At the end of the movie when Ray forms "the mcdonald corporation" and the brothers threaten to sue him...

At the end of the movie when Ray forms "the mcdonald corporation" and the brothers threaten to sue him, Ray says he'll just drown them in paperwork because he's become too big. They conclude from this that they're better off selling the company to him rather than try and fight.

But during the contract negotiations,
he says he needs to get them their royalties "by handshake agreement only" because his investors won't come in if they see he's paying out royalties. He just admitted he doesn't have the money to buy them out and is hurting for investors. He's probably in so much debt from expansion that there's no way he could afford to bury them in paperwork if they sued. And there's no way what little investment opportunity he got would stick around during a lawsuit. Why didn't the brothers walk away and sue rather than agree to a handshake they knew he would never honor? Did I miss something or were the brothers just that dumb?

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just eat some mcdonalds and comeback to watch the movie again, you will understand

You know I did like the movie, and the music, but I hated how it made me want mcdonalds

he had the brothers in complete checkmate already. he de facto owned McDonalds by then and the only reason he agreed to the million was just to give them something to get off his back. The McDonalds brothers had ZERO leverage at that point. Sure they could sue, but it would be a fight for the rest of thier lives against a growing corporation vs. one burger stand in san bernadino. They knew that, Roy knew that, and that's why everyone just walked away.

who /mcdoubles/ here?

Surprisingly good movie, and unironically made me want to go to Macdonalds.

Is there a legit source that shows that Mcdonalds dramatically went to shit in terms od quality after some time?

>The McDonalds brothers had ZERO leverage at that point.
>but it would be a fight for the rest of thier lives against a growing corporation vs. one burger stand in san bernadino.

Yeah and that's well and good, but Ray admitted they would win except he'd drag the fight on forever like you said, but I'm saying he was in so much debt that he couldn't afford the legal fees anymore than the brothers could?

This is a really good movie. Business is cut throat and playing nice only gets you so far.

I'm 67 years old and I can tell you anecdotally that it went to shit.

I get that having money helps in a legal battle but at the end of the day the law is the law, is it really possible to legit wrong someone then stonewall them for a lifetime just because you can keep throwing money at it?

I tried to look this up yesterday and consensus is it hasn't changed that much. People like it. They love it in fact. It's cheap fast food, I'm sure it's never been "good" but people are nostalgic.

>I get that having money helps in a legal battle but at the end of the day the law is the law, is it really possible to legit wrong someone then stonewall them for a lifetime just because you can keep throwing money at it?
You're not American, huh?

>he was in so much debt

My impression was that he became very successful after he started investing in land

They stopped using beef tallow to make the fries. That's when it got bad.

so it's a Social Network ripoff after all

>tfw at work on the road one day
>only food option is mcdonalds
>get a quarter pounder meal
>shit liquid for 2 days

You have to admit the way he went about robbing them was fucking brilliant.

Sure thing buddy
It's obviously not good compared to other choices but consider that fine dinning, local gastro restaurants and the like has only recently become a thing accesible to most people.
Lol no, fuck off.

He was mostly forced to do so, since or brothers were absolute shit with Keaton.

All of this would have been avoided if they didn't try to fuck Keaton over when he signed the contract.

They deserved what happened to them.

>My impression was that he became very successful after he started investing in land
I like that the jew who gave him this bright idea eventually quit his job and refused to discuss McDs ever again. Kroc was that much of a piece of shit.

your body is just weak.

not just any land but he would sublease to mcdonalds franchisees

>is it really possible to legit wrong someone then stonewall them for a lifetime just because you can keep throwing money at it?
It's basically corporate policy to do this.
Why do you think most people want to murder lawyers?

No shit.

No, and I get that that's the stereotype, but I imagine the US does have a code of civil laws from which decisions are made, are you saying with unlimited money you can just hold things up for like 50 years? That seems ridiculous.

Great movie, should've made much more in the box office. Had my first Big Mac at age 20 after the film.

oldfag here, earliest memories of eating McDonads is from the late 70's. food quality and taste wise they haven't changed at all from when I was a kid. Can't say the same about other fast food place, for example Burger King and Taco Bell have really went to shit with their food.

>are you saying with unlimited money you can just hold things up for like 50 years? That seems ridiculous.

