JSA Storytime: Batman and the Outsiders

Good evening owls of Sup Forums,

fuck this insufficiently Hawkaa world

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both omega men and vision got to #4 on the NYT list


>Supergirl: Being Super will be a four-issue series written by Mariko Tamaki, whose coming-of-age drama This One Summer, illustrated by her cousin Jillian Tamaki, won both Ignatz and Eisner Awards for best graphic novel, as well as receiving a Printz Honor and Randolph Caldecott Medal in 2015. Art on the series will come from Eisner Award-nominee Joelle Jones, co-creator of the fan-favorite Lady Killer and Helheim series. Set outside of regular continuity, the series will offer an updated take on Kara Zor-El's earliest days on Earth.
this is probably one of the books-by-nonwhite-people Didio mentioned

Yeah, and it means we're having the asinine "why do they kill things when they don't have true sales potential until the trade" discussion again, with zero consideration of cash flow/artist load on the "I want everything as OGNs" side of things.

I'll probably buy the trade but man I wish Jones was on something more interesting.

>fuck this insufficiently Hawkaa world

They kill things before they reach their full potential via trades because not every book cancelled is gonna have the writer slated to be on Batman lol

Being Super sounds pretty neat

I'm not terribly interested in a Supergirl origin story but I really like Jones' art and I'm curious about Tamaki's writing

>Geof-Force is all wet



That's a pretty high pedigree book, honestly. I like both Mariko and Jillian Tamaki, I think Supermutant Magic Academy is great.

Howdy OP.

So Daddy Stroke is gonna have abs so firm you can grate cheese on 'em, huh?


Mister Stroke #2 preview

Hello Storyteller.

>Supergirl coming-of-age drama
Excuse me while I procure a bucket in which to deposit all this upcoming vomit.

Why would you do this.

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DC announces 'Supergirl Being (...)
09/08/16(Thu)11:55:11 No.86116258
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09/08/16(Thu)11:58:53 No.86116316
(OP) #
>With this month's launch of a new ongoing monthly comic book and the debut of the second season of her television show next month, DC Entertainment's Supergirl is flying higher than she has in quite some time right now. This December, the character's profile will be raised even further with the launch of a new mini-series from an all-star creative team, retelling her origin story for a new generation.

>Supergirl: Being Super will be a four-issue series written by Mariko Tamaki, whose coming-of-age drama This One Summer, illustrated by her cousin Jillian Tamaki, won both Ignatz and Eisner Awards for best graphic novel, as well as receiving a Printz Honor and Randolph Caldecott Medal in 2015. Art on the series will come from Eisner Award-nominee Joelle Jones, co-creator of the fan-favorite Lady Killer and Helheim series. Set outside of regular continuity, the series will offer an updated take on Kara Zor-El's earliest days on Earth.

Ooh, more Von Eeden

Why tho?

>fuck this insufficiently Hawkaa world
Oh, you heard about that already?

you ok

Supergirl book by Tanjiu when?

Naming a story "Death of X" is pretty dumb unless it's a high A-lister like Superman.

My mistake

How does DC have a villain named "The Ghetto Blaster" and this is the first I'm hearing of it?


Thing is, if somebody is sufficiently low enough on the ladder, they could very well remain dead.

Sigil magically related, apparently Fox got the Black Lightning show

I wish Jones was on the regular series. I was not feeling the art in the first issue.

It should be "Death of everyone BUT Hawkman"

There's also this idea that a trade would save an ongoing, but I have seriously never seen a bump like that for anything outside of Saga, which is truly sui generis.

Yeah that #1 was very sketchy in a way I don't like, I'm more a fan of thicker inks I guess.

hooray for King!

that Supergirl thing has a GOAT creative team, I'm sad it's origin retelling.

But who comes out for a story specifically because a character they don't care about it going to die?

... how is a field goal going to help when they're down 5?

For real, that's the start of an Outsider's universe

So they can jump ahead to the next reincarnation, who isn't white, I assume?

Yeah I'm interested to see Omega Men's sales in general
Cause the main book ending at 8k and ending up having trade sales of like 5k would be pretty crazy

Vision already got 5k in 2 months on comichron so omega men might be able to

Hawkman's been dead before right? He'll be fine

I do kinda wonder if they're cleaning out Katar because they plan on bringing back Carter with the JSA

I would really go for a Hawkman mini that had a different reincarnation every issue.


Wait, what if Black Lightning is in the Gotham universe?

the hawks whole deal is reincarnation

lol, someone doesn't know football

Because Mike Barr isn't a football fan.

Or sucks at math.

I'm aware, user.

I hate Hawkman, so if he actually dies I may pirate that issue.

get the fuck out

Where do you think you are?

this is the worst description of a football game I've ever read

pls go

>if you don't like this shitty character you're not allowed to be here!!! >:(
kek, make me leave

>people are actually going to read this twee garbage
I will never understand how or why anyone likes Supergirl. The mere concept of her is just disgusting. She's the original comics waifubait for fucks sake.


