Is Steven Universe worth watching? I've heard lots of good things about it but never paid much attention

Is Steven Universe worth watching? I've heard lots of good things about it but never paid much attention.

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It is.


Just watch it. Worst case scenario, you don't like it.

Keep in mind S1 is a real slow burn. It establishes the characters and the world it takes place in. It took me until something like episode 22 before I was able to actually get into it.

Just like a true chinese cartoon.

Yeah, but it's not for everybody

funny, because that's when I felt the show went to shit and stayed there

those early episodes are gold

It's Dragonball lite. If you think 80's and 90's anime is charming and don't mind the series flip-flopping between having an arc and being your usual episodic toon, you will like it.

If you end up being interested in it only for the DEEP LORE, you will be very frustrated.
Don't go in the generals.

if you marathon the entire show you'll see that there aren't really any filler episodes at all

each and every episode has important character development going on

Don't get me wrong, the early episodes are good, just enough to keep me invested enough to want to know what happens next. Monster Buddies is really what made me want to actively watch it, and Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem made me interested in seeing where the "story" goes.

Then Season 3 happened

don't believe this ruse.
If you care about the story and plot at all you'll get end up getting aggravated at the pointless episodes of literallywhos we need to sit through.

What'd season 3 do?

Made me realize the pacing wasn't going to get any better, gave us the monstrosity that was BCD, used the ending theme in the most underwhelming way it possibly could have, and ramped the level of lifetime drama crying up to 11. I just realized it wasn't a show I could bother to stay invested in long-term, much less stay interested in it enough to want to actively support it in any way.

There's continuity, sure, but there are two sections of the story going on:
>Slice of life episodic stories that can stand on their own
>Overarching plot dealing with Homeworld and the oncoming invasion

Just because Steven mentions the Homeworld in a passing line in an episode where he's hanging out with Onion doesn't mean it's important to the plot. The townie episodes are there to make us care about Earth so Homeworld's threat has more impact, but as far as plot points go, I wouldn't put "And then Steven started a t-shirt club" as a bullet point for the timeline of the series.

People use the term "filler" incorrectly when talking about this show because that would imply Steven has some other source material it's basing off of. But there IS a distinct difference between the one-off episodes like Sadie's Song and overall plot episodes like the Cluster Arc or Bismuth or the Rubies or Jasper's chase.

During Stevonnie's breakdown, she wasn't thinking about that time he possessed Lars. He was thinking about only the important stuff really, which just happens to be anything Gem-related.

Think of it as a SoL first and foremost, and you'll have a good time. Not to say it doesn't have an ongoing story and lore, but it definitely isn't the focus.

What's so bad about BCD? I don't remember it being that terrible.

It was mostly stuff that would pull someone out of the woodworks to tell me "It's just a cartoon", but Steven felt strangely OOC in BCD. He's shown no resentment or hostility towards literally any other character to the extent he showed some random asshole that asked him to dance while he was fused. Greg handled the situation in a way that felt unlike Greg. In previous episodes when Steven expressed negativity of any kind he'd sit down and have a proper chat with him. When Connie was feeling worried about Steven's aging he sat down and chatted and consoled her. He did nothing in BCD but essentially shrug it off. Kevin, the random asshole, was thrown into the show as probably the most one dimensional character the shows introduced so far, which feels off, considering how much the writers seem to want to give everyone some complicated background. I might have overlooked it if it hadn't immediately followed up The New Lars, though. An episode where Steven blatantly overstepped boundaries followed up by an episode where Steven resents someone for overstepping their boundaries? ??

And much less importantly, I'm totally sure Steven and Connie combined automatically know how to race a stick shift around a mountain. But that can just be chalked down to cartoon zaniness.

Is that you Dan Avidan? Yes, go watch SU and talk about it during Mario Maker.

Danny, the show is blatant progressive propaganda, women are strong/ men can be nurturing, and the like. FYI if that ruffles your feather

No. Unless weaboo SJW plagiarism is your thing.

>So's the entire 12 - 25 demographic
>Fans actually believe this
Sure Tumblr eats it up but it's hardly had a real-world impression like Adventure Time has. I still see "MATHEMATICAL!" shirts in little rinky dink shops around NYC. It also got worse ratings than Gravity Falls and TTG (Up until recently) and now Loud House.

This show isn't even popular enough with kids to be a cash-cow. The most people can do with it is make a ton of money off of it from artists alley and Etsy.


At first I felt similar about Steven being OOC with his hatred towards Kevin, but it's also the first time Steven has encountered someone as disagreeable as Kevin, so there isn't a precedent for how he would respond. Upon reflection, I think the anger that he displayed in this episode was refreshing too see, it showed a side of Steven we rarely get to see, and the unexpectedness of it adds to his complexity as a character. If you can predict how a character will act in any given situation, it's boring and unrealistic. As for 'The New Lars' it just proves that Steven is hypocritical, just like the rest of humanity.

It's not even that I disagree with you, I had those same thoughts a few times before I just settled on BCD not being a very good execution of it. I think under different circumstances it would have felt more natural, like his anger popping up in the middle of an episode and continuing into the next in the same vein as Garnet spending several episodes on bad terms with Pearl.

I like it. Watch the first 10-12 or so episodes and then decide for yourself. The tone of the narrative changes over time since it's all seen through Steven's eyes, and he's a naive retard fuckup in the beginning who slowly starts to change as his understanding of what's really going on and what really happened and what people are expecting of him grows. So if you only watch the first 3 eps you might get the wrong idea - I myself almost dropped the show during the first 8 episodes because I loathed Steven so much, but then it got good.