Not him but how naive can you be ? Why do you think no politician or successful businessman ever goes to prison ?

>Mcdonalds dramatically went to shit in terms od quality after some time
Find any depictions of the food back in the 60s and compare to now.
Regular burger patties got so small Wendy's got huge by making fun of it (Where's The Beef campaign).
Shoestring fries which take up more space in a fry box than regular cut fries, and cook faster too.
They're also the first franchise trying to phase out its production and window staff with automated kiosks and machines.
McDonalds has always been at the forefront of race-to-the-bottom economics.

Typical Millennial response

Welcome to the real world lmao
Not a commie or anything but if you have money you will get away with shit

fucking old people just spout "millennial" for everything now what the fuck

>Kroc also believed the hamburger was more aesthetic than the hot dog

What did he mean by this?

>In 1952, Colonel Harland Sanders franchised his secret recipe "Kentucky Fried Chicken" for the first time
>In 1964, then 73 years old, sold the Kentucky Fried Chicken corporation for $2 million ($15.4 million today
>Sanders remained the company's symbol after selling it, traveling 200,000 miles a year on the company's behalf and filming many TV commercials and appearances.
>As late as 1979 Sanders made surprise visits to KFC restaurants, and if the food disappointed him, he denounced it to the franchisee as "God-damned slop" or pushed it onto the floor.

Colonel Sanders movie when?

It's a euphemism for penis

>sell your chicken business
>surprised when they make good ol 'merican budget cuts and your chicken goes to shit

was he retarded or just old?

Where does it say that he was surprised?

Norm needs to reprise the role

My understanding of it was that the brothers had a vision of McDonalds and that had already been maligned. Kroc could have ruined them and the brothers would essentially have to kill their child and accrue personal debt against something that was once theirs. Kroc wouldn't have taken any hits to himself personally. So would you go hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt just to spite Kroc and destroy your own business or leave it and get a bit of a check?

Plus take into account that the mcdonalds brothers were actually getting on in life and probably had other shit to worry about in regards to their retirement and it makes sense. To you want to spend your retirement also in litigation destroying your namesake?

The brothers were humble enough to step down because it wasn't worth the hassle.

Old-fashioned business doesn't allow for cutting quality control for the sake of the bottom line. It's better to hike the price than risk alienating more customers by removing or reducing the kind of product they've come to expect from you.

It's market share these days that decides whether a business can survive this. For instance, Fatburger has been around in Canada for the past 6-7 years and have already started noticably depreciating in quality. One location in my city went out of business recently.

Its also so fucking nebulous, it encompasses around ages 19 to 35. Its so fucking weird.

Yes. The concept of modern law making revolves around gridlock. Nothing really moves unless you have a shitload of resources to make it over or have a popular opinion which basically gives you free resources. Think of it like a traffic jam literally. You can pay everyone ahead of you to move out the way and get ahead or if you have a zeitgeist (sorry hate using the word) you basically have a siren which causes everyone to move to the curb and let you through.

They still got royally fucked with the royalties though.


:^) yeah the did I agree. I love the concept that Kroc wanted mcdonalds because of the name and that it represented 60s Americana but that in fucking the brothers over he represented contemporary Americana more than anything.

>tfw constipated for like 2 weeks and haven't taken a shit
>eat a 20 piece McNugget meal
>shit out a cannon ball of mashed together hard shit pebbles
>Hershey highway afterward

It wasn't the movie, that's a subproduct of mc donalds experimental conditioning.

Dead serious.

Why didn't they just continue collecting royalties from him and ignore the shit he was doing instead of settling with him and parting ways?

Cause they were gay.

I liked this movie, but I have issues with bios in general.
Now I'm walking around with a head full of shit that never happened, loosely based on real events.

Is it true that he opened the 100th McDs opposite the original burger stand? And is it true that the brothers only wanted to keep that open to keep their long-time employees in work?

Because that's not business, that's spite.

Burger King has failed twice to establish itself in Mexico. All of the restaurants in my city closed except for the ones in food courts in malls.

Just picture that, Burger King is so shitty not even mexicans want it.

it was more Ray's move than the brothers because they were whiny babys about muh milkshakes

>Because that's not business, that's spite.

