Is there seriously anyone who likes Tulip?

Is there seriously anyone who likes Tulip?
I swear she's one of the most insufferable cunts I've ever seen and I thought everyone in Preacher was supposed to be assholes. She takes it to a whole new level.
Season 2 is doing a fine job of making me hate her with every episode.

I literally stopped watching the show because of her.

And that she's another brownwashing of a canonicaly white character.

And that she's ugly.

Yeah shes borderline annoying, but at least for me, gets saved because she acts like a naive qt sometimes. Plus her dialogue with Jessie is decent. That said Jesse, the grand scale ofthe story and pic related makes it easy to gloss over her.

I expected to hate her for the brownwashing but the actress does a decent job of conveying a truly broken person. You can see moments where she wants to be a better person but just doesn't have it in her.

I don't mind that she's ugly either. Frankly, having a piss-poor orphan loser that also happened to be drop dead gorgeous would have been weird.

It's incredible that it's always you alt right SJWs that care how actors look. You really are human garbage in every way possible.

Ya, Jesse and Cassidy castings were A+ and also the guy who plays Herr Star. Good job on whoever got them.

I bet you're ugly too lmao


Hey, Pot. I've got a message from Kettle...

>human garbage
hehehe. nice try

Pink hair, fat, problem glasses. You just know it.

Or worse: A gooney-bearded hipster twerp.

But the best episode just premiered last week!

Nigga. You gay.
The brown washing is bullshit, especially as racism would be an issue down south.

You're a ""man"" that gossips about how other people look and you're making this post? Go back to reading TMZ halfwit.

>cassidy talking about foreskins in cream
>look it up

yeah what a toxic post amirite. just like the sjws etc etc

Now you're making me curious...

Not only are you an SJW, you're a """""man""""" that gossips about celebrities. Literally the lowest form of human.

I s this season still good? I liked the first few episodes.

fuck me

Yes, the last two episodes in particular were really damned good.

Nope. There is one life form lower: The one that screeches in horror when people say things they don't like on the internet.

That's you.


wow you are so bad at falseflagging as a normal person. can't you step out of your retarded lexicon for even a single thread? you're so bad at this it's almost making me think you're pol falsflagging as an sjw falsflagging as an average joe tired of these "right wing sjws"

You just hate her because she's a real black Irish.

Did you even watch the fifth episode this season? What a cunt.

I want him to be the main character.

>someone got their little fee-fees hurt.

Which one hit a little too close to the mark?

Was it the pink hair?

I bet it was the pink hair.