Did ANYONE guess it correctly?

did ANYONE guess it correctly?


there's a whole commentary track about the contest they had. Some guy on the internet guessed it instantly but since he didn't enter the contest they couldn't give him the reward. they had to give it to some dumb old woman who got it wrong anyway.

No, I remember not having any idea it wold be Maggie at the time

t. somebody who watched some of S1 as it aired

it was maggie

no you didn't, I did

I thought it was Smithers...

well it was in the deleted scene with the W S

Chuck did.

It was Henry Lee Oswald

I saw the second episode first so idk.

I was only 8 years old. I forgot about it in like a week.

I don't remember this episode, but I only started watching in like 2005 or so.

Didn't guess. I knew it would be disappointing.

>not a single sneed joke ITT at 14 posts
I'm impressed, Sup Forums.

Was she put into an episode? I think that was the prize


i guessed the dog


PICKLE RIIIIIICK killed all other menes.

That was the prize but she didn't want to be in an episode so they gave her money instead.

i'm pretty sure i had a maggie entry on a butterfinger bar
threw it away because it had to be homer or smithers

i guessed it was sneed

Who else could've known that Mr Snrub would make a return in the episode?