What the FUCK went wrong?

What the FUCK went wrong?

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just when he thought he was out, they pulled him back in

The ridiculous amount of time between the second and the third movie. Also the entirety of Sofia Coppola and her character

Nothing, it's fucking great.

Coppola not giving us the audio of Al Pacino's horrific scream at the end

Simple. Francis needed the money from his previous project and took the studio up on their offer to fund a sequel.

Heart and creativity wasn't in it. Only the need to pay a debt

No Tom Hagen

the story was over at the end of part II and coppola only came back because he needed the money. it's a story about michael becoming irredeemable and losing everything when that already happened in part II.

Honestly one of the most underrated movies of the past thirty years.

Great movie, mediocre Godfather movie

>not understanding true art
its a symbolism for Michael and the corleon familys reign, played out in real life so we, the viewers, can get an even better prespective on the tragedy
>first one is GOAT, little rocky in some areas but by the end it secures it (and the family and michael's) throne
>second is even better, the true reign of their power and also shows the roots of their power
>by the third, they are on the decline. All that they worked for is slowly rotting away and they have all become shells of their former selves. two endings with a dead dog (michales death scene and sofia coppola getting shot)

Francis ford coppla went the extra mile to truly show us art and and loss and let us experience it in real life and none of you fat dicks appreciate it

It insist upon itself.

This. The trajectory of the series was building up to Michael vs. Tom and no Robert Duvall prevented it from happening


I'm still surprised by this, there was no reason they couldn't bring him back especially when he was Michael's last threat by the end of Godfather II

>mfw I don't have my lucky coat

duvall asked to be paid the same amount as pacino and paramount said no


> Al Pacino acting like himself than Michael Corleone

> No Tom Hagen

> Sofia Coppola's acting

> Over convoluted plot with the Catholic Church and Immobiliare

Cheap bastards

You know, I re-watched the trilogy just last year and Part III is not terrible, it's just that it is painfully average which makes it pale in comparison to the behemoth that I and II are.

The lack of Robert Duvall certainly hurts, and we all know about Sofia, but I really think Joe Mantegna is even more of a miscast, closely followed by Andy GarcĂ­a. Also, the production value is soooo cheap. Take a look at the festival scenes on Little Italy from the second movie and the look at the festival scenes from Part III: it looks like they filmed on a set from Seinfeld.

But worst of all is probably the story, it just tries too hard to make connections to the first two movies. "Remember this plot thread?! Remember those actors?! Remember this location?!"

I always hated how they killed off Zaza so fast even after setting him up from the beginning as the big threat, like they tried to do the same story as the Turk without having a big cheese in charge of Zaza like the Turk had for the finale.

Was she suppose to be hot?

Fails to advance anything. Michael ends up alone at the end of II to not be alone for a while in III and then die alone. It didn't set up or explore anything a superior film hadn't already done. It's supposed to be an epilogue, but it doesn't improve the previous entries where I and II complement each other as part of a character arc.

I thought she was pretty cute tbqh

Pretty much this, it was kind of a pointless epilogue that just feels like Coppola trying to recapture some of his former glory after his reputation crashed in the 80's.


? explain

>> Al Pacino acting like himself than Michael Corleone

Fucking THIS. He doesn't even fucking act in any way that I would expect an elderly Michael to act. For some reason he plays it as him almost becoming soft as he got older.

>it's a story about michael becoming irredeemable and losing everything when that already happened in part II
You could say the same about the second movie in relation to the first.

Coppola muted Michael's first scream (playing music over it) when Sofia Coppola dies because he said it was too traumatic or something.
It's never been released to the public.

It was the movie no one wanted.

>Coppola made it because his studio was on the verge of bankruptcy
>If Pacino didn't accept his salary it would have started with Michael's funeral, imagine a Godfather without Michael!
>Duvall wanted more than a measly $1 Million, so Coppola wrote him out and they just say he's dead. Despite being a central character in the two films
>Sophia Coppola can't act and has a big Italian nose which is why she moved to directing

It was an abortion! Godfather 3 fucking sucks. If the two Godfathers are a testament to the greatness that Hollywood can achieve when all the parts are working together Part 3 is a testament to what happens when Hollywood is just driven by profits.

It should for be considered non-canon, it does nothing but sully the fantastic tragic ending of Part 2.

