What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood honestly?

What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood honestly?

>george takei
>lena dunham

They're all jews


They are right about being the wrong community.

Exactly. If I were Trump, I'd be pretty fucking worried right now.

How do they piss?

You know, I used to think these celebrities were blowing things out of proportion. I mean, if you can survive Bush, you can survive Trump (and maybe just give him a chance).

But each and every day I see some new headline about how Trump's administration is a hot mess and there's just no more defending him. He's totally incompetent and isn't fit to govern a McDonald's. Hollywood has the power to change things, and by all means they should use it.

I don't know about Takei, but Dunham can always accuse him of rape or sexual harassment and destroy his political career.

You forgot the rest of the pasta: >we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes

>when you meet a trans person who is b) alive u are meeting someone who will commit suicide


>Why do actors have opinions? Don't they know they're meant to be meat puppets dancing for my entertainment only?

>why do people listen to drug addict sex freaks with every issue in the book

Did she ever moved to Canada?

who the fuck would even want a meat puppet that looks like Lena Dunham?

God I'm growing to hate trans people. Were the gays this annoying back in the 80s and 90s? I grew up in the 90s and I don't feel like they were.

Gay people were less irritating when everyone accused them of spreading AIDS than trans people are now that people hate an i ssue with public bathrooms, which is a joke in comparison.

Actors have always been liberals.

How are MtF supposed to dialate when out in the field, or open combat?

what is the point/reasoning of looking like a circus clown in public?

tactical dildo

look out, we got badasses over here

gays just wanna fuck and have fun, when they got older they had to start worry about taxes and benefits.

Seriously though, what's wrong with trans in the military?

can you imagine a bunch of female to male and male to female trannies would try to attack you?

seems very comical

There was a poll on MSN I saw at work that asked how people felt about the ban, over a million had responded, and it was overwhelmingly pro-transgender ban. The faux news is really trying to ignore this kind of thing.

>join Marine Corps
>spend entire enlistment being a fat, out of regs female
>do fuckall during your 5 years
>"decide" to get out(read, now allowed to re-enlist)
>go to college
>go full Marxist
>decide you're a "man"
>join national guard
I fucking hate you Schuler.

No one posting in this thread is a serious person.

>Seriously though, what's wrong with diabetes/obesity/blindness/bipolar in the military?

who is "it" talking to?

It's about the healthcare coverage. Not so much the hormone treatments. But the surgeries cost around $200,000. They're afraid that the if the military's insurance has to cover this then it will increase the amount of transgenders joining the military just to get the surgery since majority cannot pay for it themselves and most insurance companies won't cover it. Meaning unless you're well off you have to keep your penis or vagina. It has nothing to actually do with their service.

I got denied from the marines for ALMOST having asthma when I was 12. Why should we accept trans people who are obviously mentally ill and mentally unstable. The military is not a social experiment, it is supposed to be a well oiled machine. Plus there is no ban, it is not in effect and never will go in to effect, it was pure Trump 101 diversion.

I don't hate trans either, my cousin is mtf and I've volunteered at his tranny club. They're not the most stable group of people.

People who aren't mentally ill.

You probably thought this was funny but you won't be laughing when you get attacked. Oh wait, you wouldn't dare say this in public.

If trans people cant handle cushy western regular life how could they possibly handle military life?

>you just pissed off the wrong community

lmao what are you weak ass faggots going to do about it? write a tumblr blog? LOL

im so glad the gays are dumb enough to limp themselves in with the trannies.

Neo Roman aristocracy

>my cousin is mtf
is he cute

a giant wave of suicide the likes of which the nation has never seen

>friend starts off as a liberal during the election cycle
>wants Bernie but doesn't believe all the hyped up crap about le evil drumpf
>really doesn't want more of the same neo-con crap from Hillary that we've had the last 16 years
>when it gets down to just Hillary and Trump he admits Trump might be better just because he won't be more of the same

Fast forward 8 months of brainwashing on Reddit

>come over to his house
>he's a little drunk
>"Dude, Trump is fucked. They're about to drop a huge case on him. Even if he doesn't get convicted he's going to trial and he's so fucked."
>feign interest and surprise
>someone brings up Trump again
>incoherent mumbling from friend just make out "president wants to murder gay people and..."

Why. Why is everyone so desperate to believe Trump is literally Hitler and/or brainwash others into believing that?

>inb4 Tumblr shits on me for not buying every single garbage article I see on Trump

Those polls are manipulated by bots, I have seen so many threads on Sup Forums where they plan "raids" for the polls. How they're left up is beyond me, but it's laughable that anyone would stuff a poll and then pretend it actually represents anything.

>we should allow a group of people that have a suicide rate of nearly 50% to serve in the military
>shoulder to shoulder with troops on the front lines
>flying aircraft
>maybe even in ICBM launch operations
>when every other one of them is mentally unstable to the point of being suicidal

What could possibly go wrong?


That's stupid when the annual military budget is 500 billion a year. Thats a made up reason to justify disgust.

Second, most trans people don't want the surgery.

