Apologize or suffer the consequences

Apologize or suffer the consequences.

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he just keeps getting more pathetic

this guy is so funny, what was his name again?

trim hendecker

He's the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

his assistant is funny
>asked to use him as a reference on my resume
>"yes, say you wrote my show"


what skit is this from

KSTV episode 17

Sam who? What am I apologizing for?

hey sam nice thread now fuck off

I'll have one of my assistants drop off a bottle of aspirin at your car. What parking lot do you live in now?

Oh he takes it alight.

I wish they could get the gang back together...

I didn't get the impression Charls or Nick or Andrew would be mad at Sam, I don't sense animosity in branching out... They all just got caught up in the Jewish machinery... I don't believe this bullshit that Charls wants nothing to do with him in particular, unless there's brand new pertinent information, I don't believe that after HydeWars4 or whatever it was with him as the guest in the car talking about some real shit.

that's odd, those ears sure are different, why... that random guy that clearly isn't Sam might as well not even have fucking earlobes... This image really makes me think... on account of this one I have right here...

Yes, interesting... That can't be Sam... What some might consider interesting, or even odd, is that there are people who suggest that attached earlobes are a trait largely found in those with Jewish ancestry... A-user... Are you sure... that isn't a picture of you?!

It's a shitty quality cell phone image where his hat is pulling up on his ears and hair is obscuring the rest, dumbass.

The odds of it being him are more likely than you imagine.

no lol

fake and gay

I hope Charls is successful as a game streamer, he definitely has charisma and is entertaining, I could honestly see him blowing up to a small extent

>this snapshot is somehow evidence of....... literally anything
>it even looks fucking recent, and yet you act like you're posting some dynamite evidence of his homosexuality
I gotta wonder if you're even aware of that tranny hookup infograph/"evidence" pic

have you also seen that webm of him making out with and swallowing the spit of a bald dude? that dude is a ftm tranny and the last part with the spit swapping isn't even Sam but Charls with glasses and similar facial hair from a completely separate video that was actually released involving a bull dyke looking woman

The circumstantial evidence adds up dude. If this was a trial he'd be convicted of first degree faggotry faster than you can say "Sam Hyde is straight"

But it's ok, luckily for Sam you can be gay and still funny as long as you're a dude.

And here's proof that he's Jewish. He's even wearing a yamaka.

Sam "Hyde" got doxed, so everybody knows that. Fucking Jew loser's real name is actually Sammy Diamonds.

How do you think he even got his shot on Adult Swim. Only jews get those kinds of breaks. Unfortunately he was too self-hating even for them.