Sunday comfy capekino thread

Sunday comfy capekino thread

Comfy means no arguing with redditors

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y'all niggas better start replying

You have to go back newfag

you are not loved


This website is supposed to be 18+. Why are you trying to force discussion about childrens' films? Do you have some of your own you wish to take to the cinema?

So I take it this is the thread where DCfags call Marvelfags mouseshills and Marvelfags call DCfags pajeets, right?

i specifically want to avoid that

Reminder that Marvel Pajeet was coined first but stolen by the Marvel Pajeets because it hit them right where it hurt the most. Reminder that a bunch of them are also muslim apologists who were fine with ISIS propaganda in their comics.

>no Zimmer/Junkie composing greatness for JL

You people are so autistic you've divided capeshit into two camps so you can fight amongs yourselves?
Why would anyone care what production company made which movie when they're all identical?

Nah Disney shit is the lowest. Most everything else is fine.

and people think WB isn't undoing snyder's vision behind his back


How butthurt are NOT MUH SUPAHMAN fags going to be when Superman goes nuts after Lois dies?





Someone get that hack Nolan outta there

Without Nolan, Marvel would be the default state of capeshit.

Jesus Christ, was it really necessary?

Ah yes contre jour aka the teenager hack's shortcut to artistry