>people that didnt vote for him think Trump cares about their opinion
not only that bit of nonsense, but Trump did not make the decision on his own. he followed the advice of those at the top of the american military. they are every bit to blame as Trump would be.

to serve as a transgender previously, you still needed 1 and sometimes 2 psychologist (sometimes psychiatrist too) signatures to say you were fit for duty. they treat transgenderism and transistions seriously, and take mental health into account as well. something these moronic celebrities do not.

imagine they dress a bunch of trans in hijabs and whatever other clothing to be incorporated in everyday life and be intentionally captured, and when they are found and stripped ISIS find their out of shape/malnourished bodies and mutilated genitalia coupled with an inability to communicate or reason with them.

I'm sorry to disappoint you user but most trannies are hideous in real life.

Oh, sure, paying money to make sure they're mentally stable is bad but playing triple that amount of money so Trump can go golfing is A-OK. The hypocrisy is staggering.

thats literally what they are

I don't ask the stripper giving me a lapdance to do my taxes for me

Yes, the budget is for 500 billion a year that goes to worthwhile services. Paying for some mentally deranged individuals non-life threatening surgery is not worth tax payer dollars.

>>That's stupid when the annual military budget is 500 billion a year. Thats a made up reason to justify disgust.
>its a big budget so just throw more bloat and waste into it, who cares lol
>Second, most trans people don't want the surgery.
And most trans "people" try to off themselves, automatically disqualifying them for service. There's literally no benefit to allowing them in.

But how much of that is typically allotted to healthcare?

Someone post the DILATION images

>they can END YOUR ASS
So Trannys are going to fight us now because... they can't join the military for a pre-existing condition? Are the depressed, allergic, and diabetic coming for me as well?

The surgery does not make them mentally stable.

Then let that disqualify them, and not the fact of being trans.

>mfw these virtue-signalling dopes get the rest of us interned in labor camps for sedition

>trannies have a higher suicide rate than blacks during slavery
>must be because they're not 'accepted in society'

Really cracks my walnuts

>Then let that disqualify them, and not the fact of being trans.
No, fuck you. Being trans is being mentally unstable.

>no benefit to letting them in

It would make people who had literally nothing to do with the decision and actively hate on the military feel good about themselves

Yes. They're gonna commit acts of Allah Ackbar! Then the muslims will get upset and go to war with the transgenders. It's all part of Trump's plan.

why do they even do that? they're two separate things, it's like having a group for the rights of hindus and blacks, the only common thing is they're both minorities, but there's not much fucking overlap


post-op trans have an even higher suicide rate

They don't know what community means so they tend to have hilarious misunderstandings about absolutely everything.

lets be real here. most military guys dont like trannies. troop cohesion is vital to the success of a unit. its dangerous to have known mentally unstable black sheep thrown in for the sake of politics.

It was hopes to find unity but it's slowly cracking. There are feminists who refuse to accept transgender men who transition into women as a woman.

>Then let that disqualify them, and not the fact of being trans.
nearly 50% of the time they are one in the same. way too big a risk to fellow troops.

I hope trannies start attacking
it would kick off the day of the rope.

Right, the military want to be the ones to fuck you up mentally....unless you're already a callous sociopath, in which case you are shuffled through the turnstiles tout suite.

Why doesn't he just create a special unit of only the most fearsome gender-nonconformers?
ISIS wouldn't stand a chance



Because the military, not Trump, doesn't want to spend the money on their surgeries.

>Instantly recognize them from a picture
>Aren't world leaders or company CEOs
That's what a celebrity is.


>put all trannies in the same unit
>half of them kill themselves before going on mission
>tranny pilot decides to sudoku and flies into the ground killing the rest
>mission marked success

They can screen for those who are too unstable for service like they do with every other recruit.

I hate to give you a (You), but go fucking kill yourself.

ahhh is he locking his knees?

i can't watch this skelly

what about my post made you so mad?

>Homo Riceman and a menstruating troglodyte have problem with Trump

Whoa, so brave.


Oh, user, you're so innocent.

right, and part of that process is whether or not they are trans.


you could learn a lot from me, fellow anons

anyway, the locking of those lanky knees is really what scared me
apparently enough not to notice that's a woman pretending to be a man

>They can screen for those who are too unstable for service like they do with every other recruit.
Thinking that you are a man when in fact you're a woman or vice versa is a mental instability.

They're fighting the good fight. They're not just dancing monkeys who are pandering to the lowest common denominator. They're legitimate heroes because you know what heroes do? They fight monsters.

What would they call such a unit?

>They fight monsters.
Like the trannies that go full cenobite on themselves and turn their cocks insideout into a unhealed wound vaguely resembling a vagina?

>tfw you will never get paychecks from globalists for being a good goy mouthpiece

It takes a real man to cut off his cock. You cowards would never do that.

Why are people still posting about this shit anyway? The generals already confirmed that they're not going to do anything and that Trump tweeted without their approval. Eight months and he has accomplished absolutely nothing. His support is quickly dwindling.

I know it's rhetoric but that implies there's a right community to piss on, probably straight white males

There's a difference between instability, that comes through emotional disorders and thought disorders. And the constant of state gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria does not, by itself, make one emotionally unstable.