Just watched this

Just watched this.
Why does Sup Forums hate it again?
It's a solid 8.5/10 or even 9/10

Makes Covenant look like a masterpiece.

from a moviemaking standpoint its great
but the story is just an episode of The Next Generation

>but the story is just an episode of The Next Generation

that's something that's barely been done in 2 decades, we should be promoting shit like that

the story is pretty close to a real life scenario considering we had the same aliens and ships do the same arrival to earth
the only thing that's different is the timing of learning how to communicate and that there would be a lot of time before anyone even went into that thing

maybe if you're a retard

damn really changed my mind man
I am retarded!
you are right!!
Ill go kms myself now right?

It's the same fucking sci-fi movie they've been making since the 50s. Same characters, same plot, same pacing, same scenes. Sometimes it works like "Alien" but this movie was just kinda there.

name 10 movies that are similar to this
Ill wait

I hated all the characters in the movie. The army who didn't explain shit, the specialist who defied direct orders not to take off the suit. I wanted her to contract a virus and die from her stupidity. She would become an alien zombie then film would turn into a decent horror movie

>horror movie
choose 1
only 13 y old children like horror movies

This is a 3/10 amy adams was dogshit. Go back.

the hazmat suits were stupid after the first time they went up there. which it is said that they have done many times before Amy Adams arrived.

the only real stupid thing. is when those soldiers planted the bomb in the ship and then had the shoot out.

The hallmarks of an alien movie are there. The general panic and confusion, military involvement, secrecy and government agendas, mystery and danger regarding the motivation of the visitors.

But at least this movie tried to be different and succeeded in most regards I cant recall a movie in the last decade or two that even bothered with the issue of how to start a form of communication with aliens from scratch

Jurassic Park
Back to the Future
Andromeda Strain
Blade Runner 2049
Edge of Tomorrow

>wtf I love globalism now!

Don't even bother user, I've been trying to hear a single buzzword-free valid argument against it since it release.

you have not seen a 9/10 movie.

>The Shining, The Exorcist, Aliens, Carrie, Dawn of the Dead
cmon user I know you like this movie but shitting on the horror genre to prop this mediocre film up.

Ive seen the first 2 and theyre not even close to this
stopped reading right there
just because you think theyre different doesn't mean they actually are
this one was a lot more slow paced

what the fuck was the point of this movie

the same*

The Day The Earth Stood Still
War of the Worlds
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Independence Day
every single fucking kaiju movie ever
every single low budget creature feature from the 50s

Try watching the Bert I Gordon eps of MST3K. They all follow the same formula. When I watched "Arrival" I started to get really pissed off - why can't they try something more challenging, more interesting?

why does there have to be a point
we don't know the point of life itself and you're asking about a movie

The theme was a ham-fisted globalist one, not sure how you missed it

why the fuck would i watch a movie if there is no point in it

all i got from it was that you shouldnt be sad when your kid dies

That movie sucked dick and you are retarded


>this is a lot more slow paced
You sound like an actual kid.

I dont know how you came to that conclusion

>kms myself

What did he mean by this?

It was just so boring. Conceptually the language was very interesting and unironically made me think a little bit, but the movie wasn't thought-provoking enough to be a film and it wasn't entertaining enough to be a movie.

please do

That op's a faggot with poor grammar?

>But at least this movie tried to be different and succeeded in most regards I cant recall a movie in the last decade or two that even bothered with the issue of how to start a form of communication with aliens from scratch
That was somewhat interesting but not nearly enough to carry the entire movie. If they wanted to make it a meditation on communication they could have cut all the bullshit obligatory "were giving you one chance at this because you're the best in the field" and idiotic milfag control room filler and crowd panic scenes. If you want to make a movie that has linguistics and the nature of communication as it's main theme then do it. I think there are scriptwriters out there capable of it.

>Why does Sup Forums hate it again?

It was Interstellar done right, and that's blasphemy against St. Nolan.

We had terrific discussions and appreciation for the first couple days it was out, as these things go- before it was clear that it would be well received to general audiences, having garnered good reviews and word of mouth, and the knee-jerk, overcompensating backlash commenced. Also because it's tangentially sci-fi or has elements of STEM it's super triggering to the autistic Sup Forums contingent.

It's a damned good film. Beautifully directed, interesting story, Adams is wonderful and maybe should have garnered the ol' oscar nom.

I liked it, but the final act was a bit of a let down.

It's about how when knowing your whole life from start to finish you would find beauty and joy from the smallest bits of moments in a day which you may take now for granted (hence her daughter)

Here's an excerpt from an interview with Villeneuve to maybe clear things up for you:
>"The idea is that the heptapods see life like a [scripted] play. They know what will happen, so they have the choice — either they do it bored to death, or they embrace it and try to be at their best, like an actor on a stage."

So it's about embracing death (instead of denying it like we do) as an essential part of life and appreciating every waking moment of it.
And it's all predetermined in the film, she can't change anything. It's not like she views her future like a youtube video and then continues with her life normally.
There is no other choice available, she never could've changed her decisions because all of the past, present and future decisions are interconnected and experienced at the same time. That's why it's non linear.

interesting point

Its just a movie about abortion and that abortions are wrong. The director is right winged.

was just as formulaic. That bullshit with Michael Caine in the secret superscience bunker? Come on. At least it had really good visuals.

It has shite acting.

I guess it was entertaining for me because I watched the remux and its like my 3rd remux ive watched
every detail of sound was great when heard through headphones
before I just downloaded 3 gb rips or something
thats what made it not boring to me

>It was just so boring.

but this is not a monster movie you dumb cunt, or are you just baiting?
seriously, if you think that this movie should be put in the same basket as the ones you mentioned, you're a serious pleb that hasn't even passed the "genre" phase.

I really liked it.

Arrival is part of a recent series of movies I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger Sci-Fi. Along with Interstellar and to a somewhat lesser extent The Martian, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are movies designed to make the audience feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the viewer's hand the entire way through until there is next to nothing to be left up to interpretation.

If you didn't already know the twist in Arrival by the time she was in the milky section of the ship with the aliens AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.

There is no reward for being smart while viewing these movies because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge magnet letters. Any clever idea is made so transparent that even the most simple in the audience will get it. It also removes any reward for rewatching or trying to figure out what you just saw.

Granted, there is a difference between Arrival and Interstellar. I think where Interstellar was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, Arrival has a brain that it is refusing to let the audience use.

Completely disappointing movie.

>so that just happened

I liked they idea and how they worked it out. This really abstract idea about what aliens are and how they look like. Good job