Tom King is a mediocre thriller writer

Tom King is a mediocre thriller writer.

Other urls found in this thread:

Rebirth is like 70% mediocrity, 20% bad, and 10% good

it is a great thing Disney can't get a foothold in the video gaming market.

Steven Universe would be an ok show if the titular character wasn't such an obnoxious, whiny, ugly little piece of shit. He should've been the comic relief and team pet, not the focus of the narrative.

And no, the fact he "develops" doesn't make looking at or listening to him any more pleasant. No amount of internal consistency is going to endear me to an annoying lumpy genderless hispanic child-creature who cries constantly and makes LE SILLY FAYCES.

I can't stand Tradd Moores art

You are absolutely correct.

Nu-Power Puff Girls is no better or worse than anything else on CN.

It kinda annoys me that people rave at how The Batman did "new" and "different" things with the franchise when all it really did was give everyone Jackie Chan Adventures makeovers and fight kung-fu, while Beware the Batman genuinely took risks and was experimental, and it gets mocked for not being the same ol' shit.

Old CN shows suck by today's standards.

Craig McCracken needs to learn how to not have his shows devolve into shit (PPG, Foster's). WOY is a step in a good direction but it's still lacking somewhat.

Tom King is a thrilling mediocre writer.

I bought and just hung up a The Force Awakens poster, I bought it before realizing how looked down upon it is (according to /swco/) I don't even give a fuck anymore, I can't find posters of the older movies in store obviously and I wanted to something Star Wars related. I don't care "how awful" the movie was.

I hate marvel and i hate kamala

I cant stand the current Batman run

I find the Avengers incredibly boring, and much prefer the x-men part of marvel.

Bojack threads are shitty /r9k/ circlejerks about first world problems and I hate how I can't discuss the show without idiots going, "Bojack is deep because the horseman is literally me!"

He is male. He goes peepee standing up

This pissing contest Sup Forums's been having over who hates Steven Universe the most is getting really old and really fucking annoying.

And i keep hoping Fox keeps the xmen

I think Zootopia was mediocre and its only as big as it is because of furries.

Wonder Woman is a shit character
Black Panther is a shit character

Every time i see a chris evans laughing meme i hope he dies in a car crash.

>I lost my virginity thanks to Alan Moore's Lost Girls

Gonna need to elaborate on that one user

sorrentino is a shit tier artist

You do this every single thread. Get over yourself already.

I liked the Guardians of the Galaxy movie far more than I ever liked the comics.

The amount of people who complain about October threads doesn't annoy me so much as saddens me because I adore spooky discussions and I hate having to wait.

Who cares if he does? Doesn't hurt or change anything

Not everyone likes The Crying Game: The CN animation.

I like anime and manga

I'm sorry, user. I deleted it, if that makes you feel any better.

I don't know if you're that same user who asked me to elaborate, but I'll do it for you, man.

Television animation for children is horrible right now.

Video games, too.

Thank fuck for comics.

I'm not the one who asked, but I don't see how it's affecting that other user by posting your reply

>Thank fuck for comics.
Do you even read anything that isn't IDW trash?

......Uh...I think Mortal Kombat is coming back soon...

IDW > Marvel

My grandfather is mentally degrading and is barely conscious of his surroundings and the people he knows. I'd rather he just be dead; I know it's what I would want in his situation.

TFA was fine. Some anons just hate anything that's popular because they can't relate to it.

It actually wasn't really that good and I'd wager that the real problem was the exact opposite: something that were mediocre being given way better treatment than it should've just because it was a new entry in a popular franchise that wasn't as bad as the prequels.

There were definitely a lot of problems in the narrative and writing.

I like chocolate milk

I would rather have shit that tries to be completely different from the source material, attempts to reinvent it's characters, and explores characters and motivations in different ways like in Batman Returns, Man of Steel and BvS than the boring safe movies like Avengers, Civil War, Ant-Man, and Suicide Squad.

It's better to have a movie like Batman & Robin that is so bad that it's entertaining than the have a movie that attempts to be as generic as possible to fill the seats. Fuck you, Green Lantern. You could have been great.

Yellow Diamond best mom

Who doesn't fucking cry on that show?

The creator must be on her period 24/7/365.

Like I enjoyed it, it was an ok movie. I'm glad I got the poster.

I mean it's true, it wasn't the best movie. In all honestly I don't hate the prequels, RoTS is honestly my favorite

I wish the faggots on this board would get the idea my comic series is 10x better than HIBY and 1000x better than Sonichu

I actually don't hate BvS. I just act like I do because everyone else does and I feel like if I don't people will rag on me for having shit taste. In my opinion it's a 6-7/10 with particularly bad pacing and some dumb story elements, but nothing quite like the dumpster fire people make it out to be. I still think Snyder's a hack though.

