Book of the year is a fucking Flintstones comic

>book of the year is a fucking Flintstones comic
>book of last year was fucking Archie vs Predator
I honestly don't know what to believe anymore

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Has anyone storytimed issue 2 yet?

I Hate Fairyland has been pretty fun so far also.

That came out two or three weeks ago. 3 is soon

we're on 3 this week

and yes

Issues 1, 2, and 3 have been storytimed.

Oh shit, i gotta read that soon
>TFW i normally dont even like the flintstones

>Flavor of the month is a fucking Flintstones comic


>>book of last year was fucking Archie vs Predator
You mean Omega Men.

>flavor of the month
it's been 3 months, though

I'd argue for Transformers VS GI Joe being book of the year, although Flintstones is definitely in the top 10

Please tell me theres art of Wilma and the washing machine

It'll burn out soon enough.

There's art of Wilma and the washing machine.


I can't believe those Newsarama faggots missed the entire point of the Joe story in this issue and the punchline to the entire thing.


I could hardly be any more fucking surprised that The Flintstones and Future Quest are so fucking good.

Flintstones with FUNNY social commentary and Future Quest delivering Silver Age adventure by taking the source material seriously.

I'm actually looking forward to Jetsons too. I hope they explore alternative sci-fi societies or stuff like that.

They are literally dumb. They thought the entire plotline with the PTSD soldier who then gets killed and at the end there's a statue erected in honor of the chimp shot into space was making fun of shellshocked vets.

When, of course, the entire fucking point was criticizing that we care more about when gorillas and lions are killed than we do about taking care of our own veterans, just told in a darkly comic manner and Newsarama was too dumb to realize that.

Anybody else think The Flintstones is too on the nose with it's commentary. There's no subtly whatsoever.

anyone got the link or archive to the Flintstones 3 storytime?

Samefagging but here's the last line from the review. They are fucking idiots.

>By chasing after every joke they can think of, Mark Russell and Steve Pugh don’t spend any time developing or exploring any of the jokes. There’s one great panel riffing on David Bowie’s song “Major Tom” that goes nowhere while they keep coming back to this depressed veteran without ever making it funny. It’s a labored attempt at humor which is representative of most of the humor in this issue. If this is satire, it’s hard to tell who or what Russell and Pugh are trying to skewer with their humor, because there’s no focus to any of the jokes in The Flintstones #3.

Comic books are pretty short, and they probably only have a certain limited number before the series ends.

I wanna fuck that robo maid.

Too subtle for Newsarama apparently.

>without ever making it funny
literally every page he is on is hilarious

It's a lot like It Hurts!! in that it's taking serious subject matter (depression in the case of that webcomic) and telling a story about it using absurd, dark humor which allows what it's saying to have more punch than if you just went "A BLOO BLOO DEPRESSION IS BAD, THE WAY WE TREAT OUR VETERANS IS BAD, PLEASE FEEL BAD".

They realized too late that the most Problematic thing is existence.

Also, the constant refrain of "WHY ISN'T FUNNY??" when that's not really the point with the war veteran subplot? At least not in the ha-ha cartoony boing-splat way they seem to be expecting.

Humor, by its very nature, is subjective. Some people find it funny, others don't.

To play devils advocate, while I initially laughed at the suicidal guy dying in issue 3, it did feel a bit unsatisfying to have the guy's story stretched out over 3 issues and to end so anticlimactically. I don't know, but maybe the joke would have been funnier if we had only met him in this issue?

I also thought the space oddity reference was really forced. Venture Bros did it better.

to be fair some people just don't get absurdism

Having taste this bad should be illegal.

That's Rosie, and CLANG CLANG CLANG!

Dat Chassis

I hope the Great Gazoo actually gets some page time. This comic will never be complete untill GG calls Fred dumb-dumb.

I don't know how to feel about these aliens. This arc was pretty dark. I kinda tell myself that everything is alright as long as the writers keep remembering that Fred is basically the nicest guy you could know, but damn, the old cartoon never really put the lives of the kids at genuine risk.

they didn't even notice the subtleties of the Future's End issue of Grayson and the review ended with them complaining about DC just un-eventfully killing off Grayson for shock value



>the old cartoon never really put the lives of the kids at genuine risk

The old cartoon was also terrible.

I doubt many people did in general, especially since King was still "the other guy who writes Grayson" and I'm pretty sure that was the first thing he wrote on his own

It was a 60s cartoon rip off of the Honeymooners

What do you expect?


>it's getting bad reviews from (((critics))) who can't even understand satire

Hitler should have won WW2.

Comics are a dying medium and we can never have good things for too long. How long until the Hanna-Barbera comics are all cancelled?

>the entire fucking point was criticizing that we care more about when gorillas and lions are killed than we do about taking care of our own veterans

I thought the point was that the system only glorifies its own members (such as the ape astronaut) who can sell and advance their agenda (space exploration) and not the faceless boots on the grounds soldiers (like Joe) who are merely a useless expense to the powers that be once the war is over.

