Cast it

Cast it



>ciri will probably be a tattooed lesbian
fucking jewflix, this WILL happen


idris elba as geralt and zendaya as his woman

The Black Wolf is here to hunt white monsters and bang their ladies

umm... so why didnt gereld fuck ciri? There was definitely "tension" between them

Mel Gibson as Geralt and Hershlag as Ciri

Idris Elba and Matthew McConneghuay



t. Josef Fritzl

He respects his adoptive daughter, unlike your holywood kikes.

Because he see's Ciri as a daughter and Ciri see's Geralt as a father.


pretty good



Deal with it faggots, it's happening

Yennifer is supposed to be attractive tho

He's my 2nd choice behind Anson Mount

Litterally the ultimate perfect choice.


nah Nikolai is way better as Cahir

He's a terrible "actor" and had a goofy accent.

Emperor of Nilfgkang Emhy var Emreis, the black pimp dancing on the bed of white cucks


>people call Nilfgaardians "Black Ones"
>Emperor is black
>he's called white Rose




>big guy as letho
Damn, good choice.

Vilgefort is supposed to be the most powerful character (after ciri) bale cant pull it off

Eva Green was born to play Yennefer

Good list senpai

>series based on the books

Why do the games have American accents?

I struggle to take fantasy seriously unless they're speaking in English accents I don't know why

Not thicc enough, triss has that cute chubby thing going for her and this rat skeleton would be awful

I can definitely see it. Despite what this place would have you believe, he's actually a fucking fantastic actor, one of the best in the business. Dude could pull it off.

Everyone here loves bale nufag

Evelyn Claire as Yennefer

Do inbreed low iq vidya shitters think Witcher 3 will make a good movie?

The game wasn't coherent at all and the writing was all over the place even for an open world video game

What you think of as an American accent is actually closer to how Anglo-saxon inflections sounded before English. British inflections in their use of English dialects is a modern thing.

There are books too you know

Yennefer and Geralt

Finn Wolfhard as Ciri

i thought they tried to adapt the books like the polish mini-series.

adapting the games would be retarded, at least the 3rd game

thanks anons.

Anyone have ideas on who could pull off Zoltan?

Ozarkfu as Ciri

Why did Netflix get their grubby fucking hands on this

You just KNOW they're going to fuck the casting up astronomically

The guy from Throne of Games

Imogen Poots is almost 30, doesn't work at all.

The author is still assmad so he probably wanted another chance at a big payday.

He was in The Thing remake/prequel thing and the latest Fast & Furious movie.

Played the same character in Game of Thrones in both.

I read the books, I played the games

You cannot possibly botch things more than the third game did. It ruined pretty much everything it tried to "conclude" whether it was from the first two games or the books. The ending even fucked up things the third game setup but had promise

The game at it's best was when you were doing short self contained side quests

Tweak his character from GOT a bit and you get Zoltan.

>It ruined pretty much everything it tried to "conclude"
So, like one thing?



Best Geralt.

Detlaff van der Eretein


Porunn - adult Ciri



Mang, cast already closed, here's your Geralt however.
Also Cobie Smulders as Yennefer

Dude, good one.

Vernon Roche



>Idris Elba
I know this is just shit-tier Sup Forums posting but it would be hilarious if they did this to every would-be white character every time they did an adaptation, just to shut up faggots who pretend it's fine and they care more about the actor's "talent"

she looks more like a monster that needs to be slain by geralt



They ruined the whole thing, when they retconned the Wild Hunt into elves.

Keanu Reeves as Geralt



It was elves all the time user.

Idris Elba as ciri and Emilia Clarke as Geralt.

This should please the goy.

>Imagine Emilia trying to be Geralt.
>Im already mad holy shit.

I want her to be fucked with her aneurysm so they bring just anybody that acts thrice as good. My effing dog will do.



I think Vilgeforz's character would be better suited for him. But that's more of a personal preference, because I like Strong better, when he's playing charismatic villains.

Works either way. This show's gonna need based Strong.

Ackles is a manlet

Ackles is 6'1'', he just looks like a manlet because he's always standing next to Padalecki

Idris Elba as Geralt and John Boyega as Dandelion.



They were in the books you mongtard.

The addons were great though.


Charles Dance should be Emhyr

triss (boob job required)

This, he's weird looking.



They weren't.


Holy fuck, that's perfect.

Give me the lines from the books, which prove that the Wild Hunt and the Elves are one the same.


xd dud