Season 1

Season 1
>Rick: They're just robots, Morty! It's okay to shoot them! They're robots!
>blows off aliens leg
>Morty: They're not robots Rick!
>Rick: It's a figure of speech, Morty. They're bureaucrats. I don't respect them.
Season 3

What went wrong
What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

jokes vs ad-lib


SJW invaded the writing staff and dan harmon is spewing his shitty life story into it

pickle rick is too deep for you to understand

That was quick

False equivalency. there were silly butt jokes and fart jokes at season 1 of Rick&Morty too

This was also in the pickel rick episode:
>Rick, the only connection between your unquestionable intelligence and the sickness destroying your family is that everyone in your family, you included, use intelligence to justify sickness. You seem to alternate between viewing your own mind as an unstoppable force and as an inescapable curse. And I think it’s because the only truly unapproachable concept for you is that it’s your mind within your control. You chose to come here, you chose to talk to belittle my vocation, just as you chose to become a pickle. You are the master of your universe, and yet you are dripping with rat blood and feces. You enormous mind literally vegetating by your own hands. I have no doubt that you would be bored senseless by therapy, the same way I’m bored when I brush my teeth and wipe my ass. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining, and cleaning is it’s not an adventure. There is no way to do it so wrong you might die. It’s just work. And the bottom line is, some people are okay going to work, and some people… well, some people would rather die. Each of us gets to choose.

fuck off Sup Forums activist, the scripts were picked because the staff liked them

I like how people thought this shitty monologue affected the family even slightly since they decided to just go get stupidly drunk immediately after

That same episode in season 1 was about Rick smuggling giant seeds off a planet by shoving them up Morty's asshole. There are shit jokes and decent jokes throughout.

I liked the stuff with Danny Trejo in the newest episode.

yeah i bet the staff liked them, all the great writers who made the show popular have left and been replaced by SJW cunts who suck dan harmons shrivelled dick

Though I don't think the line was funny or really fit in the episode at all, you're a retard if you think it didn't affect the characters.
They left the therapy place all smiling and as a less dysfunctional family. Morty even asks if they'll be going back.

season 1
>reddit humour
season 3
>full meme mode

I like the show but season 3 is fucking shit

>less dysfunctional family
>the kids didn't get any help whatsoever despite the therapy being for them
>they get ignored the whole episode
>the adults decide to drop the kids off at home and go get wasted instead of maintaining their relationships like suggested
Getting wasted is not maintaining, it's an adventure where you go to get fucked up and see where your inhibition free mind takes you

Anyone else think Rick's miniature nigger-rigged biological exoskeletons made from roaches and rats were kinda neat?

Why does Rick turn himself into a 'Pickle Morty'?
I just can't figure this out.
He says
>I turned myself into a 'Pickle Morty'
Is he a pickled Morty? Why would he turn himself into a Pickle Morty. I don't get it.

I don't get why they'd have to make an overarching plot. the how would've been a lot better if the episodes were standalone



I like R&M but I think last episode was pretty ehh.

The premise of the pickle is ok, because of the preposterous nature of the show, but the moment Rick moved from the sewers to the building with Russians it became (ironically) too much lolrandom and unconnected.

I actually enjoyed the therapy scenes more.

The Pickle Rick episode pissed me off.

It tried to relieve the need for actual jokes by just filling the episode with gore / action scenes.

>0:27 minutes
lol you are a little baby

>The Richshank Rickdemption

>everyone who disagrees with my insane ideological cult is from Sup Forums
>99% of people disagree with me, therefore they are nazis

I have bad news for you, user.


Pickle Rick is what Sup Forums thinks Rick and Morty is

>99% of people disagree with me, therefore they are SJWs
I have bad news for you, user.

I don't get why people are just now mad that R&M is random humor

It's been like that since the start, in fact the more straight forward episodes have been the most boring imo because it could be any cartoon

It says that women can also be smart.

Honestly, Picke Rick episode wasn't that bad, if you ingore the therapy stuff

How does it feel watching your insane SJW retardation being attacked from all sides?

I'm a liberal. You made an enemy out of liberals. You are so far fucking out in retard land that you are enemies with liberals, moderates and conservatives simultaneously.


He's not just a pickle, he's a Pickle Morty.

>99% of people disagree with me, therefore they are SJWs
I have bad news for you, user.

Author self-inserts and lolsorandum violence aside, the only thing that really bothered me is that they never made a joke about him being caught in a pickle.

pickle rick is easily a top 5 rick and morty episode.

y'all are just a bunch of miserable fucks who hate on everything.

I think the scripts this season are really relying in existential and nihilistic philosophy and themes that is going over the heads of a lot of the kids who like the ludicrous spectacle of the show. The folks I watched with were of two mi D's about this episode - those who dig thinky humor loved it, those who I wouldn't peg as running out to buy a literary novel didn't like anything other than the pickle rat action. Sure, you'll say that sounds elitist if you are the second type. That figures. I thought it was great. A ton of effort is going into these scripts this season. It shows. They have to be careful to maintain a balance, though, as relying on subtext and and Psych and philosophy humor might be alienating the Average Joe Sixpack crowd.

Xavier RA is the better show

>Taking an [adult swim] cartoon seriously
Kill yourselves

I lolled when Beth accused Dr. Wong of having a racist name.

