
chicano boys were born to please big white cocks edition

Other urls found in this thread:



good digits, terrible edition

Gay edition
>half and half
don't think it works that way

great edition


My heterosexuality.

heterosexuality is a meme

the big black dick in my asshole

one chicano boi

Hey guys, shuck here. I am a fucking NIGGER

one girly boi

I am lonely

cum is a nigger loving general

hey guys i love tan americans

I work today and then I get 4 days off imo

so am i haha

Bernie Sanders 2020

Do not slander my name you peasants.

Winfrey/Sanders 2020 desu

>will be 79 years old

never forget

Hey thanks for your support guys. Together we will start la revolucion! Don't forget to donate to the campaign

>bulls written on his hoodie

omg did you just say that? please use proper language around here

>bulls written on his hoodie
It's a German electric bike company.


What’s your gimmick?

your mom

so will blumf


he will be 74 you imbecile


Oh, someday I know someone will look into my eyes
And say hello -- you're my very special one--

this is why I love anime, its completely absurd and I find that hilarious

I enjoy this gimmick. Keep it up, bud.

>2010 was 8 years ago

>2000 was almost 2 decades ago

>1990 was nearly 400 years ago

>1358 was 660 years ago

>Current year was 0 years ago

>shrek 1 came out 27 years ago

>jesus died 2018 years ago

>cum died 30 days ago


me on the left

>1945 A.D. was 73 years ago



>hitler is 129 years old
>he's still alive

>2017 was a year ago


>9/11 was 2001 year ago

>tfw no chicano bf
help me

>tfw no chicano gf to breed with

im male and white, how does that sound for a gf?

>tfw no chicano bf to breed me


is Sup Forums more gay(gayer idk) than /lgbt/???

i dont think breeding is a very smart idea for you

>tfw no English gf



>literally going to jail

how do I get a bf here?

very easily just tell zando to post more images

Where do I apply for a bf? I'm qt with a tender bp I promise.

i am helping spread the honorable anglo-irish-american mans seed far and wide, even if it means my own demise

zando be my bf uwu

only thing youre spreading is your asscheeks when youre locked up


hello /cum/ how are you

rekt hard

Where is your green card?

I have american citizenship

My fellow Americans, our southern next-door neighbor is too racist, we must export more SJWs and feminists to help their country right its wrongs.

I've got a wrong for you to right, right here fucker

Méjico es mi amigo

I see the slander hasn't ceased
Don't care.
Don't care.
Don't care.

Fuck thought this was /chi/ for a second there

Stop being gay lol


Don't say that about us

Pls do

OK, source?

/cum/ is full of bottoms

I see you've taken a page from 1 flag penn's posting style


cum lol

lotta redditors itt


didn't you miss me


the quality of /cum/ just increased exponentially

kill yourself fucking scumbags


yeah because i came back
won't be staying long though

Say that to my face motherfucker

I was talking about cunt posting, cunt


Don't know who that is, probably a brainlet

why is this cunt calling me a cunt
