Is the hype for the MCU finally dying?

Is the hype for the MCU finally dying?

I think that normies are starting to get tired about those movies, they are talking less about them, making less artwork, memes, etc and basically ended up being perceived as flavor of the month movies.

While DC had two hits this year and sold 12 million comic book issues this summer! You can say that it was all rebirth but I think that the movie hype also helped a lot since Marvel never got that kind of reaction of turning movie hype into comic book sales like DC has been doing.

Then Dc has better video games, tv shows, animated shows, animated movies, etc.

So will Marvel become the lesser company from this point on?


Well is literally true, I don't see a single thing that Marvel can do better than DC besides fucking up


Part of the problem is that they seem to be forcing it so hard.
They should be working on making each movie individually good, then sprinkling in little things that are cameos and easter eggs at first, but tie in later.

But, that would require them to be competent and plan ahead, rather than trying to launch a million other movies off of a single one.


You have anything to contribute?

The big complaint about Bats V Supes was that it forced in so much JL set up.

Are you bored user ?

>Open thread hoping it'll be discussion about live-action capeshit finally going away
>It's just a faggot promoting his epic company wars

The hype for the MCU only will start gain when GOTG vol 2 releases.

I think people are starting to realize MCU movies are all practically the same.

I left Sup Forums because of all the consolewars only to find that consolewars never truly go away.

console war? console war never changes.

Marvel movies are far superior.

DC cartoons are far superior.

They both used to be awesome in the comics dept. For awhile DC was shit recently (nu52) but DC has sorta improved but the truth is that both DC and Marvel are a bunch of special interest and social engineering rags. So very few decent books from either and even the good ones are obviously under the heavy hand of mandatory elements. Whether it's pushing the Inhumans on us for business reasons or showing us how "normal" Muslims are, there is some whimpy agenda interfering with plain good story telling.

Fuck 'em both.

Hi Bendis

Go back to your writing your shitty SJW bullshit for a nonexistant audience.

No rebirth sucess has little to do with films even normies hated the films they made money because people were hoping them would be good.

Flavor of the month


I hope so

Yeah, he contributed the fact that this post is fucking pointless and DC movies suck.

Why user

I like content from both companies, I want them both to succeed. Stop promoting this conflict you fucking faggot.

>think it's gonna be a thread about the capeshit movies fad dying
>it's just huurr durr a my corporation is better than yours piss fight

Fuck the MCU.

Fuck the DCEU.

Fuck Fox.

They're all shit. The superhero fad is annoying.