ITT: underrated villains that always get sidelined by shitty overrated villains

ITT: underrated villains that always get sidelined by shitty overrated villains

Scarecrow is awful. He was good in AK but that's it.

He's not good because anytime he has potential, it gets wasted

see pic related

He's a one trick pony. how many stories can someone write about facing your fear? shit gets boring. I don't want to read about him making a group of people shit themselves out of fear because his fear whatever is even stronger this time or some shit a hundred times in a row

I would totally read a story where Scarecrow develops a fear toxin so powerful it makes it's victims shit themselves.

Because DC have shit writers that can't do anything but gimmicks

What they need to do is not nerf his fear toxin in the first place with some bullshit "cure" or whatever, and instead treat it like some hardcore drug he forces on people that has no positive side effects.

The idea of literally being injected with a syringe full of nightmares could totally stand on it's own in multiple stories if capeshit writers weren't total hacks. His gimmick could be comparable to those bug chaser fetishists who 'gift' people with HIV just to get off, only instead of an STD he shares debilitating mental illnesses with his carefully chosen victims. And making Batman just face his fears isn't enough either - he needs to worry about other people's reactions, too. Mass hysteria prompted by a lone terrorist who's just trying to pull off a radically unethical social experiment. PTSD victims melting down, or lashing out violently when they're forced to relive the worst horrors of their lives again. Fuck, just think of "Dreams in Darkness" - he could be the catalyst for some great psychological horror-dramas without even doing much between the bookends of the story.

And that's not even mentioning what Scarecrow could do to be scary even without his toxin. He should be a deep-in-the-shadows kind of guy, scarier than Joker by a mile but merely less active (or high profile), like a gangly tarantula hiding idly in his spider hole most of the time. He's almost a joke villain in that respect, especially when he's just making cameos. There should be way more hype behind the so-called "Master of Fear", especially so since he could get away with a lot more shit in his fear tactics than Batman can.

Holy shit that was well thought out

Fuckin saved user


The problem with Scarecrow is that 95% of his stories are described by this image bar small details.

Crane's design and voice from Arkham Knight would fit pretty well with what you described, but they fucked that up too by shoehorning in the Joker virus shit.


Any Batman villain not Joker or Rah's gets fucked over every time. Even fucking Bane doesn't get the love he deserves.

All they need to do is focus on Crane's competence as a chemist. He becomes Gotham's top supplier of new narcotics, using that to gain influence over the criminal underworld. The fear gas becomes more of a weapon when he sees someone is getting out of line.

Bane got a decent amount of love for at least the first half of Arkham Origins.

>focus on Chemistry
>not psychology

Guy doesnt hold a candle to Heatwave

Dr Phosphorus.

>Creates a chemical that immediately triggers a neurological reaction

Only to be undermined by the Joker. Fuck, even Nolan cut him off with fucking Talia. Nigga needs some recognition.

> superior Goblin.
> storming Norman always featured as THE GUY.
> gets regulated to very few appearances.
> been only caught once.
> is about to be written by HOPELESS.

What the fuck did this character do to get this shitty a fate?

Technically your both right.
it's called Drug Therapy or psychopharmacotherapy if you wanna be fancy.

Don't worry, he gets enough love right here.

underrated post

It's always about Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Mirror Master and Trickster. Those guys are great, but Weather Wizard doesn't really get his time to shine that often.

Which one are we talking about? We're at about six at this point.

>literally shitting on the greatest batman villian ever
Nigga, do you know how many stories he could be involved in and has been already? Its not all about fear gas with him.

>greatest batman villian ever
No one's shitting on Riddler, though

really, ANY Gotham villain is underrated and sidelined relative to Joker.

>Scarecrow is a one trick pony

It's ironic, Joker used to have a pretty versatile gimmick before DC rebranded him into a "twisted fucking psychopath" to the point where he can't even be funny now without sounding like an edgy 16 y/o faggot miraculously made competent for the plot.

And while we're on the topic of wasted potential, fucking Two-Face. He's had a few different iterations that's done him fair justice, but for the bulk of his existence the writers just managed to fuck them up every time, or undo progressions in his character development that really make his struggles feel futile and pointless.

The based one of course. The original.

he's supposed to be more fucked up
Heat wave is pyromaniac,but he cares about other things too,but FF is supposed to only care about fire

Scarecrow has always had a criminal amount of potential that DC never plays on for some reason. Fear is such a beautifully versatile subject that could be played out in hundreds of ways. There could be stories about Scarecrow trapping people in elaborate mazes, intricately layered with their different fears at different junctions and having him observe their reactions as a psychologist. They could have stories of Scarecrow psychologically stalking and taunting many different DC heroes AND villains with their own personal fears and failures to incapacitate them while ruling over gotham by blackmailing mob bosses in the same manner. Scarecrow stories should focus on how well Scarecrow can intimately get inside someone's head and bring out their insecurities, bringing them to their knees not by force, but by their own mental weaknesses. He is a psychologist after all.

But for some reason all Scarecrow stories are literally He just makes a TOTALLY BETTER GAS this time and it will DEFINITELY work on Batman!

If DC wants to fix Crane at this point, they need to do stories about what HE can do, not the gas. They don't have to take out fear gas entirely, but it needs to be an auxiliary weapon he uses. His entire plan shouldn't revolve around if he can get Batman to breathe fear gas because as we've seen in multiple movies/video games/TV shows, Batman still wins even if he is gassed anyway.

I really like this design for scarecrow desu, the needles are actually kinda creepy.

I did absolutely love the one episode of the New Batman Adventures where he actually went around dosing people with a drug that made them utterly fearless, causing chaos as ordinary shlubs were suddenly swinging from buildings and driving like maniacs all out of shits to give. He even nearly turned Batman into a murderer by removing his fear of the consequences.

>Fear is the glue that holds society together

the filters jutting out of his lower jaw are too silly for me

>>Character is a fucking psychiatrist

as a kid, I always thought the Green Goblin was a knockoff, because Hobby was better dressed. GG's tunic looked more like a baby onesie, and he didn't even have a cape!

This. Hell, it's a problem with a lot of characters in DC and Marvel.

I felt the same way. Although it was mainly because I watched the Spider-Man cartoon (1994) and watched the Hob-Goblin episodes before I was introduced to the Green Goblin. I also had an issue where Spider-Man fights and unmasks him. pic related

Imagine a team up with him and Dr Psycho.


Scarecrow is supposed to be a pathetic loser that can only rely on his gas.
Not every Batman villain has to be turned into a super competent able to do everything mastermind like it happened to the Joker. The appeal of the Batman gallery is that those are all freaks that can barely be taken seriously, it's like a circus of crime. People like Scarface, Riddler etc.
Same reason why I prefer when Scarecrow's costume looks like a badly put togheter costume