What's his best review? I just rewatching avatar and it was funnier than I remember

What's his best review? I just rewatching avatar and it was funnier than I remember.

No eceleb whining please.

Other urls found in this thread:


His Episode III review is his masterpiece.

How is he so good at comedy editing?

I can't think of any other things which use playful editing to create jokes.


Revenge of the Sith review > Cop Dog review > Attack of the Clones review > Kingdom of the Crystal Skull review = The Phantom Menace review > Baby's Day Out review > every other Plinkett review

The one where he nitpicks George's movies to death to the point of absurdity while sweeping major plot holes and pandering elements of TFA under the rug because it's his employer Disney doing it.

Episode I and Baby's Day Out

That review that funny user did about TFA where he btfo stoklasa

I'm trying to remember one in particular, maybe you guys could help, he starts off on some psuedo-racist rant and then pours himself another drink before going back to the review.

It always made me laugh because he filmed himself pouring the drink in first person like a drunk person, spilling the vodka all over. Sorry for being vague, pretty sure it was one of the Star Wars prequels ones.

The star trek ones are underrated


hackfraudmedia on suicide watch.

Cop Dog review is art

stop you shill jew

the ending of the revenge of teh sith video on youtube where the production of the film is synced with the final trench run and blowing up of the death star has been edited because of a copyright claim.
I rewatched it a month ago and was pissed because that was great editing.

>lack of relatable protagonist
>lack of story structure and pacing
>lack of competent storytelling
>lack of competent scene blocking
>terrible acting
>poor visual effects

I hope you get DMCA'd faggot

reported you for advertising tbf

Generations or Nemesis. His Star Trek ones are best and most watchable because unlike the Star Wars reviews they don't have a running meta-narrative that requires skipping on repeat viewings. And because unlike his other reviews, he's actually passionate about Trek.

For me, personally, the attack of the clones review.
I love the analysis of Padme and Anikins relationship with the ticks and the crosses.

Was the TFA review ironic? Plinkett was criticizing TFA for being lazy and derivative but he just sat there on his chair throughout the whole review making the same jokes he made before. It felt like RLM forgot how to make a Plinkett review and just copied themselves much like Disney didn't know how to make a Star Wars movie and just copied the original trilogy. Are RLM geniuses or just hacks of the highest magnitude?


wasnt that TFA review?


Nice video, good job!

The Titanic review has some serious work put into it, especially with showing how James Cameron lifted stuff from previous movies. The Fleshlight call is also one of the funniest bits he's done.

TPM review felt the most insightful at the time though.

>George Lucas didn't ruin my childhood... fucking polio di-

Hackfraudmedia shills on suicide watch.

If you faggots are gonna circlejerk over your e-friends worthless youtube videos, then you literally have no foundation for telling this moron not to post his.

If Disney were their employer they wouldn't have allowed them shitting on Rogue One

>I killed them...
>they're dead...
>and the children too...

"How would you fuck the millennium falcon?


Why does Mikes voice sound a little weird in this review?

Why does he talk like that? I can't watch his videos because of it. He sounds like jar jar binks talking into a cup while high.

>So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.

how dare people discuss things they enjoy related to film, it's so pathetic. angrily trying to dismantle that is much less pathetic.
enjoy your ban.


>Silly voices
>"Epik" basement scenes
No wonder it's called "RedditLetterMedia".


>"Having a creepy skeletor hand". Oh, wait, we've already done that part.

yeah reddit is a site based around silly voices and epik basement scenes

A classic.

Stop making fun of my e-celeb friends or else...



>reposts shitty parody video in every rlm thread
>people tell you to fuck off
>heh heh nothing personel you fucking losers enjoy your e celebs
>we just want to be left in peace
>heh heh fucking losers you're pathetic
seriously please get something better to do

>we just want to be left in peace
I bet George just wanted to be left in peace aswell but fuck if RLM cared. You get everything that is coming to you, you sad hateful pricks.

we're not billionaire film makers, we're just consumers of web content that sometimes like to discuss said web content without being harassed over our taste. if you don't agree the prequel reviews then start a topic about it, you don't have to spitefully stalk rlm threads.

Attack of the clones is the best out of the prequel reviews

it's just right with the first being reserved and the 3rd doing it a bit too much

I want reviews of non star wars shit again

Does anyone else feel like Plinkett isn't even necessary as a character? These reviews could just be played as Mike going on drunken rants and nothing changes besides old man jokes. I'm perfectly willing to believe Mike is a serial killer.

Cop Dog is still my favorite review