Yfw everyone on tv is hating on the dothraki calling them shitskin savages, associating them with arabs

>yfw everyone on tv is hating on the dothraki calling them shitskin savages, associating them with arabs
>yfw you are hungarian so you always liked them because they kinda remind you of your ancestors
>yfw you see them as noble warriors and you know that they probably have a rich culture just like your ancestors did
>yfw ignorant westerners blinded by prejudice portray them as barbaric rapist animals

it'd be cool if we actually saw some of their culture beyond riding horses and pillaging. the dothraki have been an afterthought since season 1

Ignore the Sup Forumstards and take solace in the fact that they utterly crushed the lannisterfags.

they put widows in tents in a valley? i guess that's a culture

>Hungarian ancestors
>rapacious mongols
Sounds about right.

they're the Mongol horde who rekt europe and raped the shit out of whitey

as usual shitty white people whitewash them in media

lol stay mad savage

GRRM created a language for them, I dont remember what else he wrote about the dothraki in the books but it must have been more of them than what is shown in the show

>noble warriors
>rich culture

So you raped and enslaved. Congrats, you are literally African/Arab-tier.

it only took an ambush, overwhelming numbers and three dragons, what legendary fighters

If that's what they were actually like that'd be great but they are just dumb savages.

No one's projecting here but you user.

>yfw you see them as noble warriors and you know that they probably have a rich culture just like your ancestors did
hearty kek

Just ignore Sup Forumsfags they're just mad that it's dothrakis killing white people and Danerys burninf white people.

They're hypocrites anyways. They were happy when the Sept blew up. Hell I'mnsure they were even happy when Tyrion burnt Stannis' fleet

>bozgor thinking he has any sort of culture

yeah and cavalry vs infantry on an open plain

pretty lame fight

you mean the dragon did
the dothraki`s would have sucked lannister` cock if not for the dragon

>Sup Forums boogeyman

Awwww honeybun

your people can't fight, lil dacian boi

I'm not Romanian.

trianon best day of my life, remove magyar from the premises, budaPESTS not budapest ok

how dare you make that comparison to MY ancestors

read a history book

what book should i read? recommend me one pls, educated gentleman.