/wtc/ - Witcher general

Endless speculation edition.

Characters that won't appear the way their presented in games:
>Letho, Roche, Iorveth (CDPR characters, won't appear at all)
>Ciri, Radovid (either kids or not conceived yet)
>Triss (literally a shit)

Other urls found in this thread:


Geralt will probably look like his Witcher 1 or 2 counterpart, 3 isn't as accurate, he won't have a beard either.

Season 1 will probably combine both short story collections, maybe include the beginning of Blood of Elves just to introduce Triss and the other witchers, otherwise it probably won't gain as much attention if season 1 is just Geralt and Dandelion with 2 cameos from Yennefer and a tiny bit of Ciri. They might benefit from ignoring some of the less relevant short stories and covering them in later episodes or seasons. If season 1 is supposed to be a kind of pilot/test run, they need to have enough recurring characters to keep the audience interested, rather than just disjointed episodes focusing on random short stories.

I would like it if they started with the beginning of how he got ciri and kept slowly progressing

This show being made by Poles means there won't be niggers and shit, right?

I don't care lol

i'm from Poland. Sapkowski said, in one of the interviews, that he wants Denzel Washington to play Geralt, because it's his favourite actor.

but it's not gonna happen probably cause Denzel is expensive, i think

No Roche no party. Also, I would love to watch the rats vs that guy you killed them all(forgot his name)

Uma spinoff when?

Didn't Netflix say it was about a "dysfunctional family"? That means it's probably focused on Ciri.

Fucking /got/ cancer

Will it have shit combat similar to the game?

Mind providing a source?

I find it hard to belief the author would be fine with the main character of his books set in a land based off Eastern Europe being black. It would completely destroy the character.

Hopefully the show will be a better adaptation than TW3 was an RPG.


maybe because Sapkowski is Polack, not Sup Forumsack and he doesn't give a fuck about skin color? Have you thought about that?

go to bed, Shadow of Mordorfag

Can't wait for Sup Forums rants about the large amount of women who need no man that are actually pretty faithful to the source.

>niggers galore
>interracial romance everywhere
just like every netflix series

They're based on books, so literally fucking neck yourself, faggot.

Will there be boobies and fucking in the show?

>shitty genre fiction

Belongs in /lit/ then you manchild fuck.

Go home you off-topic scum

This is going to be worse than the Super Mario Bros movie

Do you even know anything about the old fuck you are talking about?
Someone who renamed a character so that the translator who bought the rights to translate his books couldn't use that name as a better sounding translation for the name of another character.
And then went on making the books Ciri-centric towards the end because fans were constantly pestering him asking for a Geralt-centric story.

He is fucking anal about his works and has a tism-fit whenever someone else tries to adapt them in a way that isn't what he himself envisioned.

>TV show is off topic
>on Sup Forums
Fucking goddamn dirty bitch bastard casuals.

You're being baited very poorly, and you're biting like a hippopotamus.

Denzel thing is bullshit, he used to say that he'd want Kevin Costner, later he changed his pick to Mads.

>the last thread was nothing but discussion about the toy you play
again go home you fucking scum

I can see it failing horribly. 90% of fans don't give a shit about the books, they want game plots and game characters.


>90% of fans
pretty sure they've moved on already

>this fucking assblasted over something that has no effect on him
>has to refer to video games as "toys" in an attempt to make them seem juvenile
>is a fat faggot virgin, most likely with a large goiter and a micro penis

The books have far better story than the games and all the main characters and most of the secondary ones are basically the same as the games.

In the books Geralt is supposed to be really ugly, Mads can't correspond to this description.

>supports off-topic garabge
>plays with toys
>el justo meme hustler
every fucking time
I wouldn't doubt for a second youre nonwhite too based on the last one

Of course, it'll be made by Poles.
Have you ever seen any fight scene from polish movie?


>Have you ever seen any fight scene from polish movie?
Do you?


Meh, it won't be worse than last Witcher adaptation.


I mean ita sourcefull but thats no the base of the caracthers and netflix will make sure that tumbrl know their base is we dont need no man
Thats what pisses me off with got

This doesn't warrant a general you fucking mongoloid.

>it's good because muh Sup Forums memes
No. Poles cannot into action.


Yeah sorry this thread killes some rick and morty/got thread we dont have nearly enough of those

One of the best parts of the witcher 3 was the fact that there were literally no non-whites except for 2 friendly ofieri and the evil ones who captured geralt, but netflix will probably make geralt black.

Make threads about the Witcher series, that's fine. But as it doesn't even fucking exist yet and we have very little info about it, it would be absurd to start a "general".

Here's your Olgierd, Sup Forums

Here's a lil' sneak peak at test footage of Geralt.

Yennefer and Triss are still white though right?

Is he?

I always thought he was actually kinda non-traditionally handsome in the face, but his scars, cat eyes and other less human-like features scared people, as well as the general stigma people had about witchers. Where basically he'd look like an actually pretty attractive dude if he lost all his physical witcher features.

In that way I always imagined him looking like a generally alright, handsome in a weird way (like normally handsome but with some slightly unique features so he doesn't have a generic male model face) guy, but then you gave that guy creepy cat eyes, long white hair and pale skin to the point where he didn't look quite so human.

So basically get a solid actor for him then witcher-fy that actor enough that he'd still creep people out at a glance despite actually having a decently structured face and body.

I always personally imagined Zach McGowan in the role. He's definitely not ugly but his long face and large nose are quite different. The actor's face also looks naturally intimidating too which helps.

Duh, why else woud you make Geralt black?

He is not ugly. He looks unnatural and "otherworldly" enough that people brand him a freak when it suits them (i.e. when it's time to pay for his service) but he scores his fair share of young pussy, especially before meeting Yen.


Actually, I imagined him mostly like you desribed, and Zach McFowan is pretty like what I imagined with less exagerrated features and non Witcher traits.

It's also worth noting that I read a translation so it may be biased, but in it Geralt was always desribed give "Ugly smiles", and I tought most people in the universe are supossed to be fugly execpt the witches and wizards, many are described horrible, so Geralt would still be more handsome in relation.