Just finished this and I thought it was fucking great. Is the 2nd season really as bad as everyone says it is? If so...

Just finished this and I thought it was fucking great. Is the 2nd season really as bad as everyone says it is? If so,what are some movies/shows similar to this?

s2 is aids, dropped it after 2 episodes and felt disgusting for wasting my time

s1 is top 5 of all times

>Is the 2nd season really as bad as everyone says it is?
No it was just too smart for people. It didn't hold their hand through the story and got called "convoluted" for it.

S2 is nowhere near as good as S1, but it's still worth watching, if only so you can understand Vinceposting.

Season 2 is amateurish at its best and borderline incomprehensible at its worst. The three or four good scenes aren't worth struggling through all the embarrassing dialogue and bland camerawork.

>Is the 2nd season really as bad as everyone says it is
yes, unironically it is. i regret watching it

Op I have yet to meet one person who actually understood the plot that didnt like it. Every single person who said they hated it werent able to explain the actual plot.

S1 was very character driven by the means of unreliable narration. S2 was plot driven and is heavy with land purchase jargon. Most people didnt "get it".

Watch it and see for yourself.

>If so,what are some movies/shows similar to this

Sicario [movie]

S2 is good, but S1 is easily argued as the greatest TV show ever made so it pales in comparison.

la isla minima/marshland is somewhat similar and a good movie

it's quite mediocre and it has nothing to do with season 1

Got baited into watching it by some retards saying "it's lovecraftian"
If you said this at some point, please disembowel yourself

i got baited into watching it by the fucking retards here, now i try to warn people like OP so they cant do the same thing to them

Season 2 is worth watching.

>s the 2nd season really as bad as everyone says it is?
not really, it's a bit better than the first
not as comfy I guess but has more emotional impact and a better ending
that said, it does suffer from a slightly convoluted plot that you'll not be able to follow the first time around
my advice is: don't worry too much
it's even less about the crime mystery than the first season, just take a few things at face value and focus on what's important which is the characters and the reasons things are happening to them

This. It just isn't fair to compare the two.

>what are some movies/shows similar to this?
Street Kings, Fargo (the show, not the movie. both seasons)

Twin Peaks, Eyes Wide Shut, Kill List

Season 2 is challenging. Join the plebs and watch capeshit instead.

If you honestly believed alien tentacle monsters were going to show up, you should just kys now.

Se7en, Saw (1-5), Zodiac, Memento, House of Cards (S1+2),

lot of memeing in this thread so I will give you a legitimate response

Season 2 is OK. It's not as bad as some claim but Season 1 is just so much better it's not even a comparison. The actors in S2 are all pretty great, but because it was rushed through in production the writing is just awful. There's literally a meme centered around Vince Vaughn's character's dialogue because it's so cheesy.

S1 had a lot of really quirky dialogue as well ("I don't sleep, I just dream") but Mcconaughey was able to pull it off because of how off-kilter Rust was and how the Louisiana aesthetic fit with the themes of mysticism in the show.

Ultimately Season 2 is a sub-par version of Season 1, with the characters, the story and the theme all spread significantly thinner than S1, leaving a lot to be desired. It's a good way to kill a couple hours, but don't expect it to hold a candle to S1

just accept that you have shit taste user, it's ok

"You see Ray, Season 1 was like a perfectly cooked egg. Over easy, but the yolk wasn't too runny. Pinch of salt and pepper, and cooked with real butter. Then along comes season 2. Now Ray, I like eggs. A good breakfast makes for a good day. But if there's one thing I can't stand, it's an overcooked egg. The yolk gets all dry, the white all leathery. And on top of that, I can't stand it when there's too much salt and pepper.

Season 2 is kinda like that: an overcooked, overseasoned egg. It's like they just took the cap off the salt and drowned it to cover up their mistakes. And then they just threw some unground peppercorns on it and called it breakfast.

You know what they say about eggs and omelettes, Ray. But this time they weren't making omelettes, and all they broke was my heart."



this is about all you need to know.

still worth watching, it would probably have been better received if it had a different name, but its just a huge step down from s1