

I want to lick the wet spot on her chair.

>Those eyes
>That mouth
>That nose

Why does she look like this?

Man I just watched one of her moobies. She is lovely




dumb wax whore



Was it autism?

>that sleeve tug

I know she's a real cunt in person but that's so damn sexy.



I don't know, but she looks stellar. Grade A actress and grade A looks I tell you what.

I thought she had a nice ass in TDKR

Wh-why can't she look at me like this.


>real cunt in person
You know who can handle real cunts? Real men. Like me. 6'2" of real muscle. It's nothing a real slap to her face really can't handle. Why aren't YOU a real man?

you're ugly and unsociable

>tfw no JOI clips with Anne

I'm watching Colossal right now and holy shit I didn't see that turn coming by the first hour.

>tfw unsociable and 7/10

I swear this is worse.

>It's nothing a real slap to her face
Kek. Let me tell you something user. Ypu are LITERALLY A FUCKING CHILD. What kind of pussy has the nerve to hit a woman like that? I bet you've never fought a real man before in your entire life. If she were mine, I would cuddle her, and embrace her warmth and I'd return the same amount of love and care. You don't deserve a woman. Heh, pathetic that "real men" like yourself think you know what ot takes to satisfy a woman. Real. Fuckin. Pathetic.

>not sure if satire

she looks really great here
is she in any kino though?

>he used the word 'heh'
>still can't tell that it's satire

post yfw if that was you in that situation

>not sure if this is satire, either


>you will never, EVER be called a forward young man

What do you have to do to have women react like that to you? I know the first thing is to have reputatin among actresses that you are that one hot interviewer around.

Ask them about their weight

Looks don't matter for men. It's all personality/confidence.

Be extremely attractive like the interviewer is.

In other words, be tall, handsome and white.

its hell to have women approach you regurarly and fucking it up with autism every single time

Ugly ratface. Without makeup her face always looks sore.

/Picard Out

>"I just did the most irresponsible thing you could do in this bar."

Wow, I never knew it was possible to hate Jason Sudekis. This dude is acting his HEART out right now! But I really really hate his character. Fuck.

>tfw most 6/10s and quite a few 7/10s I meet think I'm cute
>tfw a couple 9/10s have chased my dick aggressively before
>tfw I fuck it up every time
>tfw I have to watch all interest in me fade from their eyes in seconds
>tfw girls that liked me would later treat me like a beta
>tfw I have literally no idea what I even did wrong

At least if you're ugly you know why girls don't like you.

>he doesn't identify with pathetic characters like Oscar

>its hell to have women approach you regurarly and fucking it up with autism every single time
this. >tfw don't know how to spit game

Wrong. Male attractiveness will either get you a restraining order or a one-night stand.

wtf are you doing


>Just be confident bro, girls don't even care how you look

I know this feel man, I'm not ugly but I think I'm gonna have to resort to escorts. Looks give you a chance but that doesn't matter if you're an autist.


>You can't even be called a young man anymore

he has a tan autismo

post your ugly mugs, Adonises


he is probably tall. tall guys always get laid

>posting your face on Sup Forums


That doesn't fucking mean you have to go out of your league. If this guy will act confident with 4-5/10 he will probably have a chance to bang someone. He could also start lifting, clean his fucking face, dress better and get a better haircut, with he could even go after 6 or even 7.
9-10/10 are not for everyone user, do not delude yourself, but that doesn't mean you can get a gf.

I don't think I'm not ugly. But I do have the confidence of a puddle of puke.


The bbc

>"Of course I like BLACKED"

make sure to remove your trips next time

Why would anyone relate to that cuck faggot? He works in a fucking BAR yet has a strong case of ONEitis for some bitch from his childhood. There's like two other dudes that she has attention for yet he's such an obsessed bitch faggot.

NO I don't fucking relate to him. Incredible acting though. The only bad part of his performance is that terrible crying he was doing at the end. He needs to work on that. Not his best. Overall very believable performance for someone acting against type.

I didn't make my point clear. He works in a bar which means the pussy comes to HIM. Yet he obsesses over some random bitch. I mean, do I have to say it again? He OWNS THE BAR!!! That's pussy on tap right there!

i wanna lick her

Lmfao, Krager replying to himself

Bananatits are the thinking men's fetish






Haha wtf?

hehe fucked it

>samefagging THIS hard



She's pretty much the Heath Ledger of female actors. Her repertoire consists mainly of romcoms with Dark Knight thrown in there, though her role in that wasn't anything groundbreaking.
Maybe her big break will come soon?

See, this is why we keep telling to kys


>tfw rumours she will be involved in next fappening

He has black hair and brown eyes, do you honestly think he has a tan?

she went naked multiple times already

Why the fuck can't I delete my posts?

yeah, but i can't pretend like she sent me photos of her naked when it's from a movie

Only confirmed one so far is Kristen Bell, make sure you're on here on the 21st. ;)




>trying to do this 5 hours later
The limit is roughly 30 minutes. Tough break, niglips. Maybe next time you'll be faster on the draw.

user and ann


it's like her thyroid was taken out at an early stage

>all these newfags that don't know that anyone can be krager


fucking Krager hahahah





kill yourself

It was a Sup Forums glitch, the second post wasn't me.

If I told you, I'd have to kill you.


Wtf it happened again...