Sometimes the memes just write themselves

>The actress told Variety that when she was 15-years-old, her co-star, who was in his early twenties and played her love interest, said, “I’d never date you in a real life,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, you’re too big for me’ — as in my size.”

Other urls found in this thread:

>having preferences is now fat shaming

I've been in cryosleep for a decade, what else did I miss?

Besides, in this case it should be swole shaming.

She's never been fat, I'm the same age, and every year I've grown up since 13 I've wanted to fuck her after seeing any picture of her from then till now.

You just said you wanted to fuck a 13 year old dude


She was big for him?

it was the football guy in kick-ass 2

Stop calling this cunt an actress, she is a washed up fuck puppet and political mouthpiece spouting the #resist manifesto any time she baits some braindead reporter into an interview

She's being called blocky not fat

I'd like her to give me a summer job, if you know what I mean ;)


she has a big vagina?

Yup, when I was 13.

Then, when I was, so was she, and I wanted to fuck her.

I'm 20 now, so is she, and I'd fuck her, I wouldn't fuck 13 year old Chloe, despite being a Sup Forums poster.

she was so hot when she was 14 i've never seen anyone hit the wall this fast

Stop denying it, pedo

For you

Anyone seen Hugo (2011)?

Ah, they're trying to leverage her out of the hole this new animated movie put her in.

"I whud fuht-shaimed two!!"

Girl's been a 12 year old stick up til maybe 6 months ago.


It's pretty obvious what this means. It means her early 20s costar is a hollywood pedophile and she was too big for him as in she was post-pubescent. Too old.

is that guy from kick ass 2... lol

She's fat. A porker. A whale. A parking lot. A tubby. A Buick. A BBW. A BBQ. A Big Enchilada. A planet. Each of her buttocks is twice your size.

Meanwhile, I'm sure you're pure muscle.

>insulting your coworker and pointing out their flaws for no reason is now equivalent to "having preferences"

It has to be Kick ass right? The second movie is the only one she was in when she was 15 that had a love interest in mid twenties.

Why not just come out and say it was him if you're gonna make it so obvious lel

She's a big girl, she can fend for herself

damn I want gigachloe to fucking bully me


It's underrated as fuck and legit helped me reconsider that film was in fact an artistic medium, something you could create emotion out of and how fucking magic movies are.

Of course I was like 14 at the time so my opinions weren't very well-formed.

>Yeah, you’re too big
>for me

>She's a big girl

For you.

>Believing celeberty bullshit propaganda in the press

How the fuck is this fat shaming?

Bitch is built like a linebacker + fridge
if she actually looked like this that would be fine

That ain't shopped

Only the part where the pavement is caving underneath her is airbrushed out

I was thinking Baby Driver, but I guess he's a few years younger than I thought he was.

You fool, he was trying to pick her up by lowering her self worth. You get more women to bed telling them they look like shit instead of a goddess. Complements move you directly to the beta friend zone.

Women do it all the time and they pick out traits men cant change like height or dick size.

She was a dude?

It's called 'negging' user.


Thank fuck Moretz wasn't in Baby Driver, I heard she was supposed to be at some point.
>The film star opted to not reveal the actor’s name but did say, “It was one of the only actors that ever made me cry on set.”
>one of the only
How easily do these people cry? Just today I read some buzzfeed article about a girl who was told she would go to hell by a college campus preacher and she had to run away crying because of it. Big surprise she was also promoting ideas very much like Moretz.

>go work out you fat bitch
>oh user i want your seed
Works every time

He wasn't ready for this jelly.

Another one to file under Shit That Never Happened.

She sure aged terribly.

Wtf is she...

except they literally dont. even the biggest whore wouldnt mock her coworkers dick size or height to his face in a professional setting. you people unironically need to go outside some time

>Why not just come out and say it was him if you're gonna make it so obvious lel
Because she's lying and if she would actually point to who she claims it was she would get sued. This way she has the defense of "that's not who I was talking about"


>she's lying
>if she's not she deserves to be sued for mentioning him
Anything to keep you from siding with girls with cooties, huh?


If she said it's Aaron Johnson, i would fuck him up


Everytime i this posted i hope that i will recognize a gay blow job but Neverland do

i would date her..... am i the only one who thinks shes really cute?

Sup Forums has been too hard on her

why are you posting the shopped version with all the lewds removed?

Undateable edgebaby.

>The actor told Variety that when she was 15-years-old, her co-star, who was in his early twenties and played her love interest, said, “I’d never date you in a real life,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, you’re too big for me’ — as in my size.”

Do you have trouble with reading?
If she lies about a specific person, that person will sue for libel or slander or whatever, if she keeps it vague no one will sue, as by doing so they will be accusing themselves of the thing in question.
If she's telling the truth then she can be specific and not get reamed in court.
There is literally no reason to believe anything an actor says, especially a woman with a dying career talking about body shaming. This story sounds more farcical than the Lena Dunham rape story.

>There is literally no reason to believe anything an actor says
I know, conservative actors are fucking morons anyway.

I love it


>Yeah, you’re too big for me
must be referring to her huge cock

Looks like chloeposting is back on the menu boys!

Except they literally do

is that reviewbrah's dad?

this is a shop, right?


4 ME


this is solid proof that 75% of this board is college aged or younger.

If a woman at any job I have worked at, or any other job my friends have worked out, belittled a man's height or claimed he had a small dick, they would be fired, and the other adults at the workplace would not stand for it.

in the background
yeah man, of course it is

this is solid proof you have no idea how the movie industry (or any entertainment industry for that matter) works

holy shit i should've seen it coming

Them plastic white nails errytime, the girls got no imagination.

Me on the left

Or the Sarah Silverman pay story

watch it chloe!

She was rejected by Chad. Who cares?

Meanwhile, half of Sup Forums would pay to be her toilet.

Women really confuse me.

you better not be this Chad guy
Because i'm going to fuck him up


Goddamn lol

Left is cuter than right

For a second you had me thinking she was in Baby Driver, but then I remembered that I enjoyed that movie, so that wasn't possible.


It's like you're deliberately trying to start something but failing horribly at it.


Sorry nu/tv/ doesn't know that pic

wtf is this shooped


she can still be my waifu
fuck the haters

The question is:
Will she attempt suicide when her sex tape is released.
Read a blind item that a sex tape was being shopped around, CGM and several men, interracial action, the person posting had seen the tape, and so no doubt whatsoever, full face, she talks, does it all, the tape owner made her a financial offer and she said no.
Kick Ass, more like Fucked Ass
I can hardly wait.
Probably help her career, help her get those adult roles.
Hope she saved her money.
Into the toilet she goes.

>Read a blind item
A-And believed it?? Are you American or something?

if this was still in 2012-2015 this entire thread would be nothing but baneposting.

she a megablock


>I want to break it down for young women so they understand that you're not just "born" like this. Yes, I have had hair extensions. Yes, the reason I have this body is because I work out seven times a week.

>Yes, the reason I have this body is because I work out seven times a week.

Compared to PeyPey. Chloe "starting linebacker for the Denver Broncos" is trash.


Anybody have the Chloe gym pasta?

>was only 14 in 2011
>still is already 20

FUCK I'm getting old