The Matrix

This is the greatest movie of all time.
Prove me wrong.

it is not

It is made by a group of transsexual degenerates as anti-white degenerate propaganda where the mostly dark skinned people of Zion fight against the evil white agents.

>tfw to intelligent to like the Matrix

>It is made by a group of transsexual degenerates as anti-white degenerate propaganda
Settle down, stormblr.

WTF he looks like a better Klingon than the ones Star Trek STD.
Netflix should have hired the Watchowski things to create that show.

>/threading your own post

Still fbpb

Thread reopened

I can't.


They weren't transexual at the time.



Does it matter what he does?

Thread bumped


Dodge this

Post butt. To this day I want her to sit on my face


That's the one.

Most overrated

Thats revolutions you fucking faggot

No, no it fucking isn't.



This scene is the greatest kino of all

it has a special place in my heart for being the last original sci-fi universe that allowed for all kinds of crazy implications to think about, many of them actually explored in the expanded universe of the fiction (i.e. The Animatrix and the video games). that's always been what drew me to sci-fi, the possibilities within the fiction

I'm ambivalent about Warner Bros. returning to it with the rumored prequel seeing as how their productions have been consistently mediocre if not abject nightmares as of late

Even stupider than the piles of anime it rips off.

Kill yourself



tight latex and bubble butt go so well, why Sup Forums?


Great movie but Cypher was right.
