How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

It shouldn't be surprising. Squirrel Girl is canonically Saitama-levels of strong. Hell, probably even stronger than that. She's the strongest character in Marvel continuity.

Amused. And I'm as big a Starlinfag as you're likely to find.

Sad that Bendis and North ruined the joke.

Good joke.

Purple Darkseid needed to get his ask kicked at least one time and not be he is a huge pussy deep down inside himthat chooses to lose

Thanos later confirmed that it was a clone that was much weaker than the original that could fool the Watcher.

It's amusing when Squirrel Girl readers get as taste of their own medicine.

I don't think anything can phase someone who actually reads and enjoys SG.

How has that rat thing she carries around not died yet?

I find it slightly funny because I'm not a manchild, and no, I've never read SG's solo series.


This. The last time SQ was good was in JLA. I hope that the new one is decent.

Saitama can't be harmed by scratches from small creatures.
Squirrel Girl controls armies small creatures.
Under the notion that the former only happened under comedic pretense, it must be kept in mind that Squirrel Girl's mere mention is generally involving or invokves a comedic pretense.
Ipso facto, blahblah, Squirrel Girl can beat Caped Baldy.




it has, she's on her second sidekick.

I'm fine with it cause Thanos has been nothing less than a complete lame bore for years now

Thanos was probably lying to cover for his pathetic blue space bitch ass


If that actually happened then the writer is a petty douche without a sense of humor. Fans who only care about who can beat up who and who is the strongest or smartest or fastest are the worst.

Pleasant chuckle really isn't a feeling is it? I'm not good at verbalizing my emotions. Not good but a notably better than OK...Charmingly amused,maybe?

That was the same writer

I'm a Thanos fan, and a Starlin fan, and I think it's hilarious.

Wow. She's still 16 though, right? Cause logan the immortal can age and so can Steve but she stays sweet 16?

>Thanos later confirmed that it was a clone that was much weaker than the original that could fool the Watcher.

It makes me feel sad. Slott used to be funny.
Why isn't he funny anymore, Anons?

I don't remember the exact issue, but it's from Slott's She-Hulk.
Before you ask, yes, Slott did also write the OP image, and not Starlin as you may expect.

>and not Starlin as you may expect.
Why would anyone expect Starlin to be writing a Squirrel girl?

I meant you'd expect Starlin to be the only one with Byrne-like autism that nobody is allowed to beat his favorite character, especially not off-screen as a joke.

It's sad, because it's just a joke and Marvel flanderized Squrrel Girl into it being entire character going as far as naming her series "Unbeatable".

does anyone have a pic of fluffy armpits Squirrel Girl? I need it for research purposes in order to have a really important discussion about it but I just can't really have it without your help my good friends.

It reminds me of better days, when Squirrel Girl was fun.

That pic makes me feel safe and snug.

This joke was only funny the first time for two reasons:

1) It actually happened on-panel and seeing Doctor Doom get mauled by squirrels is hilarious. Especially since:
2) You could just feel all of Steve Ditko's contempt dripping off the page.

I wish her series was more like this. Its biggest sin, other than the art, is the fact that it's yet another "balancing school and saving the world lol!" series. Fuck that. Squirrel Girl is cosmic-tier. I want to see her going on globe-trotting stupid adventures against Marvel's heavy hitter villains.


So it was time displaced or something right.

no he didn;t you fucking retard.
also, if it was weaker then Thanos, why would he be able to fool Watcher? do you not understand Watcher's powers?
Jesus Christ, how cna you be so stupid?

wow, look at Thanos saying literally none of the things you said. amazing how you can fanwank totally unrelated evidence into your own personal Thanos-jerkoff session.

Sexy Hulk confuses and interests me. is there more?
