The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 4: Mutant Massacre (Part 25)

What's up, mah muggas?

Let's read this thing.


Fallen Angels is so good, im hyped.



No commentary tonight because I am dead tired.


In fact, I don't even know if we'll finish this tonight! Let's try at least.







> Another New Mutant Dies!

How many times have they done this now?






Petition to rename AIMVengers daCosta's Demons




Hey OP.
I like this mini. I enjoy all the characters except maybe Chance.

I think everybody kinda forgot how young Madrox is supposed to be at some point.


Hey user!

Bobby I don't think Magneto was baptized


Not even mocking modern fans that ignore Jo Duffy's existence to further hype modern lady writers?
Then again, Jo Duffy did kinda eventually disappear


>Like Pelé

but pele debuto con un pibe

I do wonder what happened to her, yeah.

>She now works as a receptionist at the US Immigration Office in New York and has been largely absent from the publishing scene. She made multiple announcements on her Facebook page that she created a new company to self-publish her work and incorporated Armin Armadillo Publishers in 2008. As of 2013, the company is listed as inactive



I'm not your mugga, inhumie

Can you point me to a reading order for Claremont UXM and related series? I'm only a few issues into Claremont's first issues and it's already getting actually great

Shoulda started blasting. (He's nigh invulnerable when he's blasting)

There's nothing until Brood Saga, that's when you start reading New Mutants


Hey now, I ain't no dirtie inhumie!

Madrox's power seems so fucking USEFUL, y'know?


Why are mutants such awful people?

Opinion: Warlock does not work as well in more modern comics with more realistic shading.
He's such a cartoon character that he works best in stylized art styles.

Roberto da Costa: Mulatto Rent Boy is a series I am glad does not exist.

Although I'm sure the internet would have created it had this issue come out at the right time.


Moonies sure did used to be a thing.

i feel liked Lafuente would draw a great Warlock. I wonder what a Ramos or Bachelo Lock would look like

There's your inhumie!

It's a damn shame, she did good work.



>I ain't afraid of no freaks

Sounds like a ready recruit for X-Factor, right there. The franchise potential of Mutie Busters went completely untapped.

Agreed, very underrated writer.

>Hahaha Fuck you God, I've embraced the mutanic power of Satannish!


This fucking melodrama jesus. I can't take this seriously. It's meant to be taken seriously, right? It's not intentionally farcical?


Well, the series IS called "Fallen Angels", so...




Bobby really, really wanted to fuck Tom Selleck, didn't he?





Nice and inconspicuous, that contraption is.

>Rent boy
Huh, I learned a new term today.



The Vanisher is Grant Morrison?

Will you please post your reading order, OP? I remember you said you modified Crushing Krisis' guide .


You want everything, everything? Because that would take me a good while, I don't have it written down.

is this Siryn's first appearance? if not when was it

Also, I'm technically still working on it.


Spider-Woman #37




I like how nationalistically melodramatic Bobby's narration is.


Shoot, I'm not asking for it now or anything, but a decent reading order for the X-titles has long been needed. The Crushing reading order is often erratic and more or less geared towards people who collect in trades.

If you ever get it written down, email me at [email protected] and I'll put it on a blog or make an image guide, giving you proper credit of course.


Oh, that's fine then. I'll get it done when I can. It's not 100% perfect or even done yet, I'm still fixing a few things here and there (mostly in the post AvX era).







>take a Chance

Damn that girl thirsty.






Lipschitz and Fujita look like they escaped from from some COMIX.