What does Sup Forums think of Marion Cotillard?

What does Sup Forums think of Marion Cotillard?

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Her feet are decent, curvy arches and cute toes

very overrated actress with a fat face

Her death in TDKR was so convincing that I thought she was dead for real. Incredible performance, I got chills.

outstayed her allure and welcome. don't know much about her french career and reputation, maybe you can talk more about that OP

>Le fuck every male co-star she ever had actress

She does it for free too. At least whores charge money.

She is my waifu.

Looks like an even uglier Kat Dennings.


How to look like a cheap whore in one simple step.

She kind of ruined Macbeth for me

Did she get punched in the lips?

why doesn't she remove that ugly mole on her forehead?

How did you know?

solid actor.

Is her tits that big?

She has nice rape noises

you would never guess she was french

Worst picture ever

This happened for a role.


>she actually has that pimple

I though it was only for inception

it was so distracting

she's cool in my book, she cucked angelina

Only good thing she's been in and done is macbeth. Also not attractive

post pics then loser

Was good in Inception and Blood Ties.

Horrible in TDKR.

Cute in "A good year"

She had 6 billion plastic surgeries and she couldn't remove that fucking mole?

I thought she had brown eyes

she has an outtie pusy, idk why but im usually able to tell if theyre innie or outtie


I liked her Innocence

this thread reminds me of the cotillardfag who used to shitpost here back in 2013
he was pretty annoying

My ex looks like her ;_;

why is there no blu ray release of this? the biggest rip is a 7gb dvdrip and its such a fucking great film it should have a blu release

so..can she go back? Cuz i don't think she can just undo that

By looking like Angelina?

I was starring in a movie I will not name where she was a twist villian. She's a whore, trust me.

i feel for you user :/

This webm keeps me alive

Overrated with a disgusting mole on an already-ugly face.

What do I think of Marion Cotillard? I'll tell you. I think that attraction and love is futile. There's no point. We're all going to die anyway.

looks like a 6 but has huge sex appeal, same deal with brie larson


My, what large hands you have!

Liza de Sierra