He's probably biased cause it's his own daughter dying on screen.

Oh my god, now you're pretending this horseshit is an "underrated gem." I fucking hate you, Sup Forums.

i think it wasnt too bad. not as good as the first 2 but its a nice grim affair.

Sofia was embarrassingly bad, there's nothing to debate here. She was also the protagonist somehow.

Yeah she was bad but overall its still a 7/10 movie.

Nothing, the other two films are shit too. If anything, Part III is slightly better, because Coppola has had the conceit beaten out of him by crushing grief and debt, is vulnerable enough to include his talentless daughter in a major dramatic role, and is using Pacino after he ceased being able to act.

No, the first two are garbage as well, and were equally profit-driven - Hollywood moved to making those kinds of movies in the 70s because only college kids were still going to the movies.

The Godfather and Part II are two of my favorite movies but in all my years I have yet to see not one minute of Part III.

Here's why I think Part III redeems the trilogy - it's a cheap cash-in which was probably only made because it was easier to sell three-tape box-sets than two-tape. Coppola isn't a smart man, and all he knew how to do with privilege was flaunt it. His losing it perfectly parallels Michael's decline. It's fitting that the third film be diminished, it makes the trilogy almost honorable as cinema. Not great - it could never be more than middlebrow, but at least it isn't by a total unredeemed scumbag by Part III - it's by a heartbroken, burnt-out, pitiable scumbag.

You're missing the best one.

Can't take him serious as a mobster

That's a thought actually, Godfather Part III is to the first two films what The Jungle Book 2 is to The Jungle Book. It exists to be on video, in a box with a bottle opener in the shape of Marlon Brando's hairline.

what part III

Why not? At least he's believable as a person who exists, unlike Pacino, who basically died in 1984 and has been this foul, eyeliner-wearing wreck of a cokehead hack ham ever since.

It's the best one, COME AND SUCK MY DIIIIICK

>I intentionally made it bad excuse

Childhood is liking The Godfather
Adulthood is realizing The Conversation was better
Enlightenment is realizing that Apocalypse Now was the true GOAT

Entire series is boring as fuck

Childhood is watching Coppola because you've watched all the major Scorseses
Adulthood is realizing that artistic achievement doesn't come in generations

It has some amazing scenes. I just really wish that Winona Ryder hadn't pulled out of the Mary role.


I love all 3 of those and Godfather Part II though, where does that put me? Picking a favorite would depend on my mood

What if I prefer watching The Cotton Club to all of those, despite its problems (e.g. the second half being a highlights reel).

The Cotton Club was okay, but not superior to any of those films, except probably the 3rd Godfather

>Part III is not terrible, it's just that it is painfully average which makes it pale in comparison to the behemoth that I and II are.
First of all, part II is a great movie. And even with that being said, Part I is a much better movie than part II. So yeah, part III is actually a really good movie and the best part about it which I think is so important to the trilogy as a whole is that it really highlights the endless cycle of violence. I mean if you didn't have part III you might actually romanticize and glorify. But part III is where you get to see how much Michael loses and how much it all costs.

>has a big Italian nose
Jew nose, you mean.

Don't forget Diane Keaton's pointless presence in this movie (except to further sully Pacino's already-fucked characterization in the sequence in which he surprises her by playing chauffeur, complete with him impishly donning a chauffeur's hat -- WHO FUCKING THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?!!)

It wasn't just that Duvall wasn't getting paid as much as Pacino -- it was that he wasn't being as offered as much as Keaton! And that Coppola seemed more interested in getting a recipe from him than from actually persuading him to be in the movie. A fucking stupid, tragic mistake that ruined this film from the start.

Also: Bridget Fonda's pointless character.



I know that Cotton Club isn't up to the same level of filmmaking quality as Godfather, Conversation or Apocalypse, but it's the Coppola film that I've rewatched the most. I've found this with other directors too: I might admire their masterpieces but only watch them once, while some of their more haphazard movies are once that I love and keep coming back to.

Fuck I even forgot she was in the film.

Nah it's good. I also have that with Scorsese. I admit Goodfellas/Raging Bull/Taxi Driver might have better production value, but I always end up rewatching Mean Streets.

Appolonia was the cutest girl in the series.