Remember when Marvel created new female characters to get the female audience?

>Night Nurse was one of a trio of Marvel Comics of the time that were aimed at a female audience, alongside Claws of the Cat and Shanna the She-Devil. Marvel writer-editor Roy Thomas recalled in 2007 that editor-in-chief Stan Lee "had the idea, and I think the names, for all three. He wanted to do some books that would have special appeal to girls. We were always looking for way to expand our franchise. My idea...was to try to get women to write them"

Why can't Marvel do something like this now instead of gender-swapping and identity politics?

user, STOP! You don't know what you're DOING!

Because if they did you wouldn't buy them because you don't buy any comics because you don't read comics because you're an alt-right Sup Forums crossposter.

I do hope you're interested in reading Mosaic when his book comes out.

girls don;t go to LCBSs. they did go to newspaper stands and whatnot back then, however.

So you actually want to read the adventures of Night Nurse?

could be fun


The first Cat was a pretty good female character. She only lasted 4 issues though

OP here, I don't frequent Sup Forums that often (actually come to Sup Forums more, and I consider myself a moderate with beliefs both liberal and conservative

Yeah, there's potential to be a fun story.

And now where is she? She showed up twice in the past five years as a background character.

What a shit comic, Night Nurse is mexican.

Cuban. Half.

What are you talking about? There's two white Night Nurses and one black one.

If you're talking about Rosario Dawson as Claire Temple, Claire was never Night Nurse

Linda Carter appeared in Doctor Strange: The Oath

Rachael McAdams will play Christine Palmer in the movie

And Georgia Jenkins is still in obscurity

That cover is so fucking goofy I can't not love it.

Because in today's day and age nobody really cares about original characters in comics and though it was ambitious of Marvel to try it back in the day, trying it today is a gamble Marvel doesn't feel like making when it has guaranteed sales with its pre-existing properties. When was the last time a completely brand new superhero with their own original name and gimmick made it past a few issues?

Also, it's not like books like Night Nurse and Lady Cop or whatever were actually profitable either. We'd probably know who the fuck they are if they were.

>if we make new characters to appeal to a new demographic, the old demographic won't buy them
>therefore let's take characters they do buy, and replace them with characters to appeal to a new demographic instead.
>also the new demographic won't buy them either

Incredible logic.

But user, it wasn't made to appeal to me. It was made to appeal to all the numerous blacks who need representation in comics.

If it doesn't sell, isn't that the fault of the people the book was made to appeal to? Isn't "it's not for you" you people's favorite argument?

>check the digitals
>the original comics showed the nurses crying
>the digitals colored the tears
>now the nurses look like they have styes