Both things happened in real life. Spite is part of business, because businessmen are not evil machines, they're evil humans.

What version of the film did the author watch? Both the McDonalds brothers previous attempts at franchising and them being the authors of the Golden Arches are in the film.

Except there are Burger Kings and Wendys in Mexico, Taco Bell is the one that we don't want in here.

The movie was based on Kroc's autobiography, so anything that made him look bad is straight from his mouth.

He only opening up a mcdonalds across from their original stand because they refused to give it to him, so he said fuck it I'll put you out of business. Pretty hateful guy.

Except that's wrong.

I know carnal but at least here in Monterrey almost every Burger King has closed.

>that stance

"Dr Pavel, I'm McD"

There is one on Garza Sada and another one in Leones, imbecil

>Five Guys
>McDonalds Breakfast
>Burger King
>McDonalds Regular Menu

This is the only true ranking.

As a turbo autist who likes plain food I was blown away by the size of Wendy's patties as a kid. aaayyyyI always had to get the McChicken since that was the only decently sized patty at McDonald's.

I love burger king


their meat smells like farts

are any Tex-Mex restaurants(outside of tourist areas) popular at all in Mexico?

Sometimes Burger King has something good, the Bacon King for example is fantastic.

I agree. Arbys should be much lower.

Welcome to the United States of Zion

Maybe you had a digestive system bug, and would have had problems no matter what you ate?

There is no texmex crap in here, everybody goes for real tacos and real food.

Learn to read puñetas, sorry for your Harmon Hall English. The ones in Universidad and La Fe are closed.

>"""real""" world
>it fucking sucks
No thanks, I'll stay in my commie hellhole. Can't believe you're actually defending such a shitty system, how conned can you get?

He wasn't defending it.

So? The other ones are always full, your point of Burger King failing in Mexico is wrong, indio pendejo.

Both of you.

I fell asleep during this stupid fucking movie.

They didn't call his bluff who cares. It was like Pursuit of Happiness but we followed the least like able character ever

They are back.

Yeah I was thinking that.
The kind of stuff this covers isn'twhat bothers me tho.
I'm sure the bullet points will be correct most of the time. But to tell a story that spans years in 2hrs you need to cut some corners, merge some events, present things as obstacles for the protagonist that might not have been, and tie it all to a central theme.
This is why I don't like watching bios, or at least I'd like to watch a dry documentary about it just afterwards.

>Two restaurants closed in the last year
>Restaurants empty even on weekends (don't know where you got that "always full" bullshit, maybe in Multimedios or your heard it on cepy boy)
>Not failing

Let me guess, you're brown.

yeah except your kinda limited to only mexican food
I could go to Houston and find good Vietnamese and barbecue

I haven't eaten McDonalds in 15 years (aside from frosty's occasionally). I recently decided to get a breakfast meal due to the fact that I got a coupon in the mail. Shit was pretty good, but it decimated my asshole for a day and a half.

I'm a fat piece of shit who eats taco bell and chipotle, and it's been a real long time since fast food has fucked me up like that

Get out of your house once in a while, indio pendejo.

Nobody cares, chicano.

Yeah i don't eat fast food often. Try to bring my lunch to work as often as i can. McDonalds i avoid because my last experience gave me vicious stomach cramps for days.

Jersey Mike Subs is the spot negro.

No seas huevon

Doritos Locos Tacos could've been huge there if they gave TB a chance. Mexicans LOVE Doritos.

Why eat that crap if you can get real food in here?

Monterrey fags have a hardon for Carls Jr.

Sorry you have to roam the streets because your tejavan is too hot prieto de mierda

I make my own dorito's locos tacos by getting a bag of doritos, taking out two chips and then putting a fat log of shit in between

Would you like to try our new EXTRA BIG ASS TACO?

>this butthurted indio

Top kek

Yeah. We love our overpriced dry burgers a lot.

Doritos? I thought Tostitos was the standard for " chips you douse in lots of random shit" snacks in mexico

Everyone knew Ray was a pos crook and he still gets away with it. Really living the American dream.

>This anal devastation by a prieto


I prefer local burgers, they are way better.

>are you saying with unlimited money you can just hold things up for like 50 years? That seems ridiculous.
50 years is the minimum
tl;dr Disney

>the indio keeps posting
top lul