Would you bite your own son?

would you bite your own son?

A good father would

It's not like he couldn't just kill himself in the sun if living as a vampire is that bad. Give the man a choice.

Rudy was the best part of Misfits. I hope this guy has a great career.

Last two episodes have been shit desu.

I dropped this shit show last season, but they gave cassidy a son? Rogen has completely fucking lost it, does it bear any resemblance to the comic anymore? Did Jody ever show up?

Cassidy's son was a pretty nice plot point desu

literally why not? "oh immortality is so ronery, if only other consenting individuals would be immortal also"

No but I would by my own daddy ;)

Like in said haven't watched this season, but cassidy having a son makes no fucking sense, I suppose vampires can have kids in this version? And did Jody ever show up?

Jody hasn't shown up yet, but at least we've been getting some pretty great Herr Starr stuff. They've namedropped Angelville, so that should probably be coming up soon.

Starr you say? eh maybe I'll start s2

I'll warn you now, the whole Tulip plotline is still a fucking mess, but the season overall has been a step in the right direction from the first.

After the shit show that was 90% of s1, I wouldn't expect anything else

Cassidy is worried about the undying part, about giving his son that curse.
Seamus on the phone was worried about his underlying temperment.
I can almost guarentee that if frenchy gets turned, he will go on a blood fueled rampage, threatening to bring vamps into public knoweledge again, and cassidy and the gang will be forced to kill him.

redpill me on seamus

not his kid

that would take 7 seasons at current pace

How is he so ugly yet handsome at the same time? How do I achieve this?


Did Jesse also sell his soul in the comics or is that another creation of the show?

No of course he didn't, this show is sounding worse all the time

He did actually sell his soul in some of the later comics.

no he didn't, that never happened, he told god to fuck off a few times and god took his eye, that's it

You do know that Preacher had two sequels and a spin-off, right?

Nope, is the saint still god?

wtf are you talking about he never sold his soul in the comics that is a betrayal of his character.

What? What are they?

You should assume most of the plot is going to be made up at this point. They're hitting some major stuff but 90% of it is made up so far. I smiled when the white woman and black guy appeared this episode though because they are characters (though I think the woman is blonde in the comic) from the comic.

In the show, for the word to control someone they have to have a soul. A big thing about the Saint of Killers in the show is that he doesn't have a soul and so can't be controlled. Jesse tells him that he'll get him a soul and then he can be with his family but he can't find a soul. A place he knew in New Orleans that used to sell souls (a voodoo place) is taken out of business by a Japanese company that extracts part (as low as 1%) of people's souls and sells that to other people. Jesse goes to them but they don't have any that match but (coincidentally of course) Jesse's soul is a match so he extracts 1% of his to give to the Saint of Killers. Instead of doing what he said he was going to do (if that was even possible) he can now control the SoK so he locks him in an armored truck and drops it into a lake.

So yeah, it's a bunch of made up shit that connects to other made up shit. I'm mostly enjoying it but I don't know why they couldn't just adapt the fucking comic.

How long has Cass been a vampire?

Could be the same as in the comics. In the comics he was bitten in Ireland in the early 1916. So 80 something years in the comics by the 90s and if it's the same in the show he'd be around 100.

>does it bear any resemblance to the comic anymore?
Did you read the comic at all? Cassidy stated he left kids all around.

He was stated to be 119 years old.
So probably pretty close to this.

>gets a woman addicted to heroin
>punches a woman
>writer acts like he's the most despicable person that could ever exist

for such an edgy comic the logic behind that is so bullshit

no he didn't

He did though.

It's funny how the first people to get all outraged about the changes are the ones who didn't read the source material.

In this one, he had a son in 1944 before he got turned by that hobo vampire.

I forgot, did Genesis work on Saints of Killers in the comics? I don't remember the soul selling stuff

It worked right off the bat, yeah. After Cassidy rams into him with that truck Jesse uses it on the SoK to get him to holster his guns or something.

Woody was the best part of This Is England. I've been hoping he'd get a great career ever since.

Fuck Milky, man.

I probably gotta read it again, it's been a while

Only thing I don't like so far is how hell is basically reliving their worst moments in a loop
The exact same thing they did in Lucifer

Wait so did they really just kill off the "other" main character? The saint of killers is so important he got his own series

I'm wondering if Hell always used that technology or if it was magic in the past. And if it was why they switched.

He's not dead. He's locked in an armored car in the bottom of a lake. I imagine he'll get out at some point. He's invincible just like he is in the comics.

nfi - i'm not a comic reader
all I know is cassidy spoke to him on the phone in the bunny noise bar, again just now, and maybe one other time that i may be forgetting.
My only guess is he's some other vampire trying to stay hidden who wires Cassidy cash from time to time to help him (and vampires in general) stay hidden and not be hunted

>Rudy was the best part of Misfits.

You've mispelled Nathan, user.