Older than time

>older than time
>pretty much a god compared to puny humans
>shapeshifter with unlimited power in our universe
>devourer of worlds and children

>defeated by a bunch of losers throwing stones at it

not older than time dumb dumb
time requisite for chronology

don't start on me the rest kid

>confirmed for not having the drider
Movie dropped.
They're completely skipping It's true form.
Instead they are leaving it just a shapeshifter.

you mean spider

dude clowns LMAO

>the power of friendship defeats the villain in Guardians of the Galaxy
>gets praised
>the power of friendship defeats the villain in IT
>waaah king's a hack

But they all float down here, even their balls.

IT gave itself weaknesses by taking on a form limited to this universe. That was the fee for entering the restaurant.


The drider/spider wasn't even It's true form.

>gonna ask a girl out on a date to go see new IT
>find out how long it is

Except that wasn't its true form at all, that's just what the human mind can only comprehend with out going completely insane outside of seeing the deadlights

yep, but it's the closest the human mind could get to understanding its true form

ok this hours posting took me by surprise, i chuckled

>That was the fee for entering the restaurant.

Say what?

You have to remember that its a woman

This is my problem with Steven King

he takes nice settings and creepyness and then just adds on some chuuni fucking shit which has no weight on the plot and attempts to explain what's happening ruining the horror.

King is no Lovecraft and does not deserve the praise he gets

I wonder what forum you were on where gotg was being praised

Means the only thing It cared about was feeding every few decades after it arrived to Derry thousands of years ago. But its Deadlights shape was confined to a different plane of existence.

Even Lovecraft was no Lovecraft.

Lovecraft was just some racist turbosperg who was friends with Robert E. Howard.

He's one of the greatest horror authors of all time, you retarded pleb.

when did clowns first start?

how can he be older than that? were there caveman clowns?

Maybe he's too old

I don't get the joke. The movie is 2h15m.

"Greatest horror author", is basically "Least smelly turd"

>we're bunch of kids
>we just fought an evil clown from space
>guess we'll have to fuck now

>retard who never watched the movies comments dumb shit
>retards who did watch the movies comments less dumb shit
>all of us who read the book never comment to correct the inane dumb shit
>tfw they'll never know about hyperspace battles and The Turtle

>>older than time


Shit thread!

kek sasuga

>He didnt have an orgy with his friends after killing an ancient demon monster
What a bad childhood you had


the are other version of whatever alien/demon pennywise is in the dark tower universe (dandelo for example) instead of staying in that macroverse IT came to our universe (earth) where it was a big fish in a little pond and could fuck everything up with no real threat. IT does have its weaknesses though, once a person is able to not be afraid of it and fight back its not as strong, hence why the losers club was able to band together and kill it

I really hope they include some of the child murders to their full extent, especially adrian melon

Near the end of the Comic Con panel the director was jerking off over how cool the imagery of Pennywise biting out Adrian's armpit is. I can see it being in the first 5 minutes of IT Part II.

Im hopeful but cautious, theyve already said theyre leaving out the turtle and a lot of ITs backstory, but how can you not show some of the things pennywise does

This is what im worried about.

The scares in the trailer are generic but the kids seem well cast.

ever hear of jesters

>>older than time
>>pretty much a god compared to puny humans
>>shapeshifter with unlimited power in our universe
>>devourer of worlds and children
unironically, what the fuck does that even mean? i didn't read the book, but it sounds so faggy. why would a creature so powerful settle down in rural america?

Why go around and hunt for food when you can settle in a spot and have easy access to it?

rural america settled down around IT, not the other way around. IT came here before people were around and influenced the area surrounding itself. That's why in the book it is said that Derry, the town, IS IT.

this would be an interesting visual interpretation if it didnt look like a sunday morning newspaper comic

2 parts

why didnt they just abandon the town

Then what did he meant with Dallas is Derry, Dallas is Derry in 11 22 63?

>i hate fun

An effect of IT is that people forget ITs actions.This is why all the townspeople are more or less oblivious. It also discussed at length in the book because the Losers Club members all forgot, or had really clouded memory of ITs actions, when Hanlon got them to come back as adults. It's also a plot point that Hanlon was the only one had full memory because he stayed in Derry while the others left, and its also mentioned that when IT is killed the second time that even Hanlon's memory started fading