>Old CN shows suck by today's standards
Finally, someone has the guts to say it

and let the assblasted Kingfags come.

I liked Snyder's run on Batman more than Morrison's or King's.

>a hack

really made me think

Well no shit he writes comic books. You literally cannot be above mediocrity if that's your job.

> Hayley Atwell > Kat Dennings > Rebecca Hall > Aunt May > Scar Jo > Cobie Smulders > Jaimie Alexander = E Lilly > Natalie Dormer > Liv Tyler > Pepper > Natalie Portman

> Deborah Ann Woll = Hayley Atwell > Rosario Dawson > Chloe Bennet > Cobie Smulders > Simmons > Mulan >>> Greek Bitch

> Emma Stone > Bryce Dallas Howard > Kate Mara > Jessica Alba >>> Kristen Dunst

> Traue > Lara > Katana > Adams > Mercy > Gadot > Robbie > Viola Davis > post 2013 Diane Lane
Mercy's face is sexier then Adams or maybe even Katana but she is so god damn skinny.

I love Slott's Silver Surfer, even though I know its cringy. Along with Gwenpool and Loki its the only happy Marvel book.

I'm convinced the only reason SU was made was because the creator is female. That's literally the only reason why anyone would approve that garbage

>Kat dennings anywhere but the bottom



Jesus Christ you faggot, who cares if anonymous neckbeards on a portuguese papermaking forum think you have shit taste?

I personally think BvS is shit and I wouldn't rewatch it even if you paid me, but there's nothing wrong if you enjoyed the movie. You don't need to try so hard to fit in, this is not reddit.

I'm not buying the new rebirth books, not because I don't enjoy some of them, but because I'm still so triggered by stupid shit like real Superman not wearing the costume he's had since the 1940s.


I like Jessica Jones more than Daredevil, because Jessica Jones actually revolved about superpowers, while Daredevil so far just beats unpowered people up.

Live-action comic shows are terrible. And I mean every single one of them (except maybe Daredevil, because it felt like Arrow 2.0 and I didn't watch it. Fuck it, watching Arrow was aalready a horrible experience and if JJ was anything to go by, Netflix shit is not that great to say the least.)

You heard me.

If she didn't have this fat lumps no one would give her the time of day.

I still watch shit like Adventure Time, and sometimes, I even like it.

I haven't watched any live action capeshit since 2013 and don't plan to ever again. I wish they'd just stop making them.

Your point?

I realized that what I want in comics varies with my moods. My strong opinions as a fan and on the direction writers should take are as fickle as a kitten's attention span.

Me: "Characters I like should be realistic and should be dark but should also be unrealistic and funny at the same time. The stories should be new, but old themes are what I want. Stories should have logical plots and should say something about society but shouldn't be anything more than just plain entertainment".

So, you're schizo?

I like a good amount of it. Superman has been the highlight. Hoping Blue beetle turns out good

I get an angry feeling when I see pictures of Barriss, it's really out of context but she is connected to a bad memory

Bitch can't act.

I hope they keep making them, because the best part of having the movies is that we get reprints of those characters' classic stories. I bet we're finally going to get a reprint of David's Aquaman run late 2017 or early 2018

I think Steven Universe is a well-written show with great character moments, but what it does best of all is value kindness and love, so I can understand why 90% of this thread's usebase thinks it's Gay and Bad.

I hope Milo Murphy's Law will feature Phineas and Ferb cameos.

Beware the Batman was ill-conceived and CN killed it because they honestly thought no one would want to watch it. Everyone hated it more the more we saw of it and barely anyone watched.

I remember you being a little bitch, Boco, but I never knew you were also a rampant misogynist.

I can't see the appeal of Nolan's trilogy.
Even everyone's beloved Dark Knight feels like a very poor man's Se7en.

> Lynn Collins > Morena Baccarin > New Storm > Blink > Gina Carano > Kelly Hu > Tao > Rose Byrne > small redhead Asian > Famke Jannsen > 1st Mystique > January Jones > Anna Paquin > Ellen Page > H Berry > Jen Law > First Class mexican with wings > Origins Diamond Bitch

I'd rather read comics about the villains rather than the hero, because the heros are boring as shit. Make some ongoing series about the villains so I can have something worth buying.

And the sexy as fuck lips and the soft cute cheeks.

You remember?

And hey, I love women. But trying to watch her attempts at "acting" on that horrible show of hers is a soul-crushing experience.

Yes, that's fine. Nothing wrong with that.

Stop fucking announcing it in every goddamn thread.

>rampant misogynist
So, you're saying Boco has positive qualities after all?

Me too. I want Doof to show up every now and then.

