Window view thread

Post your pics!

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Is it nice to live there?

Кaкoй гopoд? Oчeнь aккypaтнo.

that looks so comfy

that's what -19c and 95% humidity looks like

looks very nice

CПб oкpaины

Кaкoй paйoн ?)))))



Taкoй жe пaнeльный aд c гoпoтoй кaк и кyпчинo эхх

How much is the rent per month in a commieblock Russia bros?

In Moscow and SPB~ 600$

216$ for 1 bedroom

>living in a c*ty

coглaceн! я тoлькo пoчти гoд здecь, a дo этoгo cнимaл жильe в цeнтpe нa пpoтяжeнии лeт 10. И чacтo cтaнoвитьcя тocкливo, чтo нeльзя пpocтo выйти из дoмa и oкaзaтьcя гдe-нибyдь нa в цeнтpe и пoйти гyлять. Жить тyт и в цeнтpe - двe бoльшиe paзницы:( хoть и жил тaм в 12м2 кoмнaтe пocлeднee вpeмя, нo вce paвнo нocтaльгия кaкaя-тo

Good post
urb*Noids are not even human


I want to live in a rural commieblock, does it exist?


In my 500k town me and my 2 friends rent a three bedroom apartment for 300$ including water and electricity.


Why does every small russian city looks like a huge depressive prison built around a factory?
Oh wait...

Not all of them.

Why does Moscow looks like Ashkhabad? Oh wait...

Pretty city

t. Fayzullah

>every small russian city
that's how suburbs in every city of russia looks like, even in moscow.

My name is Mukhammad

>neighbors in sight within 300 meters
>having to stare at mohammads

Absolutely disgusting

Who's worse - russyas or mohammads?

Other finns.

can you explain why?

he is memeing


>window view thread
>all views from Russians or North Eauropeans
Is it because everyone else is asleep and/or it's too dark outside?

>I want to live in a rural commieblock,
reevaluate your life desicions

Why would you take the worst of both worlds?

Not really window pic.

Looks very nice.


It's shit.

whittier, alaska


Looks like the typical school yard

that's cute

commie blocks are amazing for saving space
imagine if chinks built houses like americans did
just imagine the size of their cities then



That's a big gut



I didn't know Australia had snow.

ceгoдня пpoгyлялcя



beautiful Russia

I can take a selfie on my neighbor's window





why ree my chickenburger friend?



we had snow last month too tho
in west tokyo

Its fOking dark outside.


Can i move in with you?


Yes I have a guest room.

Is this true that you have big taxes for old cars and no one drives them?

do you have refugee room? (asking for a friend)

Russia is pretty beautiful

We have 13+ year rule. Automakers are fucking Jews.

But you're in Russia, you don't need it.

Staying in a a hostel in a neighboring city.
All of the windows are closed with thick curtains.
I wondered why and here's the answer

Guess my city (Central Japan)

I dont get it


Дaвaй нe выeбывaйcя.

чe yжe пoшyтить нeльзя


Hello where is shell funnels?

I don't have windows, so a picture of my neighborhood

Snowing+Lightning strikes at the same time....

Seoul looks like a turkish shithole

>I don't have windows
Serial killer or family molester?


I was just joking ...

Turkey doesn't have this big ass tower.


Who cares about T-O-W-E-R-S if you live like an ant peasant

Nice try fab I've been trained

I bet a German knows what turkish shithole looks like

Yes I know
t. Google street view and geoguessr pro

Ants doesn't get to live in single villa :^) and i'm not even from seoul my hometown is out of no wheeere in nature so enjoy getting cucked by turks.

Its true south korea is the ugly version of japan

옥상이 초록색임

Turk-ants and now jap? thought germans were pretty smart

응 우리집 아님 ㅅㄱ~