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The Trident Edition

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first for only thing that matters

2nd for qyburn

guess the scenes

xth for sheira seastar


would Rhaegar have been a good king?



>Edgy Squad
Pyat Pree
Arianne puts me at 15 and is kind of edgy.

Can't wait to see that knife sticking out of LF's head.

Bobby B at the trident, Jon and the Halfhand, Tyrion being taken to the Vale, and Ned committing sudoku/his execution.
I kind of like that art.

sorry quasimodo, its canon

The Trident
Wilding Assault of the wall
Siege of Highgarden
Red Wedding?

How right could Jojen have been if he's dead?

>mfw Gendry becomes King and his Sigil is an Oar

Why is Ned killing himself before Ilyn Payne chops his head off?

Was Rhagar a good fighter? I know that Robert was suppose to be crazy strong


Top-left: Battle of the Trident
Top-right: Jon vs Halfhand
Bottom-left: Catelyn taking Tyrion to the Aerie
Bottom-right: Red Wedding?

Robert Killing Rhaegar, Jon killing Quorin Halfhand
Cat taking Tyrion to the Eyrie, Red Wedding

>Siege of Highgarden
>Vale knights



Jojen knew he was going to die on the journey so... pretty right

I'm blind, I didn't look at the banners

>Was Rhagar a good fighter?
Yeah, he wounds Robert during the battle. He's not Kingsguard tier, but definitely a skilled swordsman and a very good lance.

How are they able to spend so much time on characters sitting around talking yet are never able to create a meaningful or emotional scene?

Dressed like a deer? I dig it!

Who's got script leaks?

Is there anything more satisfying than dead Targs?

Biggest slut in the Seven Kingdoms. The Cersei or Dany of her time.

Why even give Tyrion a trial by combat if they weren't going to give him the champion he wanted? That's like giving a defendant a trial irl and then not letting him call his lawyer. If Bronn lost and they put Tyrion to death it would have caused a scandal as the Lannisters would have demanded Tyrion was denied a true trial but not sending a raven for Jaime.

So if you're going to fuck up relations and trigger a war with the Lannisters anyway, why not just throw him out the moondoor with no trial at all?

I don't recall Sauron being in this story


dubs say when Jon and Dany fuck, there will be a narration of Bran revealing their kinship


Littlefinger has done literally nothing wrong.

Dead Baratheons

If I am on trial by combat and I ask for my uncle who I know to be halfway across Essos, should I be allowed to live in luxury for the next 15 years it will take to find, inform and bring him back to answer the challenge?

Better then his harp playing?

i wonder if this gif has killed anyone yet

Yes. He won the tournament in which he gave the prize to the most beautiful woman to Ned's sister instead of his wife, which started the whole eloping/war thing

Im more annoyed for the hole fantasy of the 2 main generals facing each other in the battlefield.

>muh realism
>muh tax policies

But sure, let allow a clean 1vs1 fight ina battlefield, lmao

Dubs say Jon slits Dany's throat and throws her overboard after coming in her wound

lmao your flute didn't help you much against Bobby B's warhammer, Rhaecuck

Sounds like a band name

Nice, I was kind of confused with the last one.

You think some random mook is going to interfere with the King duelling the leader of the usurpers?

fuck that

He wouldn't have lived in luxury, he would have stayed in one of those shitty cells

tip top zozzle, the show revealing jon's parentage means all of rhaegar's children were killed and young griff is a blackfyre.

Yeah, it killed me

>get cucked at a young age by a Stark
>be so buttfrustrated about it that you start a bloody war between 5 would-be kings that costs countless lives
>"literally nothing wrong"

You already ruined one thread with this shit

He's a noble and related to the king

He would have done no such thing

Post /ourgirls/

It was a little tricky, but the signed confession, and the smirking blond (Joffrey) cemented it for me. The redhead is then Sansa and the blonde woman Cersei.

almost 20% gave ep4 a 5 or less

these people need to re-evaluate why they bother watching


>Having Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington as your two main characters

No wonder they are having trouble.

Reminder that Ned is still alive and in hiding and that it was a faceless man that was executed in season 1.

They literally keep him in the cell until the trial starts. I'm talking about his first trial where he meets Bronn, btw, should have been clear

His harp made women cream themselves, so I doubt that. Selmy even says he loved his harp more than his sword.

/got/ hated Catelyn Stark too, right?

how can a longsword lose to a warhammer?

How long do you think the black guy raped her before finally killing and eating her?

Hey, Reddit!

So where has he been?

Sounds like they shouldn't have stole his girl then

sounds like ourguy desu



Chilling with Benjen beyond the wall

Well... yes. Killing the prince or the usurper ends the war. That person (or group of soldiers) would be rewarded heftily.

Fatso said he was inspired by the Accursed Kings. Well, in the last book the final battle thats exactly what happens. John II tried to go all hero and shit and the Black Prince goes "lol no, lmao" and send some soldiers to capture him. Realism

>hit plate with longsword
>does little
>hit plate with piercing war hammer
>crushes chest in

I understand that /got/ hates feminists and SJWs, but I don't understand how anyone can support the Lannisters, even if they're fighting against Daenerys.

>sat out Robert's Rebellion until a clear winner was apparent
>sacked King's Landing, raping and killing thousands
>murdered baby Targaryens and raped the queen in their blood
>willing to kill children to protect their dirty secrets
>committed atrocities all across the Riverlands just for the sake of brutality
>tortured prisoners in the most horrific ways
>orchestrated the murder of enemies who were protected by the guest right
>led by incestuous megalomaniacs and their sociopath son

The Greyjoys do some fucked up shit, but it's their culture. The Dothraki do some fucked up shit, but it's their culture. But the Lannisters? They pretend to be honorable, but they're worse than the dirtiest savage.


Reminder a character who died in episode 6 or 7 had more meaning interactions with other characters than Jon or Dany have in 6 seasons

*inhales cold air through his teeth*


I know Jaime hasn't been a King's Guard for a while, but when he decided to charge Danny all I could think was "The King's Guard doesn't not flee, then or now."

Good scene overall.

Killstealing from the nobility is a crimepunishable by death

Bobby B was 6'8'' and could one hand a warhammer.

aggghhh..... muh right to the throne....

But it's really long


Might makes right.


*exhales hot fire*

Wasn't me, faggot


Rhaegar was a manlet who learned to fight too late.


The episode was 50% fantastic and 50% terrible. 5/10 seems fair

And here I thought dorne was the most boring this show could get.

Same response applies. I can ask for a fake person who is never found. Get a defender on the same room or GTFO

Reminder the only reason Ned hated Jaime was he wanted to be the one who killed the mad king

what was the point of her character again?


Audience surrogate for exposition scenes

Are you questioned the pre-SJW era in which they had porn stars all the time? that was eye candy, thats all. Now they show dicks and body doubles

Cheap tits

God this last 3 episodes are going to be so fucking trash, I really hope these leaks are wrong, but it'd be dumb to hope otherwise.

As was his right. Jaime is a kingslayer, a killstealer and sisterfucker

A veritable trifecta of human shit