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First for the one true King

They should really pay Bronn a lot


2nd for qyburn

S7: Jaime


give him highgarden

Why was his armor always so flimsy? The king himself couldn't afford a suit of full plate?

>There are people here who LITERALLY think that Jaime is a bad person for wanting to tap this

>stannis is going to become a white walker
>not even night king

>Few of the birds that Maester Aemon had sent off had returned as yet. One reached Stannis, though. One found Dragonstone, and a king who still cared.


Who else is looking forward to the Danyfags meltdown after she burns Dickon and Randyll next episode?

Tyrion and Varys clearly talking about her in PV.

Why would a King, who is cared for by all his subjects need proper armour?
No one would dare hurt him.

They're making spin offs, right? Would a show about the wall being created, fully manned and fighting off wildings be a good spinoff show?

If not, what would you like to see?


Stannis rulling over Westeros.

12 btw

why would i care about dany burning traitors alive?

he's dead
he's dead
he's dead
he's dead

So is he aligning himself with the white walkers now?

>burns Dickon and Randyll next episode?

how do you know that?

I would kill for a Robert's Rebellion miniseries
but they've already said they're not doing that

Maybe Aegon's Conquest if they can get the budget?

i weep for the future of humanity.

>there are people who will come up with excuses for Jonerys who are six times inbred or some shit

I kind of hate GRRM for making incest into the bad guy.

There's nothing more pure than the love between a brother and sister.

>Varys is a merman
Is there proof?

It's from the leaks. Mad Queen incoming.


10-episode series focused solely on the Great Ranging

Every time.

I would like hardcore proof that Stannis is dead.
Have we actually seen his body?
Did we literally see Brienne killing him?

Answer to those questions are a big fat NO

Why the fuck would anyone want more HBO fanfiction? Have seasons 2 through 7 not been bad enough?


>he doesn't know

Ser Ilyn.

get the ICE


why are normies so fucking retarded it's like they are a different species

You guys know that George RR Martin is writing these, right? I don't just mean that he's consulting. He's literally writing some of the scripts, the way he did for GoT 1-4.

in the future, distant future, after they have figured out electricity and it actually looks fairly modern. the last of his line in an epic family, Tonyscious Bopriano, struggles to live up to his name, control his family, and deal with his struggle for meaning all at the same time. I call it "The Boprianos"


I smirk-laughed but I feel like it was a little reddit laugh though

>this delusion
I feel sorry for you

>burning a father and son alive for not bending the knee

Lmao the danyfags who tried so hard to defend her actions last ep are gonna go insane.

All I know is we're not getting Robert's Rebellion or Dunk&Egg.

I wonder what it'll be. It can't be anything dragon heavy like Dance of the Dragons.


>knight valiantly riding in to face a dragon
You simply cannot deny that Jaime is the hero at this point.

He was the biggest badass that episode.

that is not how you spell Stannis


The Tarlys are the "bad guys", all the danyfags will be YASS QUEEN SLAAYing when she kills da ebil wh*te men

1. It's not a delusion. I literally read it in an news article a couple days ago.
2. You're missing the point. Him writing the scripts for trash spinoffs is a bad thing, not a good thing. It's taking time away from him finishing the books, you idiot.

>You guys
Fuck off, you misinformed ledditor.

>I probably won't be writing episodes of ANY television shows until WINDS OF WINTER is done and delivered, and that goes for the five GAME OF THRONES successor shows as well. Other writers will be scripting those pilots.

> I've decided not to script an episode for season six of GAME OF THRONES. Writing a script takes me three weeks, minimum, and longer when it is not a straight adaptation from the novels. And really, it would cost me more time than that, since I have never been good at changing gears from one medium to another and back again. Writing a season six script would cost me a month's work on WINDS, and maybe as much as six weeks, and I cannot afford that. With David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, and Bryan Cogman on board, the scriptwriting chores for season six should be well covered. My energies are best devoted to WINDS.


