Gene Hackman

Everyone knows Gene Hackman is one of the greatest actors and everyone knows his famous films like Unforgiven, Bonnie and Clyde and The French Connection. But what I'm wondering is: what are his films that are lesser known and/or underrated that are also good? He's got a big filmography so it stands to reason there are some largely unknown gems in there. So, what are they?

Pretty good late Cold War flick.

Not really unknown at all but he was fantastic in Get Shorty

This guy made bad movies watchable

Night Moves -- although it's far from underrated nowadays. Very good neo-noir.

WTF Gene Hackman is still alive?

Look no further than The Conversation

None of his films are largely unknown. Anyway, here's a good one.

He's hilarious in Heartbreakers
This is a good one too

Young Frankenstein

>Never trust a nigger

Was Popeye Doyle /ourguy/?

I honestly thought he died in the late 90s and he really played for a football team in the 70s

This. Very kino.

The Royal Tenenbaums was the first thing I saw him in as a boy, have loved his films ever since.

I was surprised that the writer wrote that, considering his views. Maybe Friedkin added that.

This is the first thing that came to mind
Also the first thing that came to mind

But really the first film that came to mind was Scarecrow

That's Bill O'Reilly though

Behind enemy lines.

Welcome to Mooseport contains the mysteries of both his being and humanity itself. Terrifying exploration.

Birdcage, but its more of a Robin Williams movie

Heist is also worth a mention and I didnt see Crimson tide mentioned yet

also Missisipi burning is kino

The Poseidon Adventure

the french connection is so well-made that it's scary.

if Sup Forums had existed in the 70s, there would be tons of memes centered around that one scene

The Birdcage

>Look no further than The Conversation



Came here to post this one.

what was his fucking problem?

That movie has the perfect balance of crude drag humor and actual witty writing. Hackman is perfect as that Congressman.

He kicks ass in Crimson Tide as does the rest of the cast

A classic meme

Night Moves comes out on bluray in 2 weeks.