Oh my god. They're multiplying.

That's still pretty low considering the fact that you're getting 12 issues for really cheap.

I've got chills.

Why bring it up HERE and not in the thread discussing it? OP's love of all things Hawk is well known. Its like going to PMIF user's thread and shittalking Iron Fist. What do you EXPECT to happen?

it's extremely high considering it's a big two book starring a bunch of nobodies

Nexus is so good guys. Mike Baron is still alive, why don't DC let him write something? Even now I would eat up something cosmic by him. We got Ostrander writing something!


Wow, this place really is Sup Forumsmblr. You guys literally just want a safe space, an echo chamber where no one is allowed to have dissenting opinions.

It's high considering it was a first solo ongoing for both the writer and the artist

If King weren't on Batman it probably wouldn't have charted

I don't understand why they would go to all this work to prop up such a boring character. Like, if you HAVE to have the Supergirl name for advertising's sake, at least give us one with good story potential like Red Lantern, n52 superschool student, or Matrix/Linda. Peej best Supergirl. Kara a shit from the very beginning with her first appearance advertising her like some fanfiction.net OC.
mfw 'best' autocorrected to 'breast'

It's not the content, but the delivery.

Could you just make a thread like you did for Catwoman when you got onto this?

Yeah, I've seen all this "this proves DCYou wasn't a failure if they'd just kept going with it" that isn't really taking into account the BY THE CURRENT WRITER OF 'BATMAN' factor

This is shaping up to be incredible, I'm going to be so sad when it crosses over with Titans...

Oh please. I've made it no secret that I hate Supergirl.

>Sup Forumsmblr
Considering you're the one spewing that phrase like a broken animatronic, I'd say you're the one trying to form an echo chamber, dipshit.

Katana best mom

i also thought it was slightly tongue in cheek

Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings?


IN HAPPIER NEWS, how the fuck did Transformers vs. G. I. Joe ever get made

Loebsgirl was a shit, this is true.

Sterling Gates should be the permanent Supergirl writer.

>Considering you're the one spewing that phrase like a broken animatronic
>ctrl+f "Sup Forumsmblr"
>two results

I guess... I don't know, I was jsut hoping for trade sells to be incredible and not just "great". Vision debuted at #4 too, didn't it? by comparison, it's the same writer but you're getting better writing, better art and more content for only about 2 dollars more.

I can't even think of what Super Powers is gonna be

besides the best

>Omega Men
>better than Vision

It is.

how is it even real

>Katana best mom

Well yes, clearly.
But let's address the fact that Geo-Force appropriated Superman's narrative introduction like it was so much Daddy kink.

These threads were once an oasis in the heaps of shit, anons.

Yeah, but OP is a faggot

I can't tell if you've all just been lucky at guessing when it's me talking, or if I suddenly have a bunch of impersonators.

Let me put it in more certain terms: Shut the fuck up. You're an annoying cunt with shit taste, and nobody wants you here.

I know you're a bunch of DC fanboys but geez.

>Respecting the opionions of a man who hates Cyclops.

Vision is good but overrated, some Grayson issues are better too.

>Shut the fuck up. You're an annoying cunt with shit taste, and nobody wants you here
That's mighty ironic coming from you of all people.

... Credit where it's due? You're getting creative now.

HI user

ho shit, they pushed QUENTIN NERDLY too far

I think those sales are pretty stellar

Writer that was basically unknown until he got put on Batman, artist that's never done ongoing work before, featuring characters that nobody has ever heard of? that book got on the list just by virtue of being great, word of mouth and critical acclaim really helped it out

I mean, the trade COULD have sold like shit just like the floppies, that it's on the NYT list at all is pretty damn great

well it is!

Someone at IDW got real drunk?

Also Pirate Land in Water World?
Did MWB predict Kevin Costner's great albatross?


>well it is!
Shut the fuck uo, you literal roastie.

What? That's the first post I made in this thread. I stayed out of the thread discussing the mini because I don't care for Supergirl, but since it's being talked about here, I'm adding my own opinion to the conversation.

Quentin Nerdly's Robot Shark Revenge? Man, this book.

Someone had to get really drunk

it's great


what nice teeth he has

nice one m8

>Cranky thinks I'm copying him
You're just as much of a faggot as OP, even if your taste is good enough to know that vanilla Supergirl is a crap character.

Why couldn't it have been Supergirl: This One Summer instead of an origin story...again? Hell, why even give Supergirl a mini instead of putting these two really great creators on a more unknown character that's not getting any love?


I miss my doggus so much

still salty about that exclusive? Don't worry, two weeks from now you can shitpost in the Batman storytime thread about how Tom king is shit and his Batman run is the worst ever.