Absurdism is just a cultured way to say LOL SO RANDOM XD

How about you enjoy what you have instead of fearing the day it will go away?

>the old cartoon never really put the lives of the kids at genuine risk.

Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm literally were the only ones smart enough to get away from danger and then save the day. Only the dumb adults got killed.

>They are literally dumb. They thought the entire plotline with the PTSD soldier who then gets killed and at the end there's a statue erected in honor of the chimp shot into space was making fun of shellshocked vets.
Even if it was that shouldnt get a 3. The bias probably comes from some hatred they have towards a writer or some fanboyism towards something else.

Barney, my Pebbles!

It really isn't. Lolsorandum is absurdism done poorly, or without understanding.

Omega men was really good

God that art is amazing

I didn't like future quest

>That goes nowhere

What, did they think they should have kept that going for half the issue? How do they not understand the concept of a throwaway joke? How are people with such shit taste allowed to review anything? Why am I getting mad at them?

That cannibalism picture ruined this catchphrase for me.

if you haven't read Transformers vs GI Joe yet, then you really need to do so, here's a folder that has all of it in fact;

Tom Scioli is doing a Super Powers back up in Cave Carson soon.
The book seems interesting enough, but Scioli's the real attraction.

Add He-Man The Eternity War to the list.


That's a post worthy of being a Sup Forums banner.

Never saw it.
Have seen a lot of pics of Barney going down on adult pebbles with that catchphrase said by Fred walking in.

Book of last year was transformers vs gi joe

If I know nothing of Transformers and GI Joe, am I good?

Yes, t's a good story, no because a lot of jokes rely on owning the toys 30 years ago.

I'm worried about Conner writing it, but I'll give it a shot.

>>Thinks David Bowie reference is funny and should have kept going.
>>Didn't get vet stuff.

This is liberal humor in a nutshell. References over actual meaning.


Which makes the sting of his sacrifice hurt all the more. Dark humor is supposed to upset you because you think about it a lot more. If there was closure, you would put it out of your mind. But because he was there for three issues, died unceremoniously and is forgotten you will think about it a lot more. That is what dark humor should do.


Must be that evolution I hear Sargon talking about.

I couldn't think of a mineral that rhymed with Darwin or Lamarck.

>yabadabado is what the PTSD vets have to say when they feel like they have am episode coming on
I laughed and then I got sad

Ask and ye shall receive

Dose somebody have the page in issue #1 when barney get in freds car with the cave men with blank word bubbles.?...For reasons.

time to fuck that robot

I really hate that this is what comics have become. Gone are the days of dark humor, in are the days of "Look at this cute character preaching to the choir"




Disney destroyed the quality of Marvel comics and all the industry's as well, with that idiotic meme. Comic book characters are not Disney princesses, you idiots. The Empire of the Rodent must be kept out of the comic books.

I do that a lot reading Russell's books

Dark satire seems to be Mark Russell's "thing", so it'll still be around while he's in comics

what the shit is happening here and how is it so cool

You see this anons? This is why execs have test audiences and movies explains jokes line by fucking line now in shows. Because the average person is too stupid to get something that hasn't smashing them in the face.

The Bowie joke was a throwaway line
the Vet stuff was funny

>what are they satirizing
that Vets are treated like heroes and then forgotten about

literally how would anyone not get this?

when I read this...I don't even know what to say...yabba dabba doo

This sounds somewhat more accurate. The scientist made the chimp statue.

Omg you're so clever.

Shut the fuck up, faggot

>what the shit is happening here and how is it so cool

It's Destro the Pimp meeting Megatron the Gun God.

It's pretty amazing, especially considering how shit the Wacky Races and Scooby Doo books are.

Dare I say it's the best thing DC has right now period, and that's saying something.

>yfw it ended with a MLP crossover

>book of the year
Are you talking about some actual prize, or just general Sup Forums geek opinions?
Cause there is no way Flintstones or Archie VS Predator could win any awards.

It's not popular with critics or general audiences. Only a small Sup Forumsntingent gives it any attention. I wouldn't exactly call that flavor of the month.

I want everyone to know that this user is not meming. It genuinely ended with small horses.

That art style reminds me of that comic adaptation of the 1994 Flintstones movie with John Goodman. I can't find that comic anywhere. Anyone else remember it?

AvP got a lot of positive critical attention actually. People seemed very taken with the way it played with the conventions of Archie and is sexual politics. It wouldn't win an Eisner or anything, but it was well appreciated.

It can be both but at the heart of it the criticism is of the way society treats veterans.

>Rosie O'Donnell as Betty
Who thought this was a good idea?

Why can't critics into Flintstones? Everyone loves it and its a genuinely smart and funny series, yet month after month critics just dismiss it.


Donald Trump

The Rump is a riddle that's got me stumped

Apparently it was based purely on her being able to replicate Betty's laugh.