>While Robert "claimed his rights" frequently during the early years of their marriage, his drinking led to him hurting Cersei during those encounters. When she confronted him once during their first year of marriage, Robert claimed it was because of the drink, and he was not to blame. When he tried to take another horn of ale, Cersei smashed her own horn in his face, chipping his tooth. Robert claimed not to remember anything of those nights, but Cersei believes otherwise, and is certain that Robert did recall what he did to her, but felt that pretending to forget was easier than facing the truth. Cersei, in turn, tried to pretend that Robert was Rhaegar during those years. Over time, Robert came to Cersei's bed less frequently, not even once a year.
Jaime would unironically have been a better husband than pig Robert


Dickon was specifically humanized last episode just so it's shocking when Dany burns him.

Even Danyfags can't be that retarded.

If they didn't need Euron, Jaime would already be king since they don't give a fuck anymore.

if only they'd shown Dickon being relatable more than one episode before he becomes Crispon

She ought to help Sam burn some calories. There's no way he's still that fucking fat.

she should probably work on burning some calories herself before worrying about sam

I recall him losing a lot of weight in the books

This. Night's Watch was living on rations and they went beyond the Wall. Sam should be skinny as fuck.

>Martin is involved in all four, co-writing at least two of them.
If you think that fatty is actually writing the books, I have a bridge to sell you. He doesn't give a shit about finishing the series. He's cucking you right now. All he cares about is fan adoration and sleeping with cosplayers.

>Bad guy
Also kys incest scum.

>samwell tarly will be the warden of the south after next episode

hes not fat just big boned

>sleeping with cosplayers.
Can't blame that fat fuck. I'd do the same thing.

>scrolled down to the youtube comments again

I never learn

you mispelled wincest

>when your daughter accepts what you are, relieving 19 years of worry but then she is murdered literally 15 seconds later
Jaime never deserved this

Varys works for the Iron Bank

what happened to rickon & dickon gay emperors of essos?

>brown hands
Makes you wonder.

>Arab army comes led with a crazy Queen
>Puts the entire continent in flames.

jesus I think this show is legit redpilled.

literally nothing wrong with it, m8

How about something set during in Essos with more magic, or showing us what's happening in Yiti with their version of the Wall (5 Forts)

>“Why don the white cloak if you meant to betray all it stood for?“ Why? What could he say that she might possibly understand? ”I was a boy. Fifteen. It was a great honor for one so young.” “That is no answer,” she said scornfully. You would not like the truth. He had joined the Kingsguard for love, of course.

They got dicked

Robert was in love with another woman which started the entire rebellion only to find out that she died. His entire reasoning to fight was for naught.

Instead he was forced to become ruler of the seven kingdoms while he was never a good ruler because he was more of a fighter than a diplomat. Had to marry a woman whom he never had any connection with while still grieving the other and never getting over her.

Became an even worse drunk because of this and because he needs the battlefield and space.

I can't say I blame him for it.

What happens to the Dothraki when Dany wins the war?

It's not redpilled if they're celebrating it.

what's the difference between salt dorne, sand dorne, and stone dorne?

customs? race? aesthetic?

Literally what is the point of:

The Hound

They don't contribute anything to the story anymore.


>that fucking video


Well i would definetly sleep with that cosplayer. Can she act? Can she replace maisie in series8?

Dothrakis can't win against the ancestors of the white population.

they get sent beyond the wall now that the other savages are loyal to Jon


>The Hound
Do I even need to tell you?

ha ha it's time to blanda upp

He'll probably die serving Dany next season.
He played his part already. He's just there to give fans some satisfaction when he gets killed.
>The Hound
Are you retarded? He's literally going to have an arc where he saves his sister next season. He'll probably die trying. It's the ultimate redemption story.


How did they translate Davos' 'less/fewer' joke into other languages?

Bronn will become Azor Ahai and use the ballistae to fire lightbringer at the Night King's resurrected Viserion

i thought bronna and drogon should've died

*snaps fingers repeatedly*

Not wrong. Bronn or Jaime should have died a hero's death.