You're a fucking faggot for doing that, the maudlin faux-poignant 'Morty staring into the middle distance whilst soft piano + indie vocals style music plays in the background' bits are the absolute worst thing about this show
I unironically fucking hate you you pretentious gobshite moron

>he didn't realise the post he replied to was mocking the people who really think that

That was the only joke I smiled at

Nothing about what he said was SJW. Don't act like people weren't prepping themselves up for six months on this board to hate this episode just because a woman wrote it. A female psychologist doing her job is not SJW anything.

t.normal Sup Forums and reddit user

Female writers

haha yeah i agree. I recently finished my PHD at harvard for theoretical physics and i love educating my lesser minded friends on this show. They just don't understand how deep this show really is, i smirk in joy when i tell them about the subtle undertones of existential and nihilistic philosophy that they are missing out on because of how stupid they are, haha.

Why is everyone so autistic about this show? Not that I don't enjoy the shitposting.

Kill your self. You have to be 18 years old to post here.


Because the shitposting is almost indistinguishable from the unironic posting, it's really fun to pile on.

Because it is a physical manifestation of reddit. The only people that actually watch this shit are millennials, fedora tipping atheists and strawman nihilists that think the show is witty and deep in some way because it parodies all the sci-fi and pseudo-scientific bullshit they watch and read up on. Though i'm even kinda suprised there because literally 90% of it is either toilet humor or "lol god isn't real". It's not even trying to deliver it in a funny way.

This quote would literally kill me if it wasn't a ruse cruise but the "nothing personnel" gives it away sadly

>Season 1
Preddy Gud. With some more refined writing, it could have acsended to God status
>Season 2
Writing suddenly dips, but that's normal. Still a few good episodes, but tainted by some painfully unfunny ones. Hopefully it will turn around.
>Season 3
lul so randumb humor

As soon as Dan Harmon put his name on it, it was destined to suck ass.

The episode had no real content. It was just filler scenes.
I got a bad feeling when Rick said "it's getting darker" in the episode before. Like they can't come up with jokes and content so they just try to be edgy.

I bet you didn't get Rickmancing the Stone though you pleb.


>your mind within your control
but free will is an illusion

I liked it too. Wish there was no therapy bullshit and more exoskeleton bits. We want to watch Rick do cool sci fi stuff, not endure an sjw self-insert with a shit monologue.

I've noticed they've stripped out a lot of the characters' unique mannerisms and speech patterns.

whats pissing me off is the lack of sci fi and just rick and morty being together

This was actually a somewhat profound statement regarding therapy and high intelligence.

Shame it'll never be acknowledged because of a writers political beliefs and odd self insert.

All you did was prove his last comment you filthy little Sup Forumsack...

Self insert monologue exposition character

Why is 4ch so paranoid?
Why do you see SJW and librarians everywhere?

>RandM is INSANE liberal propaganda

user... I....

Sup Forums as a whole sorta isn't, but Sup Forums is certainly is.

And now they have an active colony on this board.

Who names these?

>___ thinks an episode of a show is representative of that show
Wow, no shit.

desu couldn't even handle the Rick part that episode either, I know he always was a Gary Stu, but fucking hell put some limits on what he can do.
>makes a fucking exoskeleton built with carcasses as a fucking pickle in a couple hours

now i can't see how he ever will be in a pinch again.

>locked in a room with only dust while gagged, eyes covered and limbs stuck
>builds a dust-portalgun just by screaming in the right frequencies

when were they ever wrong?


just let it die already

And thanks to diversity hires all those staff members are dumb cunt feminists.

rick and morty is a fucking cartoon, the characters arent real and neither are their problems. rick is an arrogant asshole because he was written to be that way, not because of 'deep rooted psychological issues hurr durr im so smart i can quote psych books'.

>no Jerry Smith

Terrible episode because Jerry is the glue that holds the show together. Without him the show falls apart.

You don't need a reason to watch a cartoon. It's got cool setting and sci fi. It's visually appealing and has a comedic pace, while being playfully irreverent. People can easily watch it without letting its jokes and wounded characters define them. Don't be obtuse.

Filler? What do you think the show is about? A mini-adventure of cartoon fighting, and characters being stupid in front of a psychologist are definitely content. What scene were you waiting for that you didn't get?

>using the self-interest character as your example of good Season 3 writing

The thing is that it´s not a terrible episode. It has good moments and a bunch of jokes that landed well. The only thing that annoys me (and the reddiest moment) is that Pickle Rick didn´t spill the guts and bath in the blood of that fatty cat. Instead, the episode choose the easy way: insects and rats. Overall, not the worse episode of Rick and MOrty, but pretty forgettable.

How is the character sjw or a self-insert? Explaining in clear terms exactly how the main cast approaches life, and then showing them taking that knowledge and move forward not caring, is both comedic and par for the course for the show's heartstring pulling.

Is Xavier Renegade Angel worth checking out?

Which is why the characters took the professional attempt at character analysis and comically tossed it out in favor of drinking and acting like a cartoon. That's the joke. Soranden's careful analysis means nothing to them and doesn't properly apply in a cartoon.

Good point.




>literally 90% of it is either toilet humor or "lol god isn't real"
"god isn't real" was only said once in the entire first season.

no, dont get memed into givin it a shot, its rather bad. Try Space ghost instead


also the writers became so concerned with retaining quality and not looking like hacks they made the jokes shitty on purpose instead of by accident, huge fucking cucks

That was technically the pilot :^)

its clearly meant to be that the therapist is correct and rick and his daughter are ignoring it because they cant deal with their problems.


Name a more pathetic, cancerous fannase

Fuck you I loved that sauce.


this just feels like such a convoluted way to explain an idea that's pretty straight forward throughout the show

Because it felt like a redditor SJW freshman psych major's fantasy instead of a real interaction. It was jarring and didn't fit the tone of the episode.