This makes it seem like I hate it, it was alright but Batman's classic villains are a massive draw and to purposefully exclude them was a terrible idea.

I'm so fucking sick of xeno-fags. Every single time there's any sort of monster-girl they have to bitch relentlessly if it's anything less than a giant arthropod with an hourglass figure, and even then I've seen people here throw a fit over a cricket having eyelashes.

And I could honestly deal with all of that if they weren't so fucking condescending about it. They refuse to accept that while monster designs can be more interesting or appropriate to the story, sometimes more human or "cosplay-tier" designs are more appealing. And they act like they're better than everyone else because "they don't think with their dicks" when the reality is that they don't care about character design, they just want their fetish catered to.

>not watching the only good live-action comic show
I mean I can't guarantee you'd like it, but Daredevil is like the one stand-out show and the only one I would actively recommend.

New Ms. Marvel is closer to the traditional Spider-man story than any real Spider-man story has been in the last ten years

I know it's not really an unpopular opinion on Sup Forums, but I just want to say it out loud.
Hans is a goddamn terrible villain.
And stop with the "he's a realistic sociopath" bullshit. Unless you mean that in a "real-life sociopaths are generally low IQ retards" kind of way, that's simply not true. He's just a generic boring moustache-twirling villain and the fact that the audience was lulled into sense of security with him being a nice guy at first, doesn't change that.

Only S1 though and the Punisher parts of S2.

Jesus, S2 was such a disappointment for me.

Young and Beaulieu's run of Rocket Raccoon was the first time there's ever been a good interpretation of the character since his debut

I would be down for an Earthbound comic. It's literally perfect, even has the color scheme of a Sunday morning newspaper comic strip.
I wish Sup Forums would talk a lot more about comics that weren't marvel or DC. Usagi Yojimbo, BONE and Sam 'n Max threads are a good time. Shame that the threads that aren't storytimes are archived to oblivion.
I have absolutely no interest in superhero comics, at least not yet.
I still haven't read Hellboy, and after all the praise I've heard, and how much I enjoyed the movie, I'm gonna give it a read tonight.
I've always wanted to start a webcomic, but I've never known the place to start or finish. I always do that thing where the story I write goes down a track I later end up regretting, and I have to start over.
Holy balls, dull your edge bit, lad, I almost cut myself.
These, too.
>Television animation for children is horrible right now.
I can agree with this, but I think Clarence is pretty okay. That new show by the lads that did Phineas and Ferb doesn't look bad so far, either.
>Video games, too.
I'm kinda in the middle with this one, as a mainly Nintendo kind of guy. On the surface, there's just lots and lots of shit, shit that Sup Forums shitposts about, but if you dig a little-actually, maybe a lot- deeper, you can find some good games, that Sup Forums will shitpost and maybe even praise.
speaking of vidya, is the new DOOM decent?

Legend Of Korra (excluding season 2) was good.

Johns gets a free pass for some of his more questionable comic runs.

Not really Sup Forums, but:

I want to leave Sup Forums, but it's the only place I can find half-decent tabletop discussion that isn't based entirely around rules lawyering and loop holes.

This. They act like those edgy Tumblr teens that always claim they're "dead inside" to appear relatable or deep.


Kill yourself or go back.

I think it's ridiculous that Steven Universe gets completely shit on for being "SJW" when it's like the only show that actually manages to do diversity well. Yeah, it's very blatant that they're pushing diversity and yeah tumblr eats that shit up, but it never sacrifices any sort of story elements and the characters are still done well enough.

it started pretty good then sputtered out fast. at least superman is still good even if aquaman went to shit

Nextwave: Agents of Hate is overrated. Every funny part has been reposted on Sup Forums ad nauseum to the point that reading it wasn't even that enjoyable.

Take that back right now faggot

Till Asami turns evil this show is fucking worthless

Most discussion on Sup Forums are ad hominem

Of course a faggot like you would say that


But what about Star Wars games?

I feel this way about Sup Forums.
This place is a shithole full of retards of all kinds, but it's the only place I can talk about comics.
Holy shit, comics forums are awful and make even this board look good in comparison.

I actually enjoyed Superman Grounded from what I remember of it. Supes just ambling around, doing dumb shit with regular assholes was fun. I thought it was a nice coda to the hectic Chris Kent/Final Form Brainiac/Zod/New Krypton stuff.

Yes, DOOM is good.

Which reminds me; pirates piss me off.

I used to think this too, but holy fuck did Sup Forums get bad in the past year. I think BvS and Civil War coming out so close to eachother and the review fiasco broke this board.

It's no better than Sup Forums now with the constant console war shitposting and live action threads. The only day where there's more comic discussion is Wednesday, other than that the board is almost unusable and full of faggots who don't read comics but want to talk about the latest page or panel that triggered them.