Will Hollywood ever make a 300 tier move about Khālid ibn al-Walīd and his conquests of Byzantine and Persia?

Will Hollywood ever make a 300 tier move about Khālid ibn al-Walīd and his conquests of Byzantine and Persia?

No because Byzantines were bro-tier.

People don't like movies where the bad guys win.

>wanting historical capeshit

white hollywood propaganda machine always seeks to eliminate minority representation and be white wish fulfillment garbage

So was Khalid.

>bad guys

>The historian Waqidi writes that after the battle of Battle of Maraj-al-Debaj, Emperor Heraclius sent an ambassador to ask Khalid to return his daughter. The ambassador gave Khalid the letter from the Emperor which read as follows:

>“ I have come to know what you have done to my army. You have killed my son-in-law and captured my daughter. You have won and got away safely. I now ask you for my daughter. Either return her to me on payment of ransom or give her to me as a gift, for honour is a strong element in your character. ”

>Khalid's response:
“ Take her as a gift, there shall be no ransom."

Khalid goes against western culture. It won't be pushed anytime soon anywhere in hollywood. Maybe an indie could make it, but they'd be asking for it

>arab historian says arabs were cool

So did the Mongols tho.

Waqidi's pretty reliable.

How do you pronounce ibn? ebin?

Dude! Herodotus said the Greeks were unbeatable, honorable gods of war that pushed Persia's shit in- must be true!

except no one takes Herodotus seriously

No, nobody likes muslims.

>Muh western culture
Fuck off

>“ Take her as a gift, there shall be no ransom."
Then waited three days, cut throught the desert, and massacred everyone and stole everything.

t. read his biography

Khalid was BASED. He basically pulled an Alexander 2.0 and subjugated almost all of the known world than.

Its pronounced as "eeb-noo".

>almost all of the known world than.
>Syria and Iraq
>almost the known world
And before you say Persia or Egypt, that was Omar and Khalid was relieved of duties before that.

>Byzantine Empire and Persia fight for thirty constant years and exhaust themselves from it
>also suffer from bad economy and plague
>suddenly Arabs appear from nowhere and beat them even though they were in their worst

>And before you say Persia or Egypt, that was Omar and Khalid was relieved of duties before that.
But it was through his tactics that it happened. Omar basically just walked the path that Khalid paved forward.

Nobody's saying that they weren't weakened but it doesn't derive what Khalid did.
Alexander himself invaded the Achaemenid empire after it had been declining for a long time and would have collapsed soon enough.

will hollywood ever make a 300-tier movie about the crusades?

I'd be up for it if it wasn't a PC shitfest.

>So did the Mongols tho.
And it was cancelled.

>a PC shitfest.
In which regard?

>wanting to watch movies about the Byzantium losing territory
The Mediterranean still be a cohesive cultural world and we wouldn't have half the problems we do no if the Arabs hadn't upset the order.

White people will scream that it's glorifyingt errorism and islamic barbarism.
Muslims will scream that they belong to the religion of peace and didn't hurt no body.

Battle of Yarmouk was the end of the Syrian campaign, not Persia or Egypt. After that, Khalid was relieved of duties by Omar, who was also his cousin. Fun fact, one of Khalid's sons fought and died during the invasion of Egypt.

so what? the crusaders did the same thing with the Seljuk sultan's wife and son.

>not wanting to see some literal desert barbarians kick the asses of the two greatest empires in the world, completely conquering one and taking more than half the territory of the other
How's it feel to be a low-test beta?

Most of their fighting was against Lahkmid Arabs that were Christian or Persian allies, though. It would be like saying Scipio Africanus fought against Carthaginian armies, when it was rmostly Libyan and Iberian soldiers.

>rooting for literal barbarians destroying civilization
Damn son...

>Battle of Yarmouk was the end of the Syrian campaign, not Persia or Egypt.
Syria was under Roman control then and it was their last ditch effort in trying to contain the Arab problem. That's why there was an excessively larger force in Yarmouk then other territories.
>After that, Khalid was relieved of duties by Omar, who was also his cousin.
Yeah I think he was afraid of a revolt or something.
>Fun fact, one of Khalid's sons fought and died during the invasion of Egypt.
Another fun fact, Khalid reentered the army after being sacked by Omar where he fought as a foot soldier for a few years.
He was known for breaking his swords on top of people's heads kek

Haven't heard that before desu.

>Le religion of peace meme
Muslim here, let me tell you no one I know memes this bullshit. I'm not sure how the media always finds the one retard black sheep imam to spout "le religion of peace" crap, but we don't have anything about Islam being a religion of peace in our books.
Sure, it helps you reach peace within yourself, your family, and then to the larger society. But it's not our prime directive. The prime directive is to acknowledge the oneness of God.

All correct. Omar was afraid of Khalid's influence on the soldiers. He basically could have pulled a Caesar. In one battle he supposedly broke ten swords. It was early during the invasion of Iraq, forget which exact battle.
Read this

Thanks m8