Stephen King should have known better that it would be taken by his detractors as a excuse to label him a run of the mill smut peddler

You can't deduce why a clown has buck teeth? HAHAHAHA

did they CG that shadow?

Found the Yurohammed

>not leaning into Sophia Lillis
Are they all sexist?

yes. notice how the blacks are crushed so there's no information in them even when you fuck with the gamma.

i guess it saved time on set and gave them open options for just how much of pennywise they wanted to show. the downside is you immediately register it as artificial.

>no turtle
I am mad. I've been waiting to see this forever. that turtle helped me through some serious things when I was younger. I would dress up as the turtle for Halloween. I did this when I was 13 all the way up to 17. when I was going through life problems I would think "what would the turtle do?" seriously, not showing the turtle was mistake and this movie will suffer for that mistake

King is an old hack faggot addict jew who sold out long ago, the Gunslinger and the Gunslinger alone is his best work. As soon as he saw "success" he was KIKED.

The turtle is in the trailer

That part doesn't bother me because that kind of orgy is pretty common when you're entering your teens. There's always that tomboy friend that end up being used as the group cumdumpster. Pretty much every social circle had one.


The Jew producers recreate the scene behind the scenes

hol up a fuckin second
there is a scene in the old movie IT and the new one where a little girl lets her get fucked by her friends to they become "adults" in order to escape this clown?

Wh would you want that scene.

It does nothing for the story or plot?

because i love little girls

Why is Bev so cute?

stephen king's readers confirmed pedos


>lel humiliate me guise

From my point of view the jews are evil

not in the movie. in the book. it goes on for like 3-5 pages. people usually post the pages in these types of threads

how did they get so many good actors for the old IT movie but it ended up still sucking ass?

you are reading this post right now :^)

Will have the scene where the crazy bully poisons Mike Hanlon's dog while screaming "NIGGER DOG NIGGER DOG". That bit freaked me out while reading it and really sets up that kid's sadistic disposition. It'd be iconic if done properly.

Ok reddit

Please don't go shooting up any public places looking for underground pedo rings, user, the world is already pretty fucked up as it is.