Is this show Sup Forums tier?

Is this show Sup Forums tier?
>Protagonist is a space policeman.
>Antagonist is an Evil Tranny dressed in an Egyptian outfit.
>Evil organization hypnotizes children through media which turns them into violent rock throwing dog abusing assholes
>Shaider saves the world by defeating the tranny's monster by riding his motorcycle into their dimension, and shooting it with a big fucking gun.

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This was all in episode 1.

Just wait until you get to the Santa episode.

What episode is that?
I just rewatched the first episode for nostalgia's sake.


>Villains hate Christianity and Christmas


>Villains hate Christianity and Christmas
Circus freaks what's their end game?

Please tell me that their are english subs

What Sentai is this?

There are but they're supposedly really inaccurate aside from the Santa episode which was done by a guy as a special Christmas thing for the people following his work. Really though Metal Heroes is insane in general so you can just watch Gavan which does have good subs.


Yes. Even the movies.



There should be some available. I'm pretty shure that there are english dubs, because I watched this when I was a kid. The first episode is available online with english subs.
Space Policeman Shaider

what was zer fucking problem?

oh fug downloading now

According to one of the guys from /m/ who did recent subbing work on another Metal Heroes show the subs for Shaider are purely made up most of the time.

fack where can i watch?

Sorry title is "Space Sherrif Shaider" there should be some English dubs available somewhere, because I watched this in English when I was a kid on an American channel while in Asia (military dad).


Or maybe it was just subbed. Nevermind on the dubs they probably only exist in my head.

episode 1

Thanks pal.

Looks like fun.

of course Japs have been making live action capekino for decades and they are inherently conservative people