Imagine no religion

Imagine no religion

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yeah it would be fucking fantastic

Imagine no reddit

imagine no john lemon

thank jesus

literally fedora tipper: the song

Based MDC

Would he have watched Rick and Morty?

woah raimi's work goes back to the beatles?!

What did he mean by this?

imagine beating your wife

Funny how when we were highly Christian we were fine and only now as Atheism grows with Cultural Marxism have we faltered. Coincidence?

>imagine no possessions

>except my 30,000sf castle apartment, my priceless collection of musical gear, my my neverending royalty payments, my limos, cars, and boats, and an infinite supply of narcotics and asian pussy.

mark chapman did literally nothing wrong.

>we were fine
underage detected

>"peace man"
>"love man"
>"fuck violence and possessions and money man"
>*punches wife*
>*buys apartment to store all his clothes*
>*writes infant son out of will*


God aint bloody real ya wanker!

imagine being arnold

Imagine Rick..... a pickle

everything was always this bad/good.
theres nothing new under the sun

>tfw you hit your gook so hard it breaks

t. 13 year old who spends mommy's money on hot topic clothes

yes i too wish to live in the stone age forever

>we were fine
we are currently in the most peaceful period of time user, you might not remember all the conflicts and bloodshed from before unless its WORLD WUR 2, but right now its literally heaven compared to any other period in time.

t. christ cuck who cant think for himself

The more you learn about John Lennon, the more you learn he was a huge faggot.

Imagine no Sup Forums

What, huh oil? Who said something about oil bitch? You cookin? Oil?


Removing religion won't automatically make the stupid and uneducated masses start thinking rationally

Take China, irreligious on paper but everywhere you look are superstitious morons who think that boiling a Rhino's eyeballs in bearpiss and using it as an enema will fix your impotence

Of course it is. You're part of the winning team. There's still a shit ton of violence, and slavery has never been larger

All the beatles became huge enormous faggots after they got famous, shocking.

the beatles were a CIA psyop designed to pacify the general population who were become increasingly restless in the 60s

they wanted to turn them from revolutionaries to limp dick peace loving hippies who posed no threat

and it worked perfectly

During Beatles
After Beatles

Do deaf people have their own language in their head when they think about stuff?