So again, in the first few episodes the drama tends to come from
>the gems are on a dangerous mission
>Steven is there too, for some reason
>"Steven this is very dangerous. DO not touch anything"
>Steven sees something shiny and promptly touches it, giggling
>oh fuck it's a trap the entire place comes crumbling down they almost die
>steven cries


>gems: "Steven this is very dangerous stay here and especially do not go there"
>Steven does not stay put but wonders there because he wants to eat waffles with the gems or whatever
>oh shit they all almost die (again)
>steven cries

But it won't stay like that for long.

That's fair, and I feel the same, just not to the same extent. It's just a 'meh' episode for me. Nothing awful, but nothing special.

You sure showed them.

>Is Steven Universe worth watching?

>I've heard lots of good things about it but never paid much attention.
You heard wrong.

Really depends on how valuable you think your time is

Personally I don't think it's amazing, but it's nice to have something light to watch that has some neat lorefaggotry

Just don't be deterred about the first season or so of episodes. The quality drastically improves over the series

>? ??

You sure got triggered.


I avoided it for years because people kept telling me it's somehow related to tumblr.
Actually watched it this year, and I don't understand why people told me that.

As for the show itself, the plot is planned way ahead, which is pretty sad considering that's what makes it stand out. You'd think that's one of the basic things if you make a series, but no, somehow Steven Universe is the only show to even bother about their lore more than 2 episodes into the future.
Seriously, what's wrong with shows nowadays?!
SU is great tho.

I enjoy it too.
>I avoided it for years because people kept telling me it's somehow related to tumblr.
>Actually watched it this year, and I don't understand why people told me that
Fandoms nowadays tend to get out of control though, so it's easy to see how people might get that impression based solely on association.

There's a difference between being actually forward-thinking and progressive, and being obsessed with self-victimization and pointing fingers. The problem is that many fans have taken this show, which does the former, and use it for their own agenda, which is the latter.

Agree that the foresight is great, and leads to some great payoffs for people paying attention.

I can totally see Danny already being a fan, I'm not kidding.

Yeah, I remember when Sugar was at a con or something, doing an interview, and some guy from the audience told her how stevonnie "helped her(?) with some trans issue or something" and rebecca is trying to be all polite on the outside, but on the inside you see how she's just thinking oh god you fucks keep seeing anything you want in this show.

I think I remember some other con, where one fan questioned Jasper's language when she first saw Steven, mistaking him for Rose.

"Why do you look like that?"

The fan went into some long-winded theory involving the supposed truth behind Jasper's perspective on gem identity.

Rebecca's response was that the reason Jasper said that was because she was confused, because Rose was large and Steven is small.

I mean, identity is obviously a theme they've touched on, but there's such a thing as taking it too far.

>never paid much attention

Hi Egoraptor, how's your ADD?


the fuck does this mean?

>SJW plagiarism is your thing

Is it really full of SJW filth? What do you consider SJW filth anyway...?

Quads confirm this

>It's Dragonball lite.
In what way

or alternatively. don't skip 70% of the show because this faggot has the attention span of a peanut

Not him, but there's a podcast that makes the comparison better than I could.
Or if Sup Forums doesn't like links (I can't remember), then look up Super Best Friendcast, episode 104. Skip to 1 hour 17 minutes.
It's a guy talking about Steven Universe, but describing it as DBZ fanfiction, and seeing if his friends would notice.

It has aliens with superpowers that come to earth to fight.
It's lite in a way that instead of 30 episodes, they advance the plot in one 10-minute episode. sometimes 2 if it's a really big plot.

Watch it for best gem

It's alright, but vastly overrated by its fanbase. It is the definition of inconsistent. The animation and artstyle ranges drastically between episodes, the way it handles drama is mostly terrible with a few good spots here and there, comedy and action is hit and miss, etc.

Overall it's a mixed bag; there's a lot of good episodes, a lot of boring episodes, and a lot completely terrible episodes, so watching it weekly is unpredictable in a bad way. You don't know what you're going to get because the show is obsessed at being a jack of all trades without realizing it's a master at none.

Everything Sup Forums didn't like.

You ain't doing right yet.

Go away
It's mine

Why is Faggot Universe leaking out of it's general?

steven has fucked more girls on screen than you have in your life.
Two. it was two so far.

Connie and Amethyst?


The first one is not true, they are released form a positive emotional state.

It's sorta like MLP lite.

The first and second time Steven summoned his shield at will, it was an emotionally stressful situation (Lapis's ocean tower and water clones, the Homeworld Gems firing their laser).


Not enough anthro porn.

Depends. Do you like slice of life shows with a little bit of action and some neat worldbuilding?

Do you like Sailor Moon?

If yes, give the show a shot.

>but it's also the first time Steven has encountered someone as disagreeable as Kevin

I would agree if Lars never existed. Lars has pulled way more shit yet he's willing to hate Kevin for less.

>As for 'The New Lars' it just proves that Steven is hypocritical, just like the rest of humanity

The difference between reality and fiction is that if you have a hypocritical human in reality, that's normal. In fiction, unless the story focuses on it, if a character is hypocritical then they're inconsistent and bad.

>user says Dragon Ball Lite
>Posts comparisons to Dragon Ball Z

Danny would actually care about the townies, now that I think of it.

I still don't, but Dan's the man.

In other words, it's DBZ Kai with extra Kai and no gluten.

Her fingers seem like they're inside the pole they're so close.


Do it for her

If you want a cartoon where every episode is about lesbians and crying, do I have a show for you.

I think it's partly Tumblr loves it, so Sup Forums has to hate it.The thread about the new character just has people just screaming that she's a tumblr SJW pandering dyke stereotype, when the only thing they want changed about her is the piercings.