Your days are finally numbered, Sup Forums

Prepare your boipussy.


Sup Forums will defend this

>Drumpf bans vidya
>Sup Forums declares war on Drumpf
>Sup Forums declares war on Sup Forums
>The Sup Forums civil war has commenced

>Thailand telling others to prepare their boipussy

wtf I hate Drumpf now

We already get censored such as GTA.

Sup Forums of course joins the anti mongrel Sup Forumsrigade

>Maybe they have to put a rating system for that.
He said this.

this is the man some people in this board UNIRONICALLY defend

As long as he doesn't go after Victoria II

I will literally secede if he goes after my cute girl games.

Go back to pol ritard

kek, but watching star wars with your 4 yo kids and showing him how luke got his hand cut off by big black dude is cool..

told ya

Regardless of how I feel about Sup Forums I would have to support them. Sup Forums is awful and the enemy of my enemy is my friend

I loved disaster movies and movies about giant monsters as a kid and I'm not a mass shooter. I saw Star Wars at like 8.

Sup Forums is the guerrilla board that started it all


Sup Forums is the jews?

vydia don't make people violent

Sup Forums do

no, we are like venezuela (for starting independence struggle earliest) and Sup Forums is spain

indeed, this is why drumpf cant say video games turn people into psychos if he thinks violent movies/music are totally fine.

Fuck those manchildren


this but unironically

>tfw dislike them both
I don't even know which board I belong with anymore. I slightly like Sup Forums. Maybe.

Sup Forums


Americans have been doing this forever, bud. Claiming comic books were turning kids crazy while there was no age restriction on seeing the equivalent of R rated movies back in the 60s.

Then they blamed music in the 80s while shit like Prowler was at every video store.

This is beyond boards, attacks on anime, porn and vidya are attacks on us all.

What the fuck? I thought SJW liberals were the ones that fell for muh video game violence meme.

I don't play vidya anymore. I hope he censors games for no other reason than I know Sup Forumsacks would disproportionately be affected.

Trump is a New York liberal.

>wtf I'm an idiot who knows nothing??

No you idiot, SJWs are gun control advocates. Republicans need to keep their rifle-owning constituents happy by blaming the media.

>MUH FREEDOMS but also take them all away for the laughs

Would you say Sup Forums and /vg/ are their respective sister boards?

>trump is now supporting authoritarian gun control measures and going after video games

This is what happens when you support a fascist.

I can tell you are an underage fag, because concerned parent type figured in the 80s and 90s were the driving force behind this shit long before you were born

wtf I love Drumpf now