Men in real life usually grow facial hair at a consistent rate if they are away from civilization and are unable to...

>men in real life usually grow facial hair at a consistent rate if they are away from civilization and are unable to shave.

>men from the series Lost who have been stranded on a desert island for months, yet all they have is a long stubble

Some shaved in the hatch. Also, I'm pretty sure there were supplies gathered from the plane wreckage including razors and shaving cream.

airplanes for commercial use usually have overnight supplies for people that lost their baggage. these contains some shaving cream, razors and soaps-

Supplies were airdropped and this is a plot point, please watch the show, RETARD

They had like every goddamn piece of of luggage that was on their half of the plane and every bag probably had at least one razor in it retard

Also, inb4 someone mentions hurley. they had food and by the time they found the hatch it had barely been a month and then they found a fuck load of it

>implying LOST was complicated or had any plot holes at all

They were dead


Personally I like Claire even though she just screams about the baybheee. I liked the slice of life stuff instead of the intrigue of smoke monsters and Ben's group while that was an added bonus on the Gilligan's island shenanigans.

>know she's dtf
>she's purty
>probably smells nice
>seems really kind

Forgot picture

I don't think many people realize that from the pilot episode to the s3 finale, only about 100 days have passed. The timeline goes batshit crazy afterwards, but they didn't actually spend that much time on the island at all. They had their luggage, they discovered the swan station about a month in, they had additional supply drops..... oh and some of them also spent some time in the dharma village.

Exactly. It just seems like a long time because until season 4 each season had like 25+ episodes.

haha. You didn't get it.

No, they actually weren't, did you even watch the fucking show

It's been a while since I saw it, but wasn't one of the plot points that the leader of the others didn't actually speak to the good god? But Richard did? And he got tricked by the man in black? It got me that Richard and the good god never talked about it. That was the one thing that I remember bugging me.

>probably smells nice
>stuck on a probably humid island with few amenities
Giant, sweaty, hairy, moist bushes. Every woman on the show.

Jacob? Ben never spoke to Jacob ever but he had to make it seem like it to everyone to keep his power. Richard was the only one who spoke to Jacob prior to the rest of the meeting him.

Jacob's deal was that he brought people there and let them make their own choices. It wouldn't surprise me if he and Richard didn't speak about everything.

Jacob is arguably not a good person at all when you think about that and how he basically set all these events in motion.

>not liking bush

Arm pits and other body hair I can understand but bush is great when it's not overboard. Only overboard bush I liked is Demi Moore's in that one spread.

Yeah, that's what I was talking about. Maybe they didn't sit down and chat over lunch, but I'd still expect it to come up between Richard and Jacob once. At some point Richard could have picked up that Jacob knew nothing that he himself wasn't telling him. No "Ben? Who's that?" In fact, Ben didn't know where Jacob is, right? Not once did Ben come back from Jacob from an odd direction? Not once did Richard decide to talk to Jacob with Ben?

>Jacob is arguably not a good person at all
Again, it's been years since I saw it, but I agreed with that sentiment when I watched but felt he was as clueless as everyone else and I always felt a little bad for him.

Sounds hot desu

Fat woman with bush detected

I may be fat but I'm not a woman.

>facial hair grows fast enough that I need to shave every day
>doesn't grow thick enough to have a good looking beard
worst reality

Absolutely disgusting

It Was A Dream All Along Smh

Yeah I pride myself on it truth be told.

Were they dead all along? When did they actually die?

haha imagine having sex with the girls hairy pussies wouldn't that be amazing guys?

Is it that hard to just go for a walk every day and cut out soda? Damn dude. You don't need to be ripped but that's an embarrassment

>When did they actually die?
whenever they died on the show you retard. And if they didn't die during the events of the show, they eventually died sometime after because the purgatory flash sideways in season 6 didn't exist linearly in time

I'll fight you if you don't stop bullying me.


The passage of time is only a few months, coupled with the fact that even before the hatch, they show that most of them shave.

Was Desmond a real person or what? Was he dead all along too?

fuck you

What's your boggle?

They were on the island for 48 days before they found the hatch, and prior to that, Sawyer had hoarded all he could and bartered it to the rest of the passengers. That is to say, things from the luggage, y'know, like razors.