Yeah he's a Targaryen, so what?

Yeah he's a Targaryen, so what?

Nobody will prove it, so he won't be legitimate

Nobody will believe Bran or Reed

So what's the point??

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone said he will be burned by a dragon and that will prove it but then forgot he burned his hand in season 1 and got injured so remember that incase you try to say that's how they will prove it.

Both Sam and Bran will uncover it. Sam will find the proof of Rhaegar and Lyanna's marriage in paper form buried in the Citadel and we'll see it in action in one of Bran's visions.

>he burned his hand in season 1 and got injured
I cant wait to see how D&D will fail to explain that

targs aren't fucking fireproof. stop repeating this

That armor is this > < close to being cool but something about it just doesn't look right
Maybe the dragons need to be more subtle?

>proof of Rhaegar and Lyanna's marriage
rhaegar was already married with children

He's not the Dragon so he's not fireproof you FOKIN DUNCE.

>he burned his hand in season 1

Which episode was this?

They literally are though

Danerys would disagree with you.

He'll find out about it, but it will only be for closure on his character arc. Not like he'll suddenly start flying the Targaryen banner and stuff.

>targs aren't fucking fireproof. stop repeating this

>targs aren't fucking fireproof.

And he married a second time.

Targaryens have had polygamist marriages before so I don't see the problem.

bran will probably tell him once jon comes back to winterfell, but no way to prove it.

I guess they could do something with a dragon obeying him for no reason.

not that him having a targ claim would matter, everyone isn't going to stop their wars and bend over for him.

No they aren't. Dany took the fire and was hurt by it.

Yeah but what will be the point of it?

Just to kill Jon's curiosity? kek

the mad king and dany's brother were not fire proof either

>George RR Martin: Granny, thanks for asking that. It gives me a chance to clear up a common misconception. TARGARYENS ARE NOT IMMUNE TO FIRE! The birth of Dany's dragons was unique, magical, wonderous, a miracle. She is called The Unburnt because she walked into the flames and lived. But her brother sure as hell wasn't immune to that molten gold.

>Revanshe: So she won't be able to do it again?

>George RR Martin: Probably not.

>Dany took the fire and was hurt by it.

>So what's the point??

I believe that should happen any scene with Jon will be surrounded by fire, then

>George RR Martin: Probably not.
yet she did it to kill the dothraki lords,
bravo D&D

D&D are the lowest of hacks, this is known.

>won't be able to do it again
>does it again at the dothraki retirement home
Wow its almost as if she's immune to fire or something

see this

what are you trying to say mate, that grrm is wrong?

he's wrong in the context of the show, yes

trying to say she's immune to fire

did she do it in the books ? kill the dothraki lords with fire ?

Targs aren't fireproof. The Dragon is fireproof. Varys was burned alive by Khal Drogo. Remember that? Remember the whole "He was not the Dragon. Fire cannot kill a Dragon."?

This fucking fanbase can't even keep track of their own shit.

If Daenerys lose a hand, will grow another?

show is past the books at this point. we don't know.

>Varys was burned alive by Khal Drogo.
He wasn't burned alive.

It is known

its time to stop posting you've been proven wrong several times now

It's a red herring to make us believe he's Azor Ahai.

>Probably not

So your saying theres a chance!

Now that's cleared up.

When he rides a dragon, it will be known.

What about the fire taxes?

And then he will warg the dragon.

based upon what? the (likely mistakenly) derivation from primary canon by the show's demonstrably bad showrunners? I wouldn't trust them to hold even internal consistency within the show regarding Jon's fire immunity or not

but dany burned the dothraki bitches and walked out no problem

Fire and molten gold are two very different things user

Based on her surviving the fire in season one an then again when she kills the dothraki lords. But feel free to come to your own conclusion im just going to assume being immune to fire twice means your immune to fire.

it was Viserys.

Yes, but so is molten metal and boiling water - which Dany bathed in comfortably in S1

Targaryen's can be burnt. Daenarys is "The Dragon" not just any Targaryen.

To prove this point Jon Snow severely burnt his hand while fighting the wight that was trying to kill the Lord Commander. It's less noticable in the show but still happens. In the books it is referenced several times as it happened to his sword hand.

"At first it had felt as if his hand were still aflame, burning day and night. Only plunging it into basins of snow and shaved ice gave any relief at all. Jon thanked the gods that no one but Ghost saw him writhing on his bed, whimpering from the pain. And when at last he did sleep, he dreamt, and that was even worse. In the dream, the corpse he fought had blue eyes, black hands, and his father's face, but he dared not tell Mormont that."

The fact that Targaryens can be burnt is also shown when Drogo crowns that one fag. Daenarys even has a one liner about how he was not the dragon.

And the last proof is that Maester Aemon's body was burnt on a funeral pyre.
Targaryens are not fireproof. Daenarys is a special snow flake that is fireproof. I want to die.

