You guys should have watched many of them in winter Olympics. What did you find the differences?

You guys should have watched many of them in winter Olympics. What did you find the differences?

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Shut the hell up!
Only the summer Olympics is relevant.

They all still look like aliens to me.

inb4 > no all rook same

Far right in the middle is a cutie.

leaf out

All Chinese wear glasses
50% of Korean wear glasses
None of Japanese wear glasses

>t. negroid

superior nippon eyesight

I'd fuck all of them, even the ugly ones.
>especially the ugly ones.

Sk cutest of the three desu
Only top left is cutest of em all

Top left corner for me

I just noticed that all of them are asian
Holy shit im a genius

All I found was Maia shib is goodness.
We should let her come back here.

Why am I not allowed to have women as my property? They look so submissive I feel tempted...

first chinese, last korean and third japanese are the best btw....

They literally all look the same.

Japan honoary NORDIC!

top 1
mid 4
bottom 3

Superior nippon genes.

far right jap girl is a qt

No. Nippons are more concerned about being qt and wear contact lenses.

They all look equally ugly

The only difference is that some if them are wearing glasses and some not.

Far right on middle with out glasses


>human beings
