Plinkett was wrong

plinkett was wrong

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It's not a great movie but yea it's really far from the worst.

I should have capped my post the other day where I said I knew that once this Plinkett review dropped, Sup Forums wouldn't be able to help themselves in being contrarian and now trying to defend Ghostbusters.

You are predictable and autistic.

Your right he was wrong, Leslie is so horrifically ugly it was impossible to find her funny and normal.

it was just a prank

This is where contrarianism begins

This movie was trash, there's really no way of defending it. And despite what mike said the actresses were actually really bad, especially kate mckinnon. Since when is 3-4 women talking in eachothers mouths humour?

Yeah, he was. Spy was also shit.

>>kate mckinnon

Are they still pushing her? For a while it seemed like she was in every movie that come out.

he didn't even mention the fact that there obviously was supposed to be a giant dance scene in the end with all the possessed people, but audiences reacted so negatively to it they cut it completely. Instead all the people were just standing in a dance pose for 10 minutes in the background.

This video was an arduous task to get through. Not because of Plinkett or the points he was making, but because the movie itself was so fucking god-awful and cringeworthy. Just watching five seconds of any clip of it was almost too much for me to handle. Fuck Sony and everyone involved in this failed abortion. Hell, even a real abortion is funnier than Ghostbusters 2016.

Name 2 other movies she was in recently

The office party and Masterminds. Which also sucks. The problem is how comedy movies are done today.

they should have done it as a sequel instead of a "reboot".

2 women get out of work and after a night of heavy drinking decide to open a ghostbusters' franchise. they pick up the only scientist of the group. after she was fired from a local community college for doing something too dangerous in a lab session and it went viral on youtube. Token Black is picked up because she was the only one at the job fair to come to their booth.

tina faye script doctors.

i just fixed the movie.

Not only that. They took that cut footage of the dance number and put it in the ending credits, making everything even more confusing.

really? I didn't watch the credits, I had enough horror for one night

Either that, or they try to register the name Ghostbusters, but find out it's already taken. Trying to track down the owners of the name, they find an old, dilapidated firestation...

there's no expert on the paranormal in the group, so how would they have the technology?

Doesn't matter if it's a real sequel or reboot or whatever. Plinkett already pointed out the problem is Paul Fag flooding the movie with horrible improv.

Yup. I happened to watch it on a bus ride back home for the holidays. It was such a boring movie. Not even cringe worthy, just boring. Nothing was funny, the effects didn't wow me and that stupid 3D shit going over the black bars for the widescreen version was distracting.

If it were a sequel, the name Ghostbusters would probably be well known due to the two huge events they were part of that clearly would have made international news. Even in the first movie during the montage, it showed them getting media publicity.

All they had to do was have them get the franchise, get the parts to assemble their stuff, but throw in a twist that whatever they're dealing with is resistant to the proton packs and they gotta do something with the tech to make it work for them.

>decide to open a ghostbusters' franchise
That usually means that in addition to paying to work under the Ghostbuster name, they also pay for certain equipment (namely proton packs and traps) and instructions/training on the equipment/business.

Didn't Rough Night also just come out.

I enjoyed this movie. You guys just didn't give it a fair chance.
Sit down, watch it and I guarantee you'll like it.

>Ghostbusters 2016 is now Sup Forums-approved
colour me surprised, you contrarian cunts

>ye it wasn't that bad haha im so contrarian
It was nigh unwatchable, review or no review.

>women talking in eachothers mouths
Wait, how does that work? That sounds kind of hot, brosef

>implying it's not just all the reddit migrants

>All they had to do was have them get the franchise, get the parts to assemble their stuff, but throw in a twist that whatever they're dealing with is resistant to the proton packs and they gotta do something with the tech to make it work for them.
That wouldn't have changed anything of what was wrong with the movie. Like ampf said, you can't take the ghostbusters and turn it into half a Judd Apatow comedy and half an action flick.

I don't think even reddit would like this shit. This....... is the POWER...... of Sony.... whoah

You dipshits need to grow the fuck up

>he can't detect irony
how have you survived here for so long?

i was sad that Plinkett didn't tear Judd Apatow a new one really. He's responsible for comedy films no longer having solid scripts and relying on ad libbing for 90% of their jokes.

It got tired very quickly when Judd does it and now it has infected all other mainstream comedies. Imho he's the worst thing to happen to American comedy in decades.

I'm a gay little cuck and I love femdombusters

>And despite what mike said the actresses were actually really bad,
I think he meant that they've done funny stuff before, and without a director wrangling in the horse shit in lieu of ad libbing it wasn't really their fault.

>implying I'm going to give movieblob any views
You best check yoself, nigga. I ain't tryin to hear that shit.

Feig: "Alright gals, just improvise the scene. Aaaaand ACTION"

Actresses: *dancing*

Ironic, considering he just points a camera at Richard William Thomas Evans III, yells at him "be funny, you fat fuck!" and then uploads it to the internet.
Also having Jack in this was uncalled for, there should be a trigger warning in the description.

It was bad but it wasn't worth making a fucking extended review about it.

Hilarious how they're still butthurt that a couple of random feminists insulted them

>The only funny joke was delivered by Thor
Sad movie

yes it was.

Never forget.

>It was bad

He's not a Hollywood director being paid millions to start up a new franchise.