The video game adaptation is better than the movie it was based on

>the video game adaptation is better than the movie it was based on

Looking at you, King Kong (2005)

007 Goldeneye all day err' day circa mid-nineties

The Warriors (PS2&PSP) is based on a Movie which is based on a Book.
The game did everything better.

I never played this game but I have a poster of it for some reason that I've never taken off my wall. I got it in an old Nintendo Power. I remember reading it didn't have an HUD which was interesting.

Good game

Yeah, it was actually really immersive during the shooting sections. You also got to be Kong and fight dinosaurs.

Batman Begins...

Seriously speaking, The Chronichles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena

Holy shit, Batman Begins had a video game? Gotta play that. Did they get Bale?

No man. I was joking really. That game is boring af...
Bale is in the 3d movie

The Phantom Menace game was pretty good

I don't know about "better" but the Return of the King video game is actually really good. I got it as a gift and ended up liking it a lot.

Notice how most of these games are from the PS2 era? They stopped making most licensed games with the advent of mobile games. It's pretty sad. Mobile games ruined everything.

mobile phones in general were the beginning of the end of an intelligent civilization

That's true! I remember having it for pc. Definitely better than the movie.

They stopped making good games in general sometime around the mid-noughties

Lego still makes good movie games, albeit they are Lego which people just tend to ignore because kiddy shit.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Yeah, but they are pretty much the only ones and they are also basically the same exact game every time.

Well all movies are the same..

G-Force was a fucking good game and way better than the movie

I have heard nothing but bad shit about this game. The movie must be truly awful.

Add Alien vs Predator games to the list

>playing King Kong game

Kek pleb