Maybe Targs only have that power a after they get told they're targs

Some are you blind faggot. Dany has set herself on fire twice now and not been scathed.


nah, he's a stark. look at his physical traits, he's expressing the dominant genes of the norff

>people actually saying Targaryens are fire proof

i'm calling it now.

dany won't be queen because she'll die protecting the realm

the night king will turn her dragons. they'll come after her but she'll use the night king as a shield. the dragons will attempt to burn her with their frozen fire (dumb and dumber will work out the details...oh wait, nvm) and kill both her and the king in the process. once he's dead all other white walkers will die (similar to killing the original vampire in some tales.) she's immune to fire, but not to ice. ice fire. what the fuck ever.

screen cap this. it's just stupid enough to be true.

Bran can prove his ability to literally anyone.

Once he convinces a ruler or religous leader, he's set. He already convinced lady stark

Salsa pffft

Molten gold also isn't fire so....

It makes no sense that 3 Kingsguard would guard a bastard and not be trying to get to Dragonstone where the actual royal family is instead. Jon is legitimate.

>Dany walks into Drogos fire
>Dies, but instant fire lord rez via Red lord
>now fireproof wight

>Dies via stabbing
>Rez via red lord
>Now Fireproof Ice wight


Pretty sure Bran can give people visions.

Who cares, he's mixed. His fire immunity gene is long gone guys

Bran will jump into Dany's mind and show her.


Varys might reveal that he has always known the truth and D&D will come up with a dumb reason why he never said anything and/or there will be a scene where Daenerys is freaked out by the anti-dragon weapon and is like Jon Snow you bringing the north army down or i'll have my dragons fuck you up and they submit to Jon indicating who he really is.

yea it's the red color of the dragons looks to much like a video game

and then? what difference will it make?

Most importantly, does Jon even want to be king? So he's half Targaryen and half Stark, it doesn't mean he's got any interest in ruling Westeros. He's barely enthusiastic about ruling the North. He's never even been south of the neck except to sail to Dragonstone.

Targaryens aren't fireproof, Dany is a special case. Plenty of Targaryens, including two past kings, were burned to death.

who has thicker plot armor?

jon or dany?

So what? You think she's going to drop everything and give up just because her nephew has a marginally better claim than her? IMO, she's in it for herself and nobody else. If Viserys had lived, she still would be calling herself queen because she hatched the dragons.


dany is thicccer

If some Targs aren't Fireproof why didn't Daenerys burn to death along with the Dothraki leaders she burned alive?

Jon was literally resurrected, plot armor doesn't get any stronger than that

Dragons are too bright, a more understated version would look better. Although in book lore Rhaegar Targaryen's armor had literal rubies arranged in the shape of dragons so maybe OP's image is actually relatively understated.

Pretty much.

Danny is just a special snowflake mary sue who's basically just randomly overpowered.

I wonder if it's intentional that she's a mary sue and that, in the spirit of the show inverting fantasy tropes, she'll die in some pathetic way.

But, I guess the days of it being written by somebody who's trying to overt fantasy are over.

exactly i just want to see one episode where jon has a nice day.

hopefully it ends with him settling down with another nice wildling girl

i think dany will die as a martyr in the end

>Danny is just a special snowflake mary sue who's basically just randomly overpowered.
I wouldn't call it that random. She's the last heir to a magical dynasty that can control dragons, her being able to control dragons isn't exactly a stretch. The fireproof thing is a relatively small powerup, all things considered.

No, it's garbage

It's not fucking small at all from a narrative standpoint is it? How long does her masturbatory titles have to be to make us hate her less?

What really bothers me most is the she hasn't fought anything, once in the show. Not one time has she put her life in actual risk to get something. Others will always do so on her behalf and then she'll do the crowdsurfing with that smug look on her face. Come the fuck on.

>It's not fucking small at all from a narrative standpoint is it?
The "unburnt" thing? Yes, it's pretty small. You can change the books from "Dany steps into fire, doesn't die, and emerges with 3 dragons" to "Dany gets 3 dragons in some other magical ritual" and the story doesn't change dramatically. She just loses that "unburnt" title.

>How long does her masturbatory titles have to be to make us hate her less?
I think the idea is that she's insecure and childish, and adds all these titles to make up for the fact that she's never even been to half the places she claims to rule.

>What really bothers me most is the she hasn't fought anything, once in the show.
She's an untrained woman, and a small one at that. Do you want her to be running around stabbing grown men like Arya "Girl Power" Stark?

No, the Unburnt thing is not a physical perk, it adds to her mysticism as a character and a chosen in the eyes of men.

At least Arya trained for like 5 seasons to get where she is, failed to kill most of her list and had an actual character arc. While Dany drifted from one power trip to another. She could at least be a tactician, or try to learn to be one. Instead she throws tantrums when her advisors fail in a battle as if she could've done better.

all u niggas be trippin. Jons a fire wight now a'ight. nigga can get hotter than a muthafucka now and it aint no thing

Isn't that the armor from the shitty Dracula movie that came out a couple of years ago?