
/ex-yu/ edition

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wogs? in /brit/? don't make me laugh!

I enjoy enacting my genocidal god complex through grand strategy games

jannie's not going to like this

Watched a prdophobic video

I don't think I could heem many of you.



which games la
civilization 5 and 6 got boring for me, even with hitler mods

i don't want to go back to therapy

vic2, hoi3, eu4

Hate homosexuality hate homophobia. I'm the radical centre

secretly get off a bit when southerners call me a dumb northern monkey

quite worried that we'll get a shift "left" in macroeconomics, only for it to be countered by changes in the labour market itself that mean "full employment" is delivered by people hiring others to act as their friends for a fee or play videogames with them rather than by doing actual work (which has been outsourced to robots.)

good taste

ck2 and stellaris are quite good too

VERY naughty thread

Off to the pakishop, you cunts want anything?

Come at me Yanks I have a gun too

>pee poo 4
off yourselves

For you to not come back.

fosters and a yorkie

the future is an ethnically ambiguous class of servants and consumers who provide comforts and entertainment to the ruling class of jewish landowners

GOD WILLS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why the fuck do people care about preserving the white race

wouldnt we be better off if were all some misnmash of mutts with similar skin color

Swiss roll

terrible posts

they're fun. Personally I only ever pirate paradox games, not a fan of their dlc cash cow policy

haha good one my fellow white person

looks like a giant firelighter to me lmao, the absolute state of this picture

great photograph for accelerating the wanking process

I will save Canada from Islam

there's no b in aspergers

>the future
ummm sweatie

and another objection to that point about having an identity you can freely negotiate, you can't do that because you can't freely negotiate your position with other people.
i mean, i guess you can just say "my fursona is popular", but that's a hollow lie. to be popular other people have to agree to like you, which precludes free negotiation.

or maybe i'm just angry my mentally ill plan to anthropomorphise desktop objects as my friends failed because i'm too mature and too sane for that shit.

*filters the leaf nonce*

ah yes, /brit/

*goes back to reading*

miss the year 10 english teacher bending over in front of me


>lousy degree from a lousy university

Based Portillo

ugly little swine

>Wanna know how bad it can get for student activism? When Reagan was governor, he ordered state troopers to use force to suppress a protest about building a UC campus park. People died.
>He then tear-gassed the memorial service the next day and winds blew it into a playground.

entitled americunt thinking /brit/ is here to enterain him. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE - gandhi

say that to my face bitch not online
see what happens

The existence of my people is non-negotiable.

John Major (or Mair) (also known in Latin as Joannes Majoris and Haddingtonus Scotus) (1467–1550) was a Scottish philosopher, theologian, and historian who was much admired in his day and was an acknowledged influence on all the great thinkers of the time.

I miss pan head, lads ;_;

>John Major (or Mair) (also known in Latin as Joannes Majoris and Haddingtonus Scotus) (1467–1550) was a Scottish philosopher, theologian, and historian who was much admired in his day and was an acknowledged influence on all the great thinkers of the time.

john major mentioned

>I miss pan head, lads ;_;


when someone on twitter is like "i'm sad all the time" and i'm mentally like "yeah of course you are you're a soulless reddit automaton" but then i feel guilty even though it's true

what is this style of advertising called?
it always makes me think of those 60s magazines with full page ads for whiskey and knit jumpers

tell me about the Mogg
why does he wear the glasses?

crunch is a very nice word, one of my favourites along with conker

Hector Boece (/ˈbɔJs/; also spelled Boyce or Boise; 1465–1536), known in Latin as Hector Boecius or Boethius, was a Scottish philosopher and historian, and the first Principal of King's College in Aberdeen, a predecessor of the University of Aberdeen.

Hector Boece Court halls of residence now exist in the Hillhead student village.

measly little bookworm, shan't be getting any power any time soon


print advertising?
don't know what you're getting at lad

here's your plane back mate just like you left it haha

out of all the ridiculous religion stories which are greatly, wonderfully ridiculous—the silliest one I've ever heard is, 'Yeah… there's this big giant universe and it's expanding, it's all gonna collapse on itself and we're all just here just 'cause… just 'cause'. That, to me, is the most ridiculous explanation ever

no u

i don't know how to put it
it's like the minimalism + the use of capitalised serif fonts

>BF1 patch is 3gbs
jesus christ

Caratacus (Brythonic *Caratācos, Middle Welsh Caratawc; Welsh Caradog; Breton Karadeg; Greek Καράταkος; variants Latin Caractacus, Greek Καρτάkης) was a 1st-century AD British chieftain of the Catuvellauni tribe, who led the British resistance to the Roman conquest.

feeling depressed and lonely again


The Catuvellauni were a Celtic tribe or state of southeastern Britain before the Roman conquest, attested by inscriptions into the 4th century.

miss the golden age of flash games

oh no no no look at this dood


flight attendant


After his final defeat he fled to the territory of Queen Cartimandua, who captured him and handed him over to the Romans. He was sentenced to death as a military prisoner, but made a speech before his execution that persuaded the Emperor Claudius to spare him.

giggled at this x

*nuzzles you*


haha x
*puts my hand on your penis*

not a great bum

Stop watching porn

She would much better if she had an African or Mexican father or mother

reckon i will die in my 30's




race mixing should criminalized

star wars isn't real

t. yank

can't socialise without alcohol

i know that feel

Used 5 superlikes on 6-7/10s and nothing in return

>using superlikes

Good when used tactically

>talking to real girls

*launches a tactical superlike strike on russia*

>cant read latin
>cant read french
>cant read scots gaelic

>Stop watching porn


literally all of those are dead languages. learn a real language like esperanto


raking